Author Topic: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (COMPLETED)  (Read 194030 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (January 18)
« Reply #420 on: January 24, 2014, 09:57:40 AM »
Chapter Three -- Natal Holidays

I have achieved the first goal of my generation -- I made the honor roll with one day to spare. This is what my teacher wrote:

Lovec is very bright and has a truly astonishing vocabulary. I have enjoyed having him as a student. However, I do think he should be encouraged to use words with fewer syllables. The other students sometimes have difficulty understanding him, and I think he would make friends more easily if he expressed himself in simpler terms.

Suggestion taken under advisement, Mrs. Hamada. I shall begin with my female sibling, Bliss -- okay, sister. She celebrated her natal holiday, I mean, birthday, the morning after I made the honor roll.

While I trudged off to my educational establishment -- school, Bliss assembled a wardrobe for herself. She calls her favorite color aqua, but I consider it to be more of a cerulean shade myself. These are her formal, everyday, and outer garments, useful now that it's wintertime:

I had anticipated that Mother (I refuse to insult the person who brought me into existence by using the monosyllabic appellation of "Mom") would spend time tutoring Bliss, but instead she permitted my little sister to spend her time in the activity of playing.

When I returned from school, I endeavored to enrich Bliss's playtime experience by pointing out that she could learn much about the Bernoulli effect by observing her kite, but she stuck her fingers in her ears and ran away. I discovered her in the drawing room, pretending to drive a car. She corrected me later, saying that it was a speedboat.

That evening, Mother became an elder.

She required a new wardrobe. For her formal attire, Mother picked something she would wear to my high school graduation. I don't know why she chose to wear an apron over her slacks, as her clothing is always white and spotless, but Mother said that it aided in cooking.

Father celebrated his birthday at the same time. It saddens me that they have become elders so soon, as they are unlikely to remain alive long enough to see their grandchildren. There are pharmaceutical preparations that can extend their lives, but Mother has warned me against their use. Much as she would like to be young again, she refuses, being afraid that might "corrupt the file." I'm confused as to the meaning of that term, but my confusion is a good thing -- it gives me some empathy for the students that Mrs. Hamada referred to in my report card.

Father has been researching the diving opportunities for me, attempting to assess their difficulty as "black ops." It appears there will be at least five of them.

I now arrive at the last of our natal holidays -- my own.

Even though I loathe the idea of physical exercise, it's obvious that if I want to find the maternal parent of the next generation, I will have to stay in shape. Given Father's genes and Mother's cooking, that's going to be difficult without exercise. The suit is what I intend to wear to prom, and the sweater with tie is my everyday outfit. I've decided to wear contact lenses rather than glasses in order to remove one of the psychological barriers between myself and my peer group.

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (January 24)
« Reply #421 on: January 24, 2014, 11:30:53 AM »
'removing one of the psychological barriers between me and myself and my peer group' *snickers*

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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (January 24)
« Reply #422 on: February 08, 2014, 12:44:57 PM »
Chapter Four -- A Party Mineral

That's what I think I am -- the opposite of a party animal. It's not that I dislike parties; I might find them quite enjoyable under more auspicious circumstances. My first awareness that parties were problematic for me came at prom. I arrived promptly and discovered that the only member of the more attractive sex in attendance was Mrs. Hamada, my algebra teacher. While she is quite amiable (possibly because I actually pay attention in class), she was not someone with whom I would have chosen to spend a night of "magic and romance." I did not linger; there was no point in adding a water beetle to the punch if there were no girls to scream and giggle. Here's my picture:

Mother and Father were surprised to see me return so early. Mother said I was the first Cottoneye not to see prom through to the end although she conceded that not all of my forebears had had as delightful experience at prom as she had (this, with a sappy look at Father). Great-grandmother Artemis had failed to be named prom queen, that honor going to her younger sister, and Grandmother Diana had had a miserable time.

