I usually make a single female and let them marry whoever they fall for so i've had a few townie husbands, to me looks don't matter as I find after a time even the ugliest have a certain beauty in their unusual features. As I mostly play in Riverview and don't particularly find anybody there ugly, even Walter Grisby is actually rather handsome at certain angles if his nose is a little obscured, I've never minded who they pick and have grown very fond of some of them.
I get annoyed if story progression puts these former husbands with people who I feel don't suit them, I get sad when they die or I stop them from dying with Twallans mods, i've even used ambrosia on them to bring them back before now. But while fond of them i've basically let them go and let story progression have them.
Apart from one who I find I can't, I feel very posessive about Dallas Shallow ever since that first time he married my sim self, she has briefly had other husbands, Trigger Broke and Justin Ortez (babysitter) but they cannot stay away from each other even when they should have, and it's not me directing that it's just how they are whenever they meet. So in my mind they have become a permanent couple and they just belong together and I can't let story progression put him with anybody else. I've gone so far as to add her to town and hook them up if i'm not playing her and then let story progression take over, if not I play another town instead.