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Sounds like fun. Can the two Sims work on the same skills, or do they need to be unique skills?
Note: Only your starting 2 Sims and one pet can be scored and all maxed skills must be different from each other.
When either Sim (or a designated scoring pet) has completed any skill challenge you can either a) Purchase a Lifetime Happiness Reward, or b) Purchase one object using the Buydebug cheat.
Just to clarify, the Sim/pet completing the skill challenge need not be the one that buys the LTR, right? i.e. Sim A or Pet C can complete a skill challenge, and I buy a reward using Sim B's points.
Sorry I buried that fact at the end of a sentence -----------EDIT:Okay, this keeps things very clear and simple:Your two Sims may not work on the same skills.So, I removed the last portion of what I quoted above given it's no longer necessary.