My second dismaying experience at a party came on snowy day. It was also Bliss's birthday, and she received innumerable presents -- a couple of dollhouses, a bouncing bee to ride, and a toy oven. It was ironic, because she would soon outgrow such amusements, but still an affectionate outpouring. I, on the other hand,  received the proverbial lump of coal.

Bliss joined me in adolescence that evening.

She then spent an inordinate amount of time in selecting her wardrobe. I should refrain from criticizing, however. Since Bliss loves to swim, she has agreed to supply me with the items I'll need for diving opportunities if I don't get enough for my black ops.

Bliss also received a wand (I have one, too, but I hardly ever use it). She is much more interested in witchcraft than I am.

Her other interest is pranking. Or so I've deduced. All I can say is that I'm not the one who meddled with the sofa.

I follow a higher path -- that of science.

I might not always succeed; I might suffer in the process; but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I will eventually make a major contribution.

Mother has started making elixirs to serve as my collection. She has made several sacrifices for me -- or rather for the dynasty, as she is quick to point out. The other day, she retired from her job, and we all gathered round to congratulate her.

Then she went out to harvest honeycombs in the middle of the night -- apparently the bees are less belligerent then.

Father has been helping her by going out early to fish and collect other ingredients for her elixirs. He took this picture of a winter sunrise.

My sibling Bliss has been reading over my shoulder and keeps hissing in my ear. "Aren't you going to say anything about Sue?" she asks.

There's very little to tell. Bliss met Sue Scott at school and invited her over one afternoon. She's the daughter of Linda Scott and lives on a houseboat. I met her and talked to her, but romance will have to wait because she's graduated from high school already. And by the time I've finished with college and become a doctor, etc., she'll probably have started a relationship with someone else. Bliss says I have a "glass-half-empty" attitude, but I'm just being realistic.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 8)
« Reply #423 on: February 08, 2014, 01:53:59 PM »
That sunrise picture is gorgeous.

I personally think it's prudent to leave an event you aren't enjoying.  Good on him for healthy decisions.

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 8)
« Reply #424 on: February 09, 2014, 10:07:10 AM »
Actually, I was quite surprised that Lovec left. Usually my sims stay to the bitter end of prom, getting drinks spilled on them and being rejected by their crushes, etc. Then again, he is a genius.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 8)
« Reply #425 on: February 15, 2014, 02:02:01 PM »
Chapter Five -- The Old College Try

After I achieved the honor roll in high school, the rest of my time passed dully until I could graduate. Finally, my birthday arrived. As soon as I emerged from sleep on Saturday morning, I hurried down to the kitchen for an impromptu celebration at 2 a.m.

I paused long enough to swallow the obligatory slice of cake (yellow, my favorite) and then went upstairs to work on my wardrobe. Mother suggested that I put name tags in my pajamas so that no one would take them from the laundry room by mistake, but I thought it would be easier to get them in my favorite color so that no one else would want them. I chose a formal outfit that would be suitable (get it -- "suit"able?) for an aspiring scientist, but for my everyday clothing I wanted something comfortable and suggestive of my island origins. In yellow, of course.

I then took the placement test for Sims University. I did not do as well as I'd hoped, getting only 6 credits toward my degree. That means I'll have to spend three semesters in college.

After taking the test, I had plenty of time to kill as graduation wouldn't occur until the next day. I would have gone straight to university after my birthday party, but everyone agreed that such an action would create travel difficulties. After analyzing a few rocks, I called Bliss's friend Sue Scott and arranged to meet her at the Spring Festival.

We chatted a bit, and I tried flirting with her, but there wasn't any chemistry between us. I found out why when I gave her an ink blot test. Anyone who could look at something that is obviously the creation of a galaxy and call it a desk is someone I'm not compatible with. When I come home on break, I'll have to give Palmira Medina a call.

Graduation Day soon dawned. I was named Class Valedictorian (no surprise there) and Most Likely to Get Married. I guess the latter was because everyone knows I'm in a dynasty.

After graduation, I hurried home to catch the shuttle bus for uni. Mother, Father, and Bliss all came out to see me off, and so did our garden gnome.

