Author Topic: The Jones Random Town Jump: Complete  (Read 328991 times)

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 12 - Babies"
« Reply #60 on: September 21, 2012, 09:18:14 PM »
Chapter 12 – Babies

Alicia visits her boss to ask for a promotion. Instead, she comes home with a kitten.

I was going to wait for a purebred, but when I saw that one of Kirsten’s kittens was named “EvilGenius” I just had to have it. EvilGenius is Quiet and Non-Destructive. Since “EvilGenius” is a little generic, the kitten is renamed “Doctor Snow”.

Alicia dedicates a corner of her gym to her new pet. The gym’s a little cluttered now, but new kittens come first.

“Ah, Doctor Snow, my loyal protégé. You will be the companion and confidant that my sister could never be.”

A few days later, Doctor Snow grows into a weirdly-proportioned adult cat with a bizarrely podgy tummy.

Alicia loves her kitty anyway. It’s nice to see her bonding with other creatures for once.

The cat isn’t the only one aging up. Riley ages into toddlerhood during a small party attended by his entire family. His entire family except for Alicia, that is - she got arrested at work for like the fourth time that day.

Riley is friendly and Athletic, and his favourites are Hot Pink, Soul Music and Vegetarian Dim Sum. He seems to take after his mother, including the scourge of Diana’s hair colour (*sigh*), but with his father’s skin tone and crazy blue eyes.

In case you didn’t notice in the party picture, Sarah and Sebastian have been working on a sibling for Riley. They update the nursery with a new cot for the baby. Quick question: How many of you just scrolled up to check the party picture?

“Do you want to go for a hospital birth this time, Sarah?”
“No, I think I’d prefer another freakishly calm bedroom delivery.”

And that’s exactly what she did.

It’s another boy! This is Noah.

“Riley, honey, get away from the stairs!”

Apparently Riley is already jealous of his brother and takes to endangering himself for more attention. Watching the boys is a full-time job.

“Sarah, you’re a fantastic mother, but I think you’re starting to get a bit Stir Crazy. Why don’t you take a night off? I can watch the kids.”
“That’s a wonderful idea. Thank you, Sebastian.”

Why did I offer to do this?” *sob*

“Looks like someone forgot to pay the bills! “

Arrgh! How did I miss the little warning? I’ve never missed it before!

Etana, the Repowoman, takes Alicia’s fancy stereo as payment. Eh, no biggie.

Then, to my horror, she heads upstairs and repossesses a photo of Diana and Johnny. Hey, those Sims are going to die soon! How dare you steal their beloved family's memories of them?

Since there’s a Simfest on, Sarah and Sebastian take the boys down to the park to get a little fresh air and culture.

Neither of the boys have left the house before. Poor little Riley is terrified.

Noah, on the other hand, gets so excited by the performers that he grows up on the way home from the park.

Noah’s favourites are Orange (another one), Tri-Tip Steak, and Kids music. His traits are Hates the Outdoors and Couch Potato, which are going to clash with his father’s and brother’s traits respectively. Sibling rivalry is off to an early start with these two. It’s all Riley can do to keep up.

Riley! How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from the stairs?”

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 12 - Babies"
« Reply #61 on: September 22, 2012, 06:42:08 AM »
I've been reading since the beginning, and I really enjoy this story!

Doctor Snow's pudgy tummy had me in stitches. I hope the boys will get along!
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Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 12 - All That Glitters"
« Reply #62 on: September 22, 2012, 08:12:06 AM »
Chapter 13 – All That Glitters

Raising two toddlers at once is hard work. The entire household contributes to teaching them to walk, talk, and use the potty. Even Alicia chips in.

“Hello, child. Do you want to stand up for me?”

“That’s a good boy. I wonder why Sarah has so much trouble with this?”

Johnny is getting on a bit in years. He’s 93 days old and has a full life bar.

“Sarah! Sebastian! Do you want to see some pictures of my grandchildren? They’re very cute, you know!”
“Er, sure Dad.”

When it's time for Riley's birthday, Sarah takes up the Jones family tradition of hosting a party.

To my utter astonishment, one of the guests is a unicorn! Can we say “best toddler birthday party ever”?

...Or not.

