Author Topic: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (COMPLETED)  (Read 194034 times)

Offline maisie

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 17)
« Reply #300 on: February 21, 2013, 04:51:36 PM »
maisie, I think there's a photo booth and pool table coming with University, in case you're planning on getting that.

Really? That would be the answer to all my prayers!  ;D

I really like Shelley. She seems to favour more her mother, doesn't she?


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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 20)
« Reply #301 on: February 22, 2013, 09:22:42 PM »
I love that Whitney Houston song. R.I.P. Whitney  :'(
Shelley is coming along fine. She's growing up right in between seasons, yes?

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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 20)
« Reply #302 on: February 24, 2013, 11:43:41 AM »
Chapter Nine – Other Dimensions

   I’m so glad that you and Beppe managed to patch things up. There’s nothing worse than being falsely accused of something.

   I don’t have any big news to report, just several little things. Shelley has declared herself Queen of Simlandia – or at least our house.

She actually shows promise as a singer, and might choose that as a career.

   Bridgette has a severe case of midlife crisis. Her tummy couldn’t get any flatter, but she still obsesses about it.

She also put together a new outfit for herself, saying that nothing makes you look older than wearing clothes designed for a younger woman. I think she could get away with it, but she thinks not.

To take her mind off her woes, Luke suggested they go for a ride in the balloon that we added to our park.

It has cheered her up, but not quite in the way Luke intended. When they entered the balloon, Luke had an attack of vertigo and immediately exited, so Bridgette went up by herself. She did a little sightseeing and then descended.

   Since then she hasn’t stopped talking about the awesome perspective you get from viewing the world from above, almost like entering a fifth dimension. (Tell me about it, Bridgette, I only get to go up in fighter planes.) And when she’s not talking, she’s singing “Up, up and awa-ay in my beautiful balloon…”

   I’ve been working hard, both on the job and at home.

The other day I took a break and decided to check out dimension gate in the plasmatron.

It was different from just whirling around – dreamlike. There were talking frogs and a rainbow waterfall – not a rainbow at the foot of a waterfall where the sun hits the spray, but a stream of seven colors. I came back with a special seed that Dad planted. When I showed the plasmatron to Perry, he hopped into it immediately, without even checking the dimension gate. He thinks we should make it part of astronaut training.

   Afterwards, we had a long talk about our future, and Perry asked me when we could get married. I reminded him that I had to reach the top of my career – which I could do more quickly if I got a promotion. He thought about it and said that yes, I was eligible, so he could put the paperwork through right away.

   The next day I had my birthday.

Dad surprised me by summoning the genie and asking her for some money so that I could buy the Stadium. I plan on naming it after Mom.

   And I take back everything negative I said about Bridgette and her midlife crisis. As soon as I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I realized that my clothes just weren’t right for a woman my age, especially since I’m only one promotion away from the top of my career.

   I still have a lot to do, Aurelia. Those missing opportunities loom large. I can pick up two more if I go to a foreign country, but that still leaves one I have to get. And I probably should work on making more friends. Unfortunately, I can’t count you among them, even though we are BFFs. Keep fishing! Love, Diana
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 24)
« Reply #303 on: February 27, 2013, 04:16:12 PM »
Chapter Ten – Not Much News

Dear Aurelia,

   Well, there’s not much news to tell you. Except that I completed my butterfly collection – there is that. It’s worth $773.

Oh, and I got a promotion. I completed an opportunity that gave me boost in job performance, and I’m an astronaut now, which has been my lifetime wish.

   But that’s not all. Once I got my final promotion, it was okay for me and Perry to get engaged, so I gave him the glad news the next day.

   Immediately after that, I went to France to pick up two more black ops. I really wished Perry could have come with me, but he had to stay behind.

   I think if I ever explore another tomb, it will be one in Egypt, where it’s hot and dry, instead of underground in France, where it’s chilly and damp.

