Author Topic: The Jones Random Town Jump: Complete  (Read 338439 times)

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 46 - Bubs and Bubbles"
« Reply #300 on: December 02, 2012, 09:19:39 PM »
Aww, super-cuteness! I was hoping that Barry would make a good daddy. Good luck to Ben on his skill challenge. Isn't that supposed to extend the lifespan a touch...? I don't want to see Ben go anytime soon. :(

Yes, that's the one. I don't want him to go either.  :(

Aww... Mandy is a cutie! Great update. ;D

Thanks Louise! I think most of the toddlers in this game are adorable (with the possible exception of Samoht's vampire toddler from a while back).

Mandy is so cute! What is up with the maid's hair color?! Great update!

Thanks Corey! That's Charlie, the premade maid for Lunar Lakes. He's got orange hair, white highlights and blue roots.

I knew it! I knew the Joneses were heading to Lunar Lakes! I've seen the skies there!  ;)

Fingers crossed for no more crashes. I'm actually playing a long-term game in Lunar Lakes, and I'm not having any problems so far. Have you considered using a crash analyzer to find out what's wrong? ( that is, if the crashing hasn't stopped )

And a big welcome to Mandy!

Good guess  :)! I think the crashing's under control now. I did consider the crash analyser, but I've never used mods and would probably ruin my computer trying to get it to work.

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 46 - Bubs and Bubbles"
« Reply #301 on: December 03, 2012, 06:52:35 AM »
Good guess  :)! I think the crashing's under control now. I did consider the crash analyser, but I've never used mods and would probably ruin my computer trying to get it to work.

Glad to hear that! Well, I don't use mods either but the crash analyzer is not a mod ( as far as I know ). You don't even have to install it onto your computer.

Is Kelley pregnant, by the way? I think I saw some maternity clothes!

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Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 46 - Bubs and Bubbles"
« Reply #302 on: December 03, 2012, 10:15:09 AM »
Libby's expression is so funny as she's looking at Hope's "great big dirty feet" on the table ;D

Mandy is adorable, I can't wait to see exactly how much she resembles Libby when she's older.

Offline Odinsdottir

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 46 - Bubs and Bubbles"
« Reply #303 on: December 03, 2012, 02:10:03 PM »
I'm so fond of Liberty.  Her wedding dress suited her perfectly and was beautiful.
x, EAOdinsdottir.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

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Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 46 - Bubs and Bubbles"
« Reply #304 on: December 03, 2012, 08:57:22 PM »
Glad to hear that! Well, I don't use mods either but the crash analyzer is not a mod ( as far as I know ). You don't even have to install it onto your computer.

Is Kelley pregnant, by the way? I think I saw some maternity clothes!

That sounds really good! I'll have to look it up.

Good catch  :). I had her and Courage try for a baby before they left. You'll meet their offspring around chapter [checks log] 49.

Libby's expression is so funny as she's looking at Hope's "great big dirty feet" on the table ;D

Mandy is adorable, I can't wait to see exactly how much she resembles Libby when she's older.

Liberty has that expression a lot  ;D. It cracks me up every time. I also happen to know exactly how much Mandy resembles her mother, shall I keep that as a surprise?

I'm so fond of Liberty.  Her wedding dress suited her perfectly and was beautiful.

Thanks Odinsdottir, that's really nice to hear.  :)

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #305 on: December 07, 2012, 03:34:24 AM »
Chapter 47 – The Unexpected

It’s another girl! This one's named Stella. I’ve posted a close-up because lately I’ve wondering if Sim babies look identical or have subtly different features. I’m 99% sure it’s the former, but even so I swear I see Liberty’s features on Stella already. I think I may be going insane.

Barry is still a very attentive parent. Almost every single wish he pops involves Mandy or Stella in some way. It doesn’t let him fulfil many midlife crisis wishes, but to Barry the happiness of his daughters is more important.

Barry and Liberty aren’t the only ones caring for the girls. Yes, Lisa's a doting grandma. I’m shocked! She’s never been at all dedicated to her family! In fact, lately she’s been using the “Criticise Family” interaction on other household members. It confuses me.

“Your kids are simply hideous! And don’t even get me started on that harpy you’re married to!”
“What? How DARE you say such things about my Lisa?!”

