I had one of my sims shake the Orb of Answers with the "Will I be rich?" question. I was hoping for it to trigger money-related wishes for said sim. Which it did (he got the wish too be worth 300,000 and to have three rich friends). It also added 50,000 to the household funds.
Better yet, it's cheaper than a Midas Touch elixir.
While that sounds good, my next tip will sound really absurd to almost everyone: disable witches. I did plenty of testing in Twinbrook, and the game makes a new supernatural in that town at a rate of one per night. With witches on, one of those sims chosen to be turned into a supernatural could be a witch. With witches disabled, I was guaranteed that a townie would be turned into a non-witch supernatural. Witches are of almost zero use to me in a dynasty, namely because they don't have extended lifespans, and every sim that's a witch is one sim that won't have the chance to be turned into a long-lived supernatural (and therefore material to make spouses down the road).
Seems like backwards logic for a dynasty, but I need original townie spouses the whole way to keep myself happy. Granted, if you're not as obsessed with original townie genes as I am, enabling witches is a good thing. They're useful!