I arrived at university the day before classes were due to start, so I tried having fun before the grinding started. I played pingpong with a cute blond fairy and actually won, probably because her pretty pink wings kept interfering with her shots.

I even was invited to a party and went, where I got juiced enough to dare my host to imply that someone else's mother was a llama. I had a hangover the next day so decided to avoid parties for the rest of the semester.

When I went to lecture, I discovered that Professor Glass was a werewolf. Apparently an experiment he was doing had an unexpected outcome. He tried to explain it to us, but most of the people in class fell asleep.

I had three classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, but Tuesday was just the lecture, so I decided to check out the group science project. Professor Glass gave me the password to get in.

After programming the machine, I was instructed to pull the lever of doom. This action made me nervous, but a Simlish major explained that "doom" did not necessarily mean disaster. Its original meaning was "fate" or "inevitable outcome." I pulled the lever and discovered that my brain was buzzing with ideas.

When I returned to my dormitory that evening, I wowed everyone with my skill on the drums.

Thursday I had practical anatomy, which involved spending two hours examining a skeleton.

After analyzing some more rocks and a cockroach, I went over to the Comic Shop and unwound with a video game. Luckily I'm not in charge of protecting Simland from alien invaders.

My exams went well, but I got only a B instead of the hoped-for A. I returned to the Science Project area and discovered something that I wished I had known about before exams. The outcome of this experiment was to knock us all out...

...but when I regained consciousness, I felt incredibly satisfied, as if all my needs had been met. I wasn't hungry at all nor did I feel like I wanted a hotter shower than the dormitory had to offer. It was wonderful, and I'm going to have to work on that project again next semester.

Rex invited me to another party, but it was due to start at the same time the shuttle bus came to pick me up. I was glad to see my family again, but I really can't wait to get back to uni.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 15)
« Reply #426 on: February 20, 2014, 11:20:49 PM »
Chapter Six -- Two Graduations

When I went back to the university, I decided to live in my own house rather than return to the dorm. My purpose in attending college was to improve my prospects for employment and work on my skill as a scientist, not to go to parties, and living in the dorm had a tendency to facilitate the latter rather than the former.

I applied myself in my classes and actually made the Dean's List and achieved an A average for one semester, although my overall average was a B.

When I wasn't in class, I either worked on developing my skill as a scientist or took a day job to add to my black ops. I donated plasma, worked as an usher, and collected ginseng. Sooner than I would have thought possible, it was time for graduation.

I began to worry that everyone else would go through graduation except me, but before long my name was called. Everyone said that my personality would be changed by university, but as far as I can tell, I'm the same as I've always been.

As soon as I returned to Isla Paradiso, I uploaded my resume. I was offered a job as a paramedic, and I took it.

I think you'd have to go a long way to find a hospital that is prettier than ours.

My boss is Persephone Han, and she soon put me to work on tracking down an equipment order. I went to the bookstore and city hall.

I've started doing research on gnomes. It was my understanding that two gnomes were required to have offspring, but as far as I can tell, we only had one before the toddler gnome appeared.

I suppose it's time to report on my efforts to find my true love -- or at least a woman who lives in a house here in town and is able to have children. As I said, there was no chemistry between me and Sue Scott, so before going off to college, I arranged to see Palmira Medina. We soon became friends, but she got really upset when I tried to give her an ink blot test -- it turns out she's insane. After she went off in a huff, I started talking to Hinni Hashini, the consignment store clerk.

We got along great, but when I returned from college, I found that Hinni had already become an elder. I met several nice girls in college, but of course couldn't get involved with any of them. It seems hard to believe that I'd pick up a naughty relationship since none of them are from Isla Paradiso, but apparently that is the case.

I've met Rei Matsuri online, and I work with Ashley Alto, but it's possible they both have boyfriends. Rei is a vampire (in fact, she gave me candy when I went trick-or-treating as a child), and Ashley is a fairy, so maybe I'll get involved with one of them. However, I've found another way to meet women -- vaccinations.

