Was that Mortimer under that first pile of rubble?
Ben wins the award for "Best Soon-To-Be Brother-In-Law" for saving Arlo.
I somehow doubt that Caity would forgive him if he failed.
Fantastic update! The bachelorette parties are just so much fun! It's always amusing to see what they wear when they "Dress to Impress". 
Thanks Raia, I love the bachelor/ette parties too! Yep, that was Morty. Ben, of course, got him and Arlo out perfectly fine.

I admire VJ for being able to keep his mohawk in peak condition in spite of smashing it against the ceiling. Plus, he has blue hair like Magpie. It's meant to be.
Curses, I knew I should have commented on the blue hair earlier! You're all beating me to it

That was so funny! I loved the Frio brothers part!
Thanks Corey

. It cracked me up when they both got on the counter, I just knew I had to include it somehow.
IIIIiiii VJ and Magpie! Of course she won't regret it, I hope.
Lol, I
thought you'd be happy about that!

I (and Magpie) haven't made my mind up about VJ yet, so we'll see.
Wow! I had never heard of earthquakes! I looked it up, and I understand now, but that's insane. Learn something everyday, don't you!
I'm still learning things about The Sims! Before I played The Joneses I had no idea that you could get parents to let teens off the hook when they got grounded. That ended poorly for Sarah.

(Also, your comment posted twice, so I deleted one.)
I spied that little heart covered speedo in there
And I agree with Trip, totally meant to be!
Lol, good catch

. He got home really late and went straight to bed. I don't think he even noticed there was a party.
That was some party lol. The speech was very funny. 
I hope Arlo will be ok, poor guy.
Thanks, Louise

. Yes, once Ben put the fire out and cleared away the rubble, Arlo was fine. As scary as the animations are, the Sims always make a full recovery!