Okay, now this is just getting bizarre. Johnny must be quite some Sim to be seen off by the Grim Reaper, a unicorn, and Will Wright. In fact, now I kind of want to go that way myself.

“Wow, what an entourage! I can’t believe this, sir. Thank you. Is there any way I could show how much this means to me?”
“Not a chance. Sorry.”

Rest in peace, Johnny.

Meanwhile, Riley grows up just in time to miss his grandfather’s death and doesn’t even get the “Mourning” moodlet. How courteous of Johnny to die early and spare him.

Riley gains the Rebellious trait to go with Friendly and Athletic. I think he's going to have trouble sitting quietly in school.


Sarah and Diana get stuck in a sort of infinite party loop and can’t stop celebrating. I manage to fix them with the resetsim cheat, but I now I feel kind of guilty because I think their manic cheering was a coping mechanism for dealing with Johnny’s death.

The next few days are hard for everyone. Yes, that includes me.  :(

“Mum, I miss him so much.”
“I know, sweetie, I know. But your father wouldn’t want us to be sad like this. You have to be strong for him, Sarah.”
“*sniff* It’s just I keep remembering how you used to hate me but back then I didn’t care because Dad was always there for us instead.”
“Sarah. I know I can be superficial at times, but even though I don’t like kids I’ve never hated you or your sister. You’re a beautiful strong young woman and I know you can get through this. You have children who need you and a family who loves you. Do you hear me, Sarah?”
“…I think so. Thanks, Mum.” *sob*

Sarah’s has her Adult birthday, but she doesn’t feel like making a fuss about it. She doesn’t even get a Midlife Crisis. She just does her thing and goes straight back to bed.

“I can’t believe Johnny’s gone and I’m never gonna see him again!” *sob*

“Who am I kidding, I miss Johnny more than anything!” *wail*

Eventually, the family starts to heal. Diana even pops up some wishes to be romantic with a co-worker.

Riley gets put on muffin duty. One can never have too many muffins.

Soon it’s time for Noah to join his brother in primary school. The family sets up a cake for him downstairs.

Noah, of course, grows up on the nursery floor. Like mother, like son.

Our Outdoors-Hating, Couch Potato toddler gains the Grumpy trait to go with his stellar personality. He’s almost the exact opposite of his brother. Oh, boy. It's going to be a struggle raising these two together.

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 13 - All That Glitters"
« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2012, 01:40:23 PM »
I loved the updates! I really like the idea of siblings being opposite of each other. Sarah and Alicia were ( and are! ) so fun to watch, so I can only imagine how Riley and Noah will be! Though I think you made a mistake when you said "Riley gains the Rebellious trait to go with Friendly and Loves the Outdoors", because at his toddler birthday you said he was Friendly and Athletic?
Happy birthday everyone and Goodbye, Johnny!

Quick question: How many of you just scrolled up to check the party picture?

I did!  ;D


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 13 - All That Glitters"
« Reply #64 on: September 22, 2012, 03:21:11 PM »
R.I.P Johnny. I also scrolled back. ;)

Offline cndneh

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 13 - All That Glitters"
« Reply #65 on: September 22, 2012, 03:40:58 PM »
ha!  I scrolled up as well.  Quite the party guests, Grim and a Unicorn!

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 13 - All That Glitters"
« Reply #66 on: September 22, 2012, 07:44:50 PM »
I've been reading since the beginning, and I really enjoy this story!

Doctor Snow's pudgy tummy had me in stitches. I hope the boys will get along!

Thanks MissPlumbob! I'm always excited to find out who my readers are. :)

I loved the updates! I really like the idea of siblings being opposite of each other. Sarah and Alicia were ( and are! ) so fun to watch, so I can only imagine how Riley and Noah will be! Though I think you made a mistake when you said "Riley gains the Rebellious trait to go with Friendly and Loves the Outdoors", because at his toddler birthday you said he was Friendly and Athletic?
Happy birthday everyone and Goodbye, Johnny!

Would you believe it was a complete coincidence that the siblings' traits turned out that way? I never have any idea what personalities these Sims are going to have, and that makes it fun.  :)

Whoops, you're right about Riley's traits! I'll go and fix that now. Riley is Athletic, not Loves the Outdoors.