It wasn't long before Bliss became a young adult. This is some of her wardrobe: athletic, formal, and everyday.

And while we're on the subject of wardrobes, I chose something more adult for my new everyday outfit.

We all went to Bliss's graduation where she was named valedictorian, and Most Popular. Her lifetime wish is to be Super Popular, which will be a big help for me.

Mother has been a big help, too, assembling a collection of elixirs for me.

And Father didn't mind that we had to replace the roof in order to find a place for the science project that I earned when I reached level 10 in science.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 20)
« Reply #427 on: February 27, 2014, 03:12:14 PM »
Chapter Seven -- A Kiss at Sunrise

My whole schedule was rearranged when I became a trauma surgeon -- I began work at 7 pm and finished at 3 am. It seemed like I had time to catch up on past activities, and Friday morning I completed my report on gnomes.

Gnomes appear to experience at least four stages -- toddlerhood, childhood, adulthood, and elderhood, with an unconfirmed report of adolescence. Anecdotal evidence indicates that two parent gnomes are required to produce an offspring, but this researcher has observed a case with only one parent. This would indicate that gnomes are closely related to sea anemones. Further research is required to confirm these findings.

I handed in my report when I went to work. Later that evening, I was sent over to the cemetery to provide vaccinations. The mausoleum staff apparently doesn't get off work until midnight. One of them regaled me with a story about mummies in the crypt.

I returned to the hospital at 1 am and finished work at 3. I was due for a promotion, but no one was around to do the paperwork at that time. Feeling disgruntled, I went home and went to bed. After a good morning's sleep, I called my supervisor, Dr. Persephone Han. We chatted about the pharmacy, and then I asked if I could get the promotion I'd earned and go back to a daytime schedule. To my relief, she said yes.

By the time Persephone left, Father was up on the roof working on the science project. I went up to help him, and we called Bliss to assist, as she was home from work by then. She had taken a job with a band at the theater, and one of her co-workers, Sue Scott, came home with her.

The blue ray knocked us all out, but when we regained consciousness, we all felt great. I started talking to Sue, who looked gorgeous in her "diva" coat. She needed white flowers to go with it, I said, and handed some to her.

Everyone else went downstairs, but Sue and I stayed up on the roof, where we had a good view of the stars. I reminded her that she wouldn't flirt with me at all the first time I tried.

"You were fresh out of high school," she laughed. "Everyone would have said I was robbing the cradle."

"So when did you change your mind about me?" I asked.

"It was that day you were playing the drums," she said. "You were actually pretty good -- and then I was really impressed that you kept playing even when the zombie showed up."

It was getting cold up on the roof, but I didn't want Sue to leave without making some sort of commitment. She didn't have a boyfriend, but who knew how long that would last? Before she could go, I pulled her into an embrace, not knowing how she would react.

To my astonishment and delight, she kissed me back.

She agreed to go steady with me, and we sealed our relationship with a kiss.

There's only one thing I would change about the last couple of days. I wish Mother was still around to share our joy, but she died recently.

But I expect she'll find out about it pretty soon -- she's still hanging around.

She's not going anywhere -- we're keeping her tombstone here, so she'll always have a home with us.

Father is still going strong -- he's 104 now.
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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 27)
« Reply #428 on: March 05, 2014, 03:48:03 AM »
Just caught up, Sue looks like a nice choice, and Lovec seems to be doing well, I've never tried that group science machine out, think I might take a look at that later  :D

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (February 27)
« Reply #429 on: April 10, 2014, 06:05:17 PM »
Chapter Eight -- Scheduling Difficulties

Bliss has pointed out that I need to disambiguate the above title. I'm not writing about making time in my appointment book for difficulties, but rather that I've been having difficulty in making a schedule.  Mostly this is the fault of the hospital, or rather the fault of too large a community and too few doctors. I hardly spend any time at the hospital. It seems as if every day I have to do a free clinic for people suffering from Llama Tail...

