I have re-planted everything in my gardens as I go to each house. This seems to have solved the gardening problem, except that you have to wait for them to grow again. My sims all keep produce in their backpacks so they are never without food or go hungry.
Also, in the collectible journal, which I am very happy to see, my plant page was the same as the fish page, but two days later, it has changed and it seems to be fine. My collectibles are all accounted for.
I've posted a couple problems (a couple days ago) in the Sims 3 Technical Help board, "Script errors since patch update yesterday" for which I'm still looking for help. It's a "character re-setting - script error" problem. If anyone gets a chance, please me know via that thread. I'm going to try re-setting the world as I've read several people have done. See it that helps. Thanks for that suggestion.
I was really pleased to see that I can turn off vampires and celebrities. Thanks EA so much for that. I hope that when 'Weather' comes out the option to turn off aliens will also be there. Otherwise I'll not be getting it. I have no interest in Supernatural, so I hope this patch will be fixed and not affect my game.