R.I.P Johnny. I also scrolled back. ;)
ha!  I scrolled up as well.  Quite the party guests, Grim and a Unicorn!

I knew you all would! ;)

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Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 14 - Minnows and Mourning"
« Reply #67 on: September 23, 2012, 12:36:35 AM »
Chapter 14 – Mourning and Minnows

“That’s strange. I could swear I heard a ringing noise, but I never set my alarm clock. I wonder what caused that.”


“Mum, what’s going on? Mum?”

“MUM! No! Please don’t leave us like this!”
“It’s OK, Sarah. Remember what I told you. Be strong and look after the boys for me. I’ll see you again one day, darling.”



The family is devastated, but life must go on.

“Do you know what helps me cope with grief? PILLOW FIGHT!”

Seriously, Sebastian? Of all the autonomous interactions you could have used at that moment you chose to smack the reaper with a pillow? Little Noah is traumatized.

Doctor Snow gets quite depressed by all these deaths. Pets don’t really get enough positive moodlets to balance out the Mourning one.

Cuddles make everything better, though.

The kids bury themselves in school and friends to drown out their grief. Given all their clashing traits, they get along surprisingly well. It’s cute seeing them do their homework together.

Since there’s now a free bedroom in the house, Sarah and Sebastian make the decision to have another child.

Shortly after that, Sebastian becomes an elder. You know, I think this is the first Starlit Shores birthday that Alicia isn’t in prison for.

Since he's not going to be around forever, Sebastian decides to take the kids to a concert for a family outing.

It apparently makes quite an impression on them, since both boys pop the Vocal Legend Lifetime Wish on the way out. They’re still a bit young for Lifetime Wishes though, so I deny them for now.

“Riley, your mother will probably go into labour soon and we think it would be best if we make the house as peaceful as possible. Do you think you could do us a favour and spend the day out with your brother?”
“But Dad, today’s my birthday!”
“I know. That’s why, as a special treat, I’ve organised for you boys to go fishing!”

“Noah Noah Noah! We’re going fishing!”

Noah is less than thrilled.

“Riley, are there sharks in the water?”
“I hope so!”

“Not even close, Noah. Jeez.”

When it’s time for Riley’s birthday, he and Noah have a little celebration at the park. I’m sure that’s not annoying the poor proprietor at all.

Riley gains the Mooch trait, just like his mother. Also, you can’t really tell from this picture, but he’s got himself some wicked hot pink pants.

Meanwhile, Sarah is giving birth to her third child. In a twist on events, she actually looks like she might be feeling pain.

At the end of a very long day, Sarah gives birth to a beautiful (albeit slightly creepy) girl called Savannah Jones.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 14 - Minnows and Mourning"
« Reply #68 on: September 23, 2012, 01:41:41 AM »
Welcome to Savannah. R.I.P Johnny and Diana! I really like Sarah's maternity outfit and Sebastian's elder one. Great updates.
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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 14 - Minnows and Mourning"
« Reply #69 on: September 23, 2012, 06:20:35 AM »
Yay! Another nooboo! Welcome, Savannah!  :)

Offline Audren

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 14 - Minnows and Mourning"
« Reply #70 on: September 23, 2012, 08:30:06 AM »
Welcome, Savannah! I can kind of see Riley's pants, but I can't wait to see them in full!  ;D

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 14 - Minnows and Mourning"
« Reply #71 on: September 24, 2012, 01:35:46 AM »
Mourning is always hard on Sims, but at least Savannah has come along to ease it. Very entertaining chapter! Riley has matured to be a quite handsome teenager. ;)
Check out my new story here!

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 14 - Minnows and Mourning"
« Reply #72 on: September 24, 2012, 02:18:32 AM »
Welcome to Savannah. R.I.P Johnny and Diana! I really like Sarah's maternity outfit and Sebastian's elder one. Great updates.

