Author Topic: The Jones Random Town Jump: Complete  (Read 329168 times)

Offline Ausette

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The Jones Random Town Jump: Complete
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:01:19 PM »
~ The Jones Family Random Town Jump ~

Welcome to the Jones Family Random Town Jump! This story is based on judewright’s wonderful Random Town Jump challenge, with some mild modifications to suit my own playing style. These include:

  • Cheats are allowed, but not for teleportation, moods, or money.
  • Only the heir couple is required to move to the new town, but they can take anyone they want with them.
  • I will be randomising traits, but not Lifetime Wishes.
  • Sims can complete the same Lifetime Wishes as their ancestors if they want.
  • And I’ll figure out the rest along the way!  :)


Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 10:01:37 PM »
Chaper 1 - Party Members

Our adventure begins in a lobby in Bridgeport as our founding father eyes off a buxom neighbour. Not quite the start I was hoping for, but it's the start I was given, so I guess we'll have to make do.

Meet Diana and Johnny Jones, a devoted career-driven couple enjoying their life in the city. Johnny’s traits are Handy, Ambitious, Friendly, Bookworm, and Can’t Stand Art, and his Lifetime Wish is to become Leader of the Free World. His lovely wife, Diana, has the traits Couch Potato, Neurotic, Neat, Easily Impressed, and Dislikes Children. She dreams of being a World-Renowned Surgeon.

They live in a beautiful penthouse called One Leo Center. It has a hot tub and television for the happy couple, and an extra room for the first of the kids they don’t want. Apart from the addition of a telescope for Diana, it’s yet to undergo any renovations.

But enough introductions – Johnny needs to build his Charisma for work, so now it’s time to party!

I foresee that a lot of fundraisers will be thrown here. It’s a great spot to dance, socialise, and manipulate unsuspecting civilians.

“Sir, I want you to look into yourself and ask a question - Would a candidate with a full head of hair truly work towards meeting your interests? Vote for me and I’ll make shaving razors tax deductible.”
“Wow, I’m sold!”

“Ms. Xu, my scientists are merely awaiting the funding to find a way to permanently fix that transparent effect at the back of your hairdo.”
“Oh my gosh! To think of all the money I’ve been wasting on volume-maxing hairspray!”

“Ma’am, much like you I suffer from a condition known as “base game hair” that leaves me feeling inadequate and insecure. If I’m elected, I promise to subsidise stylists and therapists to better address this harrowing affliction.”
“Thank you, candidate Jones! I’m so impressed with your policies that I don’t even care your creepy friend is leering at me!”

“That’s my husband, Katrina. I feel blessed to be married to such a charming man.”
“You are blessed, Di. Someone must be watching over you.”
“It certainly feels that way, Kat. It certainly does. ”    

“Now let’s go get some clothes on. This Basil guy is freaking me out.”
“Oh, agreed.”

And so ends the first of many parties thrown by the Jones family.

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Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 10:12:47 PM »
Holy cow, I can't believe this is actually online! I've never finished a non-school story in my life! What was I thinking:o

Offline JudesSims

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The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 10:32:51 PM »
Well, I don't know what YOU are thinking, but I'm thinking: Great start! I'm honored that you are using my idea for your story! I've bookmarked.


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 07:13:19 AM »
I like your story, I"ll be reading for sure. The line about the base game hair is very funny. ;D

Offline Audren

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2012, 07:13:49 AM »
What a great start, Ausette! I love Johnny's fundraising quotes! I'm sure this will be a great story! I'll be keeping an eye out for this one.  ;D

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2012, 10:10:03 AM »
Thanks so much, guys  :D. I've been trying to psych myself into writing a story on this forum for the last two years, but I wussed out every time because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and kind of insecure about my writing abilities. I even have a Big Brother challenge that I played completely through and did 75% of the writing for last year. I'm so happy that you're enjoying my story so far!  ;D

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Offline ApplesApplesApples

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2012, 08:04:13 AM »
You have great writing abilities; don't let your internal editor tell you any different! Great start to your story.

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2012, 08:52:22 AM »
Chapter 2 - Success

What’s this? Diana’s pregnant already? Ha ha, tricked ya! She’s actually experiencing some side effects from the experimental medicine she just took. The underground pharmaceutical organisation gave her sixty-one simoleons for it.

The Joneses have been doing whatever they can to save money and advance in their careers. Diana in particular takes on heaps of odd jobs outside the hospital and stays up reading medical journals all night.

Through hard work and determination, she manages to work her way up to *drum roll* Trauma Surgeon!

(Drum roll provided by Morrigan Hemlock.)

Johnny’s career progress is a little slower than Diana’s, but at least he gets to choose his own uniform for a while. Do you dig the teal shoes? I am totally digging the teal shoes.

Every day after work, he heads down to the (newly restocked) library to read books on Charisma. He has the Bookworm trait and works late hours, so this is an easier way to skill than finding someone to socialise with.

The Joneses manage to earn three promotions between them over the next week, but their success is bittersweet. They spend hours commuting every day. Each night they get home at different times, eat dinner alone, and study into the night. They never go out. They never talk. It isn’t until late on Thursday that they do find time to talk.