And gloomy. Besides being very heavy, those pushable statues are kind of eerie. I swear they seem to move when you look out of the corner of your eye, but when you look straight at them, they’re perfectly still.

   I couldn’t help wondering whose grave was in the center of the maze. Once I found the “treasure” I was looking for (it turned out to be someone’s old baseball), I got out of there as quickly as possible.

   While I was in France, Luke was busy at home, making friends to help me finish up my requirements. He invited a singer, Pawel Comer, to serenade Bridgette, which she enjoyed.

   Then he called up our mail carrier, Vance McDaniel, who keeps sending him letters, and asked him to bring some of his friends over. One of them was another maid, but one was Ray Gunne, the party dancer.

   When I got home, all I had to do was get married. Unfortunately, my old buddy Hugo Ojeda, the proprietor of Performance Park, died, so I had to make one more friend. While I was doing that, Bridgette was abducted by an alien. Luckily, she came home.

   Before we could say our vows, Perry had to go home and get ready to go to work. So we decided to have a regular wedding the next day.

   We set it for afternoon, when Perry would be finished with work, and I settled down for a nap. While I was sleeping, Dad gave Luke an elixir that he said would get him dressed properly for the wedding. Daa-ad!

I think it’s supposed to wear off after 24 hours. If not, I’ll have to do something about it. Perry’s house is only across the street, so it’s not far.

   The wedding was set for 3 p.m., and of course, the guests started arriving around 2:00. Three o’clock, four o’clock, five o’clock came and went with no sign of Perry. Hanson Gilbert, my old boyfriend from high school, offered to marry me instead, and I was seriously considering taking him up on it and getting a potent cure elixir from Dad to get rid of his vampirism.

   Fortunately, Perry did show up before all the guests had left. He gave me my ring…

…and I gave him his.

And just like that, we were married. I wish I could have had a piece of cake, but we had to move right after the ceremony.

Plus we had one other task to take care of.

   Like I said, there wasn’t much news. What’s happening in Monte Vista? Love, Diana
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 27)
« Reply #304 on: February 27, 2013, 04:57:17 PM »
Right, because a wedding isn't big news. Congratulations Perry and Diana! I never thought how creepy the tombs are, but what a realistic portrayal!
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By samoht04

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 27)
« Reply #305 on: February 28, 2013, 02:39:55 PM »
Chapter Eleven – Some News

Dear Aurelia,

   Perry and I celebrated Snowflake Day right after we got married. We decided to have a gift-giving party.

Everybody in my family came, along with Perry’s old roommate, Rickey Patterson. A couple of other people showed up, too.

   I got a new plant, but Perry just got some coal. I wonder why?

   After everyone left, I felt a bit sick. Maybe extra-cheezy pizza and bouillabaisse wasn’t such a great combination.

   But not long after that, I changed into some terrifically ugly clothing and knew I was pregnant. Perry was really excited when I told him.

   Being pregnant is boring, especially if you’ve completed all your requirements for the dynasty. I set up an inventing table and started learning how to make a time machine for the baby. Perry got a job in the field he really wanted (medicine). He told me he only stayed in the military because I was there. And I redecorated the furniture. Perry’s favorite color is lilac and mine is red. I didn’t think the two would work together, but they look nice, especially when it’s pink outside at sunset.

   So time passed, and all at once I was giving birth.

   Here’s the sixth generation of the Cottoneyes – little Woden. He’s eccentric and easily impressed.

