Author Topic: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (COMPLETED)  (Read 194103 times)

Offline smartburn

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 23)
« Reply #60 on: September 23, 2012, 01:34:12 PM »
That makes sense - I think I've seen him as a tattoo artist before as well. Apparently he gets around.


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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 23)
« Reply #61 on: September 23, 2012, 01:54:47 PM »
How do you get sims to play fetch? DO they have to be one werewolf?

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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 23)
« Reply #62 on: September 23, 2012, 02:29:02 PM »
Aww, Hope is such a cute girl! I hope everything works out well for her!  :)

@ Anna: Yes, they have to be a werewolf, and I think think that they also have to be in their werewolf form in order to play fetch, or have their belly rubbed, for example.

Offline Toni

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 23)
« Reply #63 on: September 24, 2012, 07:18:52 AM »
I think think that they also have to be in their werewolf form in order to play fetch, or have their belly rubbed, for example.



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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 23)
« Reply #64 on: September 24, 2012, 03:30:24 PM »
The props of 'Once Upon A Mattress' hopefully inspire a sequel to Paramilitary Love.
Oh my, Orion sounds very much the police officer know:
"But I left before he decided that he should be the one to throw the stick."
"Sis, there is such a thing as getting too friendly."

He seems in control and protective. Who will steal his heart? :)

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 23)
« Reply #65 on: September 25, 2012, 05:12:16 PM »
Chapter Four – The Bachelor

   Now that I’m in Forensics, I wear a lab coat to work. Incidentally, that’s me going to work – our home just happens to look like a place of incarceration.

   My sister Hope got a commission from the business office to provide 10 paintings and managed to complete it with a little help from me. She played the guitar out front to celebrate for a while.

   Fortunately, we did not have to part with the portrait she did of me or the one I did of her.

   With the money she made, we were able to buy the theater, a place that Mom and Dad have fond memories of. I went over to check the place out and stumbled upon a death-in-progress – Skip Broke. Even though I’m a police officer, there are times when I feel as helpless as anyone else.

   After I was promoted to Sketch Artist, the Riverview Police Department sent me to China to learn something about the art of disguise.  Besides talking to the locals, I also explored a tomb.

   It was all quite fascinating, but I could have skipped the part where I had to clear a pile of rubble.

   After I returned from China, Mom asked me one morning if I could try to come straight home from work. I knew something was up, and I was right. When I got home Friday afternoon, I found that Mom had invited over practically every single woman living in Riverview – Elaine Joy, Hope Temple, Laurel Grisby, Mary Kay Shallow, and Tatiana Ivanov.

   I was reminded of a police line-up, but then a different analogy occurred to me – that television show, The Bachelor. For two cents I would have slipped out and gone upstairs, but Elaine Joy started talking to me. She seemed fairly nice, especially since Dad gave her something that cured her of being a werewolf. At least, I hope she’s been permanently cured. Elaine already has a boyfriend, however.

   Tatiana, who’s another werewolf, got mad and left early, and Mary Kay’s a vampire and completely ineligible, besides passing out from the sunlight. That left Laurel and Hope Temple.  Dad pulled me aside and told me he had an elixir that might “do something” about Hope’s weight problem, and he thought he could keep Laurel from getting older if she was my choice.

   I guess I’m glad Mom and Dad are taking an interest and being helpful, but I can’t help wishing I could pick my bride myself.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 25)
« Reply #66 on: September 25, 2012, 05:37:45 PM »
Geez! I almost feel guilty for suggesting he should/would.
Sorry, Orion. Take your time.

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Offline Toni

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 25)
« Reply #67 on: September 26, 2012, 03:52:26 AM »
I wonder who Orions spouse will turn out to be?

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 25)
« Reply #68 on: September 27, 2012, 10:24:08 AM »
Chapter Five – An End…

   It’s amazing watching Mom and Dad together. Even after all this time, they’re still flirting with each other.