Thanks Gogo. I do love designing outfits.  :)

Yay! Another nooboo! Welcome, Savannah!  :)

I have too many nooboos! I don't know what I'll do when the heir gets married and has kids because I won't want to move anyone out to make room.  :P

Welcome, Savannah! I can kind of see Riley's pants, but I can't wait to see them in full!  ;D

You will very soon.  ;)

Mourning is always hard on Sims, but at least Savannah has come along to ease it. Very entertaining chapter! Riley has matured to be a quite handsome teenager. ;)

Thanks, MissPlumbBob! I think Riley looks exactly like Sarah and Diana, except for his colouration.

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 15 - Girls"
« Reply #73 on: September 24, 2012, 03:05:44 AM »
Chapter 15 – Girls

After his birthday Riley sneaks out to the beach bar for some fun. It’s there that he meets Tammie Best.

“Hey stranger, what's your name?”
“I’m Riley. Do you come here often?”
“Yeah, this is where I go when I need to get out of my house for a bit. I have so much homework to do and everyone at home is just so loud all the time!"
“Oh, I know the feeling! Maybe I can help you with your homework?”
“That sounds great. You’re a breath of fresh air, Riley.”

They spend the night solving algebra problems together and discussing life in general. The more Riley gets to know his new friend, the more he likes her.

I’ve decided I rather like Tammie as well. She’s got a Good Sense of Humour and she’s hilariously un-photogenic.


Amazingly, Riley doesn’t get dragged off by the cops for breaking curfew. Maybe his Rebellious spirit gives him an advantage in evading authorities.

Riley’s mum and dad don’t catch him either, but that’s probably because they’re preoccupied with little Savannah.

You’ll notice that Sarah is wearing her fancy sleepwear now. I thought she’s want to feel pretty after the birth of her third child, but in reality all it’s done is ruin a few touching screenshots.

See what I mean? That loving glow in Noah’s eyes just isn’t as cute anymore.

I know Alicia’s been in the background for the last few chapters (mostly because she gets arrested nearly every night), but I assure you she’s doing well. She gets promoted up to Henchman and becomes BFFs with Doctor Snow.

Alicia wins a holiday for the adults and leaves the kids alone for two days, and it just so happens that Riley is having a mood swing at the time. You know what that means, right?

It’s time to party!

Riley’s party has a surprisingly good turnout. This morning, the only teen he knew was Tammie.

“So Tammie, I know we haven’t known each other very long but I think you’re really pretty and I was hoping you would go to the dance with me. What do you say?”

“You’re inviting me to the dance because of my looks? The nerve of you! What kind of girl do you think I am? I'm so going to snub you from now on!”
“…Is that a no?”
“Of COURSE it’s a no!”
“Fine! In that case, I’m snubbing you too!”

Oh dear, now Tammie and Riley Dislike each other. Who knew she’d be so mad about an invite?

Riley goes to bed that night worrying about his future with Tammie. He'd be more worried about himself if he'd know the police would turn up and somehow deduce he'd thrown a party.

“You THREW A PARTY? I expected better from you, Riley!”
“Dad, please don’t shout. I have a headache.”
“You’ll have more than a headache when I’m done with you! You’re grounded!”

“And since being grounded apparently means you can’t go to school, I suddenly feel compelled to let you off the hook.”

To my surprise, the next day Riley gets invited to Tammie’s place after school. It’s possible he’s visiting her sister Maria, but either way this is an excellent chance for reconciliation.

“What are you doing in my house?”
“Tammie, I’m sorry for coming on so strong. I really want you to forgive me.”
“I want to forgive you, but I’m just so angry!”
“I think I can fix that.”

That’s when Riley throws his Jar of Potent Friendship at her. Thank you to whoever it was who gifted me that!

Unfortunately, Tammie’s still mad with him even though she’s supposed to like him now. I even tried resetting her, but nope, she’s not having it. Poor Riley is going to have to wait until she grows up and decides to stop snubbing him.

Speaking of growing up, it’s time for Savannah’s birthday! The family buys her a cake to mark the occasion. Sarah gets her all the way down the stairs before Savannah is prompted to age up on the floor.

Blonde hair! Finally something other than Diana’s murky brown! Savannah’s a Friendly Slob who likes Blue, R&B, and Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches. She’ll fit right in.


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 15 - Girls"
« Reply #74 on: September 24, 2012, 06:32:12 AM »
Tammie must have some bad traits lol! Poor Riley :P. Savannah is so cute.