So long for now. I’m going to take a nap. Love, Diana
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 28)
« Reply #306 on: February 28, 2013, 04:57:32 PM »
Welcome Woden!
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By samoht04

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Offline maisie

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 28)
« Reply #307 on: March 01, 2013, 01:53:24 PM »
Already generation six, congratulations!
Welcome little Woden! :D

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 28)
« Reply #308 on: March 01, 2013, 03:24:22 PM »
I can't believe you're up to Generation 6! Time has flown for this family. I wish you luck with the final five generations.
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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 28)
« Reply #309 on: March 01, 2013, 04:15:54 PM »
Okay, the last time I read this it was Orion's generation! I'm glad I've finally caught up!
Welcome to little Woden! I bet he'll be a cutie  ;)
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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 28)
« Reply #310 on: March 02, 2013, 05:42:19 PM »
The tragic clown appearance got m a little worried. Totally ununeccessay it seems.
So, one hearty wekcome to Wooden! Great update! :)

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (Feb 28)
« Reply #311 on: March 13, 2013, 08:22:16 AM »
Chapter Twelve – Baby Love

Dear Aurelia,

   Taking care of Woden was so easy that Perry and I had plenty of time for each other. The result was that I started another baby.

   Woden’s birthday came quickly. Perry took a picture of me blowing out the candles for him, but all you can see is the top of my head. Here’s a good shot of him in the high chair. He’s got the Simovitch hair color, and Perry thinks he’s going to look a lot like me.

   We didn’t get a walker for him – I wanted to teach him myself, and he learned very quickly.

We did get a playpen, however. He really enjoys it, and I enjoy knowing that he’s safe.

   I’ve started reading him to sleep. He likes books so much that I think he might write one someday. Thanks to his Uncle Luke, he should have plenty of children’s books to read in the library.

   Dad and my niece Shelley both came over to see us the other day. Both of them took a peek at Woden, but luckily neither of them tried to pick them up. Perhaps they actually listened when I said, “Don’t you dare wake that baby.”

   Shelley has exactly the same hairstyle as Woden. While she’s pretty enough to do anything with her hair, I can’t help hoping she’ll let it grow out a little.

   After they left, I began to feel some twinges and soon was in full-scale labor.

Since Perry’s in the medical profession, I thought he would be a big help. I thought wrong.

   Woden now has a little brother. We did not name him Thor, but Valor. He’s friendly and loves the outdoors. I’m looking forward to seeing the two of them play together.

   Please write soon and let me know how you’re doing. Baby crying, got to run. Love, Diana
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline maisie

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (March 13)
« Reply #312 on: March 13, 2013, 10:59:35 AM »
Hey there, little Valor (besides, great naming theme  ;))!
So, maybe we have a little author growing up?
Poor Shelley, I really don't know what's the thing with Sims and their hair....

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (March 13)
« Reply #313 on: March 13, 2013, 05:52:20 PM »
"I started another baby," makes it sound like a game of chess!  A really. long. game of chess, haha.

That is one cute toddler.  More toddler spam photos, pls.

Offline MarianT

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Re: When the Zombies Come -- a Cottoneye Decadynasty (March 13)
« Reply #314 on: March 15, 2013, 09:58:44 AM »
Chapter Thirteen – Peek-a-boo

Dear Aurelia,

   We had an alien visitor the other night, or rather, a child in an alien costume trick-or-treating. Although, now that I think of it, she might have been an alien, because we don’t usually get trick-or-treaters in springtime.

   Perry is rising quickly through the ranks of the medical profession. He wants to make it to the top before he retires. I just hope the long hours aren’t too much for him, now that he’s become an elder.

   And now, I intend to devote the rest of my letter to toddlers. Woden loves his boat.

And if he’s dismayed when he makes it disappear, he’s always overjoyed to have it come back.

   The only thing he enjoys more than playing with his boat is looking at books, either with me…

…or on his own. When he really likes something, he grabs his foot and rocks a little.

   Valor had his birthday, so now we have two toddlers in the house.

   I’m not sure how much he and Woden will resemble each other – they do have the same hair color.

   I’m very glad you’re getting to attend university. I wish I could go, except that I’d rather forego the days and let Woden and his children use them. Unlike you, however, I’m less limited with regard to the number of children I can have in the house.

University or toddlers playing peek-a-boo? It’s a tough choice.

   Take care and good luck on your next semester! Love, Diana
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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