... or give out vaccinations against Whistling Pixies and Laughing Stock -- diseases that haven't been seen since medieval times, primarily because we have vaccinations to prevent them.

And when I'm not treating patients, I'm giving lectures on preventive techniques to various groups, including the most unsavory group of ruffians I've ever encountered. Nevertheless, if I can persuade them to use antiseptic on their tattoo needles, I'll feel that I've made great strides in community health.

Things didn't change much at home. Father kept getting older -- he was 113 the last time I checked, and Mother showed up occasionally to play the video games that she never used to have time for.

When the moon was at the full, we got zombies coming to use the group science project up on the roof.

Then one day, without warning, I turned around and saw a middle-aged man in the mirror.

Fortunately, medical science has made great strides in the field of hair recovery. In no time at all, I recovered my precious locks.

The incident made me realize that time would not stand still forever. I found Sue Scott and asked her to marry me. "I've become a mermaid," she said. "Will that be a problem?" "Not at all," was my reply. "My grandmother was a mermaid, and I sometimes think that my father might have been one for a while. He certainly dives well enough to have been one."

Things began to move quickly after that. I performed my 100th science experiment, and made friends with my 10th service person, the tattoo artist Deena Haynes. I was asked to go to Egypt and learn the game of Senet. Our military was interested, but didn't want anyone to know, which was why they wanted a civilian to go. I didn't really have time, but I did need a 10th black op. While I was there, I went to see the pyramids.

What really impressed me with its size, however, was the Sphinx. How they carved it without dynamite I'll never know. (I'm the little green plumbob near its right haunch.)

The day after I returned from Egypt, I received my final promotion at work, to World-Renowned Surgeon. Sue and I could at last get married -- that is, if I could find her. I spent all day Saturday trying to reach her, but she was underwater and wouldn't take my call. Finally I recollected that Bliss said they were in a band together. I hung around the theater, but she left work before I could talk to her. I tracked her down at her home, and we tied the knot before she could take her houseboat out to sea.

Before long, we heard the chimes that heralded the approach of the 9th generation of Cottoneyes.

I fell asleep immediately, but Sue woke me up to ask my opinion of her new hairstyle. "Very sporty," I said. "Suits you." She's good and athletic, a bookworm and a genius, but also a mooch, which really isn't necessary given my salary. Her lifetime wish is to become a World-Renowned Surgeon like me.

I think we'll be very happy together.
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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (April 10)
« Reply #430 on: April 10, 2014, 06:15:43 PM »
Can't believe you're almost at #9! I like Sue with the short hair, and her defined features.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (April 10)
« Reply #431 on: April 12, 2014, 07:48:20 PM »
Chapter Nine -- A Transformation

This is my new domicile, the houseboat where Sue grew up. The rooms are small, and there's no yard.

I would feel crowded here except that the view gives me the feeling that my living room is enormous.

The view inside is great, too. Sue put together a new wardrobe. I have to say that she looks gorgeous in my favorite color, yellow.

Sue gave me a wedding present, a new sailboat. I've found it helpful for commuting to work.

One day I realized that it would be easier to move the houseboat to a port closer to work. It will also be closer when Generation 9 is ready to go to school.

Speaking of Generation 9, I was very glad that my medical training provided me with the ability to be of assistance to Sue when it was time for her to give birth.

I feel certain that Sue will eventually express her appreciation.

We named her Neith, after the Egyptian goddess of the hunt. She loves the outdoors, but she seems a bit neurotic.

Her eyes are going to be an unusual color.

Neith's infancy didn't last long. Before we knew it, she was a toddler, the most adorable I've ever seen.

Even when she's in the middle of a tantrum, she's cute.

But most of the time Neith is a very cheerful little girl, whether she's in her playpen...

...reaching for her bottle...

...or playing in the toybox.

In fact, she is so cute, that even though Sue and I had decided to have only one child, we found ourselves impelled to add another to the family.

