I'm not too great at taking screenshots and especially when trying to fit eight sims into the frame, so these didn't turn out overly good, but nevertheless!
Sims from all over SimNation came to Sunset Beach at Union Cove for a party! Let the awkward dancing begin!
The Sims at the party are Lori, Renelle and Melinda Dreamer, Saeglopur and Fljotavik Endalaust, Matthew and Satthew Hamming and my simself because with a bunch like these, there has to be someone to keep them in check.
There's no checking Melinda though, she autonomously went and scared the daylights out of Flow by offering him some flowers out of the blue. He wasn't too impressed. He solved it by walk-dancing even more awkwardly than me..
Meanwhile, Satthew decided to distance himself. Because dancing with the crowd is too mainstream.
Jeana's simself appeared earlier, which was rather funny.
She was very happy to be there!
Happy birthday to the forum!!