Calvin Riffin - I'm so happy you mentioned him, @Angélique! He is one of my favorite Appaloosa Plains residents! Not only does he have winning traits, but he also has this boyish handsomeness.
Yes, I agree that four of his traits are very good, but the fact that he's a coward caused a lot of problems. I don't blame poor Calvin for being scared and emotionally traumatized, after that horrible fire accident that took both his parents life when he was a teenager, and his siblings were only toddlers, but every time one or both of his ghost parents decided to leave their urn and roam around in the house, he fainted with fear and fell down on the floor with a thud. After that it took some time before he came to, and when he saw their ghost again, he fainted again.
This chain of events repeated itself over and over again, so finally I had to use testing cheats and take him to CAS and replace that coward trait with something more useful. I also changed his voice to voice number 1, because the one that he had, number 3, doesn't sound like the voice of a young adult, which is what Calvin is when you first start the game in Appaloosa Plains.