Our other news is that Sue has become weary of being a mermaid. "It was fun when I was on my own," she told me, "but I'm tired of eating kelp all the time. And I'm really tired of swimming everywhere rather than going by boat.

"I want to spend time with my little girl and write my book rather than having to stay hydrated," she added. Even though the transformation was rather painful, Sue went through with it.

Now that her legs aren't scaly anymore, she wants to show them off. I can only applaud her decision.

I've been reading her latest book, Attack of the Sea Fans. It's very exciting.
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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (April 12)
« Reply #432 on: April 12, 2014, 08:21:18 PM »
Neith is indeed cute!

I like how humorless, straight-laced Lovec still likes the thought of seeing his wife's legs on a regular basis.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (April 12)
« Reply #433 on: April 12, 2014, 08:31:01 PM »
Thanks! Writing as Lovec is indeed a challenge. And although I love Sue's features, finding the right hair for her was difficult. Long and fluffy hair contrasted oddly with her nose and jaw. I'm looking forward to seeing Neith grow up -- I don't know where her green-blue eyes come from.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (April 12)
« Reply #434 on: April 15, 2014, 02:30:32 PM »
Chapter Ten -- Birthdays and Priorities

Shortly before her birthday, I attempted to inculcate in Neith a sense of the challenges she would face as the next heir in a dynasty. She would have to make decisions based on her priorities, I informed her. She informed me that her number one priority was to have plenty of hats.

Sue was the first to have a birthday, not long after she gave birth to Justice.

He's a friendly little fellow with a well-developed sense of discipline.

Sue put together a new wardrobe for herself.

I missed getting a picture of Justice's birthday, but here he is in his new clothes (his favorite color is white). Sue doesn't like the way she looks in this picture, but I think she looks pretty good.

Neith was the next to have a birthday.

True to her word, she kept her hat as part of her wardrobe.

As soon as Neith was ready (she had to sleep, eat, use the bathroom, and shower), I began tutoring her. She wouldn't have much time at school because Monday was going to be a holiday, I explained. It was essential that she make the honor roll. I think her initial reaction was to feel intimidated. I reassured her by saying that I and her previous seven ancestors had all been able to do this so it shouldn't be a problem for her.

One thing I felt badly about -- Sue was sleeping while I was tutoring Neith, so I had to leave Justice in the playpen. Sue and I had agreed that we would only use the playpen as a device for enriching our children's lives, not as an unpaid babysitter, and we'd been able to accomplish that with Neith. But my first priority was to the dynasty. Luckily, I was able to pull Justice out of the playpen before Sue woke up.

I decided to move the houseboat to a dock nearer the school. One thing I didn't realize was that we all might get seasick while we were moving. Rather than send everyone except Justice (he was quite unaffected) to the hospital, I decided to stop where we were.

One side effect of the seasickness was that that night I dreamed about my imaginary friend, Bobo. Neither Neith nor Justice have an imaginary friend -- maybe they aren't delivered to houseboats? Anyway Bobo disappeared before he could grow up.

The next day Neith was a very apt pupil and soon reached her A.

Since it was a holiday, I decided that we would all go to the beach. Neith wanted to do everything but soon realized that some of the pleasures available were too old for her -- she couldn't surf or use the climbing wall. Luckily, the jungle gym proved an acceptable substitute.

Later, she decided to build a sand castle.

Sue tried surfing but was soon up-ended by a seal (I missed getting a picture of the seal).

I played with Justice in the ocean. To my annoyance, I got a call from the hospital even though I'd informed them that I'd be taking family time at the beach. Usually I head over there as soon as I get a call, but this time I decided to let the interns handle it. And if the administrator gives me grief, I'll remind her that I'm very close to retirement age. I guess there's been a shift in my priorities.

These days my children come first. I want to watch Justice grow up (I think he looks a lot like Sue, except for having my hair color).

And I want to be able to give Neith some pointers on the fine art of broom-riding.

The next birthday is going to be mine. Even though Dad lived to be 113, there's no telling how much time I have left.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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