* Presently I am trying to max self-employed careers and supermax the related skill. Until that is achieved, I purposefully am not permitting that immortal to work on any other skill. After they do that, I intend to give them a rabbit hole career and skills that don't relate to a self-employed career. Founder is my Sculpting Immortal. Silly things are happening constantly that force me to restart.
* I use cats to do the Fishing in the early days, backed up by one or more non-future immortal sims. I then transfer the fish they catch to non-immortal sim members of the household according to a complex formula I work out
- Lower quality fish go to my mortal gardener/s who use it to fertilize garden
- Perfect fish go to a Sim who'll hold them for my Fishing Immortal who presents the perfect aquarium LTW
- Foreign and Rare fish go to a Sim who'll stock a pond with the 10 fish for eternal fishing by my immortal fisher
* If my founder is unable to get someone rich to move in on the first day, they spend the night at the fire station and sleep there. Alternatively, they spend the night at a friend's house ... one of them is currently spending the night with Chauncey Grimm in Midnight Falls.
* Adopted/Time Travel/Cloned kids of the Founder and housemates are helpful in the early days for me at least to help with needed skills and to meet best friend needs. And who knows, Agnes' cloned daughter potentially could be my founder's spouse.
* I've taken to giving my immortal sims very obvious names so that I don't forget who does what. My sim names currently are Sculptor, Painter, Writer, Gardener, Fisher, Photographer, Inventor, Alchemist, Rider, Mixologist, Nectarologist, and their surname is Immortal. Yes, I like planning, and I have decided that it is best to leave writing to almost last along with Alchemy and to have riding rather early in proceedings.
* I use the Biography page in the Scrapbook to keep a track of what needs to happen for each immortal to become immortalised.
* I love the Tabcast item, so much more than the snugabug child swing and that morning routine machine thing.
* Bonhilda is great for a laugh, especially the response of 'normal' maids to her'.