   So I asked them whether they’d been attracted to each other from the start. Mom laughed. No, she gave a ladylike guffaw. “Your father had the worst reputation in Riverview,” she said. “Mean, insane, antisocial – interested only in fishing. If the Watcher hadn’t forced us together, I wouldn’t have spent more than five minutes with him.”

   Dad said, “I couldn’t see past those glasses and the poufy thing on top of her head. Well, nobody in Riverview could. But then she turned out to be a real beauty.” Then he leaned forward and gave me the look – what Hope and I call the “crazy like a fox” look. “So what did you think of Elaine? I knew she’d turn out nice once she quit being a werewolf. That’s why I tossed my potion her way.”

   I asked around town and found out that Elaine’s boyfriend Travis was a vampire. I don’t know why people think vampires are sexy – I’d just as soon be embraced by a leech. I also I found out he couldn't stand art. The man had no soul. Anyway, I talked to her a bit, and she told me the reason she’d become a werewolf was to even the balance between her and Travis. “Why don’t you just break up with him?” I suggested. “And – well, hook up with me?” She said yes.

   Soon after that, I had my birthday, the one that kicked off a mid-life crisis.

For a few days, I was moving at warp speed. I reached the top of my career, getting promoted to Dynamic DNA Profiler, and I painted five masterpieces.

   Early the next morning, Dad took me out into the front yard. “I found another zombie-fighting weapon,” he said. “Jellybeans. They eat one and die immediately.”

   He reached out and plucked one off the bush. “DAD!” I screamed.

   “What?” he said. “Hmm, minty-fresh breath.”

   “That jellybean could have killed you,” I said.

   “Yeah, well, I’ve had a good life. I could go any time. But you and your sister stay away from this, okay?”

   Word had gotten out that Elaine and I were engaged, so the guys at work were on my case about a bachelor party. I decided to throw one, and Dad locked the jellybean bush up in the garden so there wouldn’t be any fatalities. My boss, Hal Breckinridge, showed up, along with Mom’s former co-worker, Jackie Temple.

Everybody had a great time and agreed that it was an awesome party.

   Mom and Dad showed that they were still twinkle-toes despite their age (Dad picked up the yellow glow from another jellybean).

   And then tragedy struck in the middle of the night. We always thought Dad would be the first to go since he was over 100.

   Instead it was Mom. Dad erased Hope’s grief with some device he inherited from Mom. He was going to dose me, too, but I stopped him. I had more than enough joy in my life to be able to handle the pain. I didn’t want to feel like an emotional zombie. I paid my respects to Mom and planted some pink roses by her grave.

   Good-bye, Constance Shelley Cottoneye. Riverview is the richer for your poetry and novels.

   I said good-bye to Dad, too, not knowing whether I would be able to see him again.

   I emptied my pockets and drove over to Elaine’s, hoping that she and I could continue the tradition my parents had founded.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 27)
« Reply #69 on: September 27, 2012, 11:32:57 AM »
Congratulations on your first move! I love Elaine's house ( if she still lives in there )!


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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 27)
« Reply #70 on: September 27, 2012, 11:35:11 AM »
I cant see the story it, the website will only show me the first chapter on each page? Can anyone help??

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 27)
« Reply #71 on: September 27, 2012, 01:51:53 PM »
If you scroll past the prologue, there's a link to each of the chapters in the Table of Contents. I hope that helps.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 27)
« Reply #72 on: September 27, 2012, 04:22:13 PM »
Thank goodness, Travis had no chance to turn Elaine into a vampire. Still, maybe Hunter has potions for such an occurrence too.
Hunter has an eagle tattoo, doesn't he? Maybe that is why Constance passed away first. The world has lost a great writer.
Am I right in thinking that Orion left 10 paintings behind?
Congratulations on your first move, Marian!  :D

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 27)
« Reply #73 on: September 27, 2012, 05:06:38 PM »
Congrats on your first move! Hopefully Hunter will be able to see his grandchildren.
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Sept 27)
« Reply #74 on: September 27, 2012, 06:56:58 PM »
Congratulations on your first move!

