After some technical difficulties I finally got this puppy working - yay!
So far I'm really digging it and I haven't even really delved into the game much. My test household consists of an evil witch who wants to be the empress of evil (I've never played with an evil sim before) while mastering alchemy on the side, a werewolf who is obligated to take care of the household until the witch either dies or gets married, and a random human male that I threw in there because I wanted someone I could throw nasty elixirs at without feeling bad (did I mention I haven't played with an evil sim before? yeah...). Oh, and their cat Meushi Kittypants, who I tried to make look exactly like the one sitting on my couch right now - she turned out okay, but still needs major tweaking. It's my first time playing with Pets too.
Besides being evil, Ezri is also a cat lover, and it's nice that she instantly gets positive moodlets from being around the cat as a familiar, I'm glad they don't need to be friends or anything to get that benefit. Both Daigan the werewolf and Erich the human have both made use of the rocking chair autonomously (increased energy as you rock, nice!), and Bonehilda has been behaving quite nicely, repairing the plumbing that was broken on arrival (yep, got that challenge), and cleaning up puddles and plates. Now if only I can get my premium content to work...guess I'll try uninstalling/reinstalling those again, hopefully 3rd time's the charm.
Here are a few pics:
Ezri on her way to join the criminal career - I was so excited about the brooms (everyone got one) that I forgot about the TAR- I mean LLAMA, which I placed in their front yard.
Daigan the werewolf - he turned out pretty much the way I wanted him to be, heh...
Daigan transforming...
Daigan in his full glory - no, it wasn't a full moon, I was just curious & he rolled a wish to transform. He attempted to howl a couple of times but he's pretty bad at it right now, hehe.
After the howling fiasco and returning to normal, Daigan autonomously decided to go play catch with the pea shooter. I think the full moon is the next day in the game though. He's on the yellow/orange slider, while Ezri is on the regular rainbow slider. I put the human roommate on the pastel slider, just in case one of those elixirs or charms happen to make it convenient to add to the household...
I know, it's not strictly Supernatural-related but I was using her to test the game and, well, any excuse to show off my cat, even if it's her virtual counterpart. The spots are too light of a brown and there's too much white on her tail (among other differences), but it's not a horrible rendition.