Now that he’s completed his Marathon Runner challenge, Ben mostly plays on the gyroscope conductor thingy. Like everyone else in the household, he’s terrible at spinning yet always inexplicably drawn to it.

Lisa sometimes watches him. It’d be sweeter if she’d stop pointing and laughing.

In an effort to share more conventional romantic moments, Ben and Lisa go for an outing to the Memories of Twinbrook park. They have a lovely afternoon reminiscing about their teenage years in the swamp.

Lisa reaches the top of her career (yay!) and throws an autograph session in the middle of the busy main road. I don’t see any problem with that-

There we go. Sorry Jax, I’m sure Lisa will help pry you out of that taxi as soon as she’s done talking to that adorable little-


“Now you will give me free tickets to your next concert. Yes you will. Look into my eeeeeyes…”

You know what makes this really scary? That little girl ISN’T a supernatural. *shudder* Moving on now!

Soon it’s time for Stella’s birthday party. Let’s see how she turns out.

Someone definitely takes after her father! Stella’s favourite things are soul music, cheese tofu steak, and spice brown. She was born with exactly the same traits as her grandfather – Grumpy and Insane. Is this going to run in the family?

Barry takes the opportunity to challenge some guests to ranked chess matches. He’s a Journeyman now and shows no signs of slowing.

Mandy stays inside because she's stuck in the potty chair. Like mother, like daughter.
(Note to self: I'm not sure why I put plushy white carpet in the nursery. In retrospect it doesn't seem very realistic.)

The next morning, Hope gets asked on a date by someone called Rudolpho Fresco. I decide there’s no harm in accepting a date for once because hey, both Sims are single. He provides a taxi to take Hope to the mysterious date location.

“Hey, are you Rudolpho? You seem nice and all, but did I really strike you as a trip-to-the-bookstore-at-seven-in-the-morning kind of girl?”

“Of course not, that’s why it’s so brilliant! A night at the Natatorium would be painfully predictable, and as a magician I’m adverse to the predictable. Did I mention I’m a Great Kisser too?”
“Well, when you put it that wa-AAAAARGH!”
“Miss Jones! What’s wrong?!”

“I think my arm just got sucked into another dimension! GET ME OUT GET ME OUT!”

Don’t worry, once Hope is rescued from the bookstore the date goes fairly well. I think these two are strangely cute together.

“Hey Rudy, bet you ten simoleons I can get this whole burger in my mouth.”
“Miss Jones! This is an extremely sophisticated restaurant!”
“Whoops, sorry!”
“No, no need to apologise. I meant it as a compliment. You are the epitome of the unexpected, my dear.”

“Thanks for the great morning, Rudy. When can I see you again?”
“When you-”
“Oh! When I least expect it, right?”

Yeah, just like my updates. See you all next time.  :)


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #306 on: December 07, 2012, 03:58:51 AM »
Hilarious update! I love your sense of humor. :D
Ben in his undies, lol!

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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #307 on: December 07, 2012, 02:22:22 PM »
HA! Lisa is as hilarious as ever, and so is Hope! It's nice to see Hope in what may eventually be a romantic relationship. She is such a fun character.

And WOW, are Mandy and Stella ever cute!

Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #308 on: December 07, 2012, 02:57:48 PM »
I always comment that a toddler is cute no matter what (just like in real life, it's simply the polite thing to say), but Stella really is one of the most adorable toddlers I've seen!

I'm so glad that Hope found someone to appreciate her...uniqueness.  She and Rudy really are cute together :)

And I totally loved all of the Ben in this update, he's still my favorite <3


Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #309 on: December 07, 2012, 04:50:50 PM »
That was a very funny update Ausette. I laughed for a little when I saw that creepy girl I swear she would make an awesome werewolf with those eyes.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #310 on: December 08, 2012, 11:58:51 PM »
Hilarious update! I love your sense of humor. :D
Ben in his undies, lol!

Thanks Louise. :) Ben's about a hundred now, and he still runs around in his underwear!

HA! Lisa is as hilarious as ever, and so is Hope! It's nice to see Hope in what may eventually be a romantic relationship. She is such a fun character.

And WOW, are Mandy and Stella ever cute!