“Okay, so I’ve scrubbed the bathrooms, booked you a Charisma class for Saturday morning, and bought the ingredients we’ll need for the fundraising dinner. If I cook tomorrow night and Saturday morning we should have enough ratatouille to serve everyone. Sound good?”
"Why can't we just order a pizza?"
"Because the pizza man is Creepy Basil from our last party and I don't want him scaring off the donars."

“Babe, I know you’re trying to help, but this work stuff is doing my head in. I think we need to take the weekend off.”
“But what about the big election on Sunday?”
“Our happiness is more important. Plus the voters love a family man. Whaddaya say we go camping?”

So, on Friday evening, that’s exactly what they do.

“So Diana, what do you think of the place?”

“I think… I think someday I want to take our kids here.”

“Wait, what? You hate kids!”

“Yes, it's true I don't want children, but you do, Johnny. You’ve had that wish locked in for quite some time now, and… I dunno, I just think a person like you should be a father. You’ve proven that you’re willing to put our family first.”
“But Diana, you hate kids.”
“I could never hate your kids. Really, I’ll cope.

“Well, in that case…”

Approximately three days later:

“Johnny! I think the baby’s coming!”
“I’ll call an ambulance!”
“AAARGH! There’s no time!”
“But my wife should be seen supporting my hospital polici…”

Fine then.”  *beep*
“That’s better.”


And with that, little Sarah Jones is ushered into the world. (Johnny is excited on the inside.)

Welcome to Bridgeport, cutie.

Offline JudesSims

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The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 2 - Success"
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2012, 10:23:46 AM »
Excellent, Ausette! You're doing great ;)

Offline Audren

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 2 - Success"
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2012, 07:43:42 PM »
Welcome, Sarah Jones! I would think if Johnny had a wish for children so long, he'd at least be more excited.  :P

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 3 - A Brush with Basil"
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2012, 03:06:09 AM »
Chapter 3 – A Brush with Basil

Awww, just look at that massive grin. Thank goodness Sarah has at least one parent who enjoys spending time with her. Yeah, Diana’s Dislikes Children trait has been a bit of an issue.

“It’s OK sweetie, Mummy loves you. She hates looking at you and playing with you and pretty much everything to do with you, but she loves you. Yes she does.” *sob*

Needless to say, Johnny does most of the childcare.

The day after Sarah’s birth, Diana and Johnny throw a fundraiser/OH-MY-GOD-WE-HAVE-A-BABY party. Sadly it gets a little out of hand because of…


Remember Basil? He’s back again. I feel kind of guilty for poking fun at him because for all I know he’s a really nice guy, but everything he does is so unsettling.

“Peyton, I haven’t seen you since you were a teenager! How’ve you been?”
“I’ve been great! I aged up with these awesome yellow flippers, see? I use them to flip pancakes and swat away my enemies. Speaking of which, is Basil still watching us?”
“Yes he is. Don’t make eye contact.”

Dance with me, pretty lady.”
“Basil. Please don’t make me punch you.”

 “I know you’re ignoring me, flipper woman.”
“Wow, that’s quite a fascinating… door… over there.”

“Eh, whatever. See you another night, ladies.”
“I am never going out again. Ever.”

In light of recent events, Johnny and Diana decide not to throw a party for Sarah’s toddler birthday. She ages up on the nursery floor instead of with the cake her parents bought for her.

And here she is! Her traits are Good and Artistic. She likes soul music and the colour orange, and she’ll also like Stu Surprise when she’s old enough eat the chunky bits without choking.

Apart from Diana’s tendency to leave her daughter in the ground floor lobby while she cleans/bathes/watches TV, Sarah has a pleasant and uneventful toddlerhood. She learns all her toddler skills and even gets through the Painting books Diana buys for her. In a matter of days, it’s time for Sarah to become a schoolchild.

That evening on the party deck, Sarah receives the Mooch trait and some extremely sparse-looking eyebrows. It’s still a bit early to tell, but I think she’s going to look just like her mother. She’s got the Bridgeport cheekbones already.

“Mummy, why are you watching telly by yourself? You could come eat cake with Daddy and me.”
“That’s nice dear, but Mummy doesn’t want to share a room with you unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“Daddy, does Mummy really love me?”
“Don’t be silly Sarah, of course she loves you. She simply doesn't like you.”
“Well, what can I do to make her like me?”
“Just try not to communicate with her for the next eight years or so.”


After cake, Sarah chooses a new wardrobe and goes to sleep in her new bedroom.

Rather than renovate the nursery, Johnny and Diana bought the empty storage space next to the apartment and turned it into a simple bedroom for Sarah. The walls are blank so she has a place to display her paintings.

Why didn’t they just renovate the nursery? The answer is simple - I put a lot of work into that nursery and I’m not ready to sell the furnishings just yet.

Well, there may be another reason…

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 3 - A Brush with Basil"
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2012, 03:10:19 AM »
Early chapter today! Thanks for all the lovely comments, guys  :). saltpastillen, I love the crocodile too. I found it in buydebug while I was looking for the tent.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 3 - A Brush with Basil"
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2012, 03:13:46 AM »
Hm, I always wondered how a sim with the "Dislikes Children" trait would be as a parent. The way you're writing it is rather amusing too. :)