Thank you Raia. I definitely have plans for Hope and Rudolpho.  :)

I always comment that a toddler is cute no matter what (just like in real life, it's simply the polite thing to say), but Stella really is one of the most adorable toddlers I've seen!

I'm so glad that Hope found someone to appreciate her...uniqueness.  She and Rudy really are cute together :)

And I totally loved all of the Ben in this update, he's still my favorite <3

Thanks Silverbella, I'm glad you like Ben and Rudolpho as much as I do  :).

That was a very funny update Ausette. I laughed for a little when I saw that creepy girl I swear she would make an awesome werewolf with those eyes.

Thanks Gogo, I definitely agree that she'd make a good werewolf! She has naturally silver eyes that are made even brighter by the Lunar Lakes lighting.

Here's a picture of Stella that I uploaded but didn't manage to work into the update. Doesn't she look exactly like Barry?


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #311 on: December 09, 2012, 03:00:01 AM »
She does look like him! I love the bow in her hair, too cute. :)

Offline Odinsdottir

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 47 - The Unexpected"
« Reply #312 on: December 11, 2012, 11:22:35 AM »
Ben is just adorable.
x, EAOdinsdottir.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #313 on: December 11, 2012, 11:29:29 PM »
Chapter 48 – Old Age

As much as she’d hate to admit it, Liberty’s getting older. She and her twin will be Adults soon. Of course, Hope insists on a party at a local bar, Six Pistons.

“Hope, this doesn’t look like a good place for a birthday. This looks like a place I’d investigate for work.”
“You haven’t even gone inside yet! Give it a chance for me?”

A chance is given, and all is well until Amelia Loveland and Stefan Bayless start tearing each other to shreds by the doorway.

“There’s a brawl behind me, isn’t there? Ugh. Now it’s my obligation as a police officer to break them up with the tools I have at hand.”

So she uses cake. It works like a dream.

…Until the same two Sims start brawling again.

“This is terrible! Hope, as the other birthday girl you’re morally obliged to grow up now.”

“Ew, do I have to?”
“Yes, Hope!”
“*sigh* Well, if it gets everyone back to the party quicker...”

Judging by the music notes, Hope’s chosen to whistle her candles out.

She grows up without too much drama, or so I think. Just as her midlife crisis hits, my camera view is dragged to the home lot, where Lisa is painting and babysitting the toddlers.

Oh no.

As if they know what’s coming, the guests at the party fall silent.

“Hey! Where are the mourners? The flowers? The loving family in tears around my deathbed?”
“I know that, you idiot! Why didn’t you wait for them to come home?”
“But they’re losing ME! Let them cry!”

Rest in peace, Alisa Jones-Brown Jones. You may not have been the best wife or mother, but you were heaps of fun and you made this generation possible. We’ll miss you.

“LISAAAAAA! My love! Oh Lisa, Lisa…”

Oh, Ben, I’m so sorry.  :(  I honestly wasn’t anticipating this much grief. Ben and Lisa had a fairly low relationship for a married couple, but he always cared much more deeply than he let on.

As the family mourns, the toddlers play on obliviously.

Gyaaah! Don’t stare at me like that when I’ve got Tab mode on! I don’t want to lock eyes with my virtual toddlers!

The next morning Ben gets a wish to leave the house, so I send him to the Memories of Twinbrook park. He stares at the lake for a moment, then runs outside the dome and does this:

“Curse you, Watcher! Why did you take my Lisa from me? Why? WHYYYY?

Ben, she was old! I had no control over the outcome. You’re lucky she lasted as long as she did.

Luckily, a passing civilian is friendly enough to console him. Ben goes home with just a little bit of that weight lifted off his chest.

It’ll be some time before he recovers, but at least in the meantime he has his family.

He watches on with pride at Mandy’s toddler-to-child birthday.

Mandy keeps her pigtails and gains the Technophobe trait. In this house? With that TV? I think you’ve picked the wrong generation, dear.

ARGH! Ben, are you OK?! You're not having stroke?


Oh. Like I said, he just needs a bit more time.

Offline JudesSims

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The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #314 on: December 11, 2012, 11:34:58 PM »
Poor Lisa. Goes with Grim all alone :(  Great update, Ausette!

