Author Topic: Meteors  (Read 89513 times)


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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2010, 08:36:43 AM »
I was looking on the official forums, and someone had a meteor kill her sim's twin daughters while they were playing outside. How sad :'(

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2010, 03:24:53 PM »
They also had one that hit the school and there was a dozen or so tombstones laying around.  They had some pictures of it too.  Really eerie looking.
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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2010, 11:05:27 PM »
I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I posted my results in the Grim Reaper Challenge today, but I got my first meteor strike. It wasn't today, but when I was playing that file a few days ago. One of my Clock sisters was looking through the telescope and I got the notice that a meteor was coming. All three sisters were skilling in the same area. I knew I had to act quickly, so I canceled all of their actions and moved them to the other side of the yard to wait. BABOOM!! That entire part of the yard where the telescope was went up in flames. Thankfully not much was taken out—the telescope easel and an exercise machine. Oh, and the stereo too. But, man oh man...if I had not moved them, it's quite likely all 3 would have had an early finish to that challenge!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #63 on: August 23, 2010, 11:16:00 PM »
I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I posted my results in the Grim Reaper Challenge today, but I got my first meteor strike. It wasn't today, but when I was playing that file a few days ago. One of my Clock sisters was looking through the telescope and I got the notice that a meteor was coming. All three sisters were skilling in the same area. I knew I had to act quickly, so I canceled all of their actions and moved them to the other side of the yard to wait. BABOOM!! That entire part of the yard where the telescope was went up in flames. Thankfully not much was taken out—the telescope easel and an exercise machine. Oh, and the stereo too. But, man oh man...if I had not moved them, it's quite likely all 3 would have had an early finish to that challenge!
Man, I just thought of this! Normally if I get a meteor about to hit, I teleport them out of the way. When I get home and start this challenge, I hope my 3 elders are fast enough without teleporting cause if not, they will die quick! I hope those poor old pixels can RUN!!

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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #64 on: August 24, 2010, 12:48:04 AM »
Pray for the run-around bug!
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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #65 on: August 24, 2010, 03:12:43 AM »
That's for sure! Run, baby run!  ;D


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Re: Meteor Shower!
« Reply #66 on: October 07, 2010, 11:46:30 AM »
So how far does "fireproof homestead" lifetime reward go in reference to this?  I got it for my inventor.  She kept catching on fire, so I figured it was a good idea.  ...I also figured being set on fire would be bad for a pregnant woman.

I'm torn between wanting this to happen in my game and not wanting it to happen.  Either way, I constantly back up my game... *knocks on wood*

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Meteor stories
« Reply #67 on: May 17, 2011, 05:27:36 AM »
Arent those big meteor crashes really random? I have just been hit twice in the last 2 weeks, in 2 different games.

Last night i was playing with Baby Boomer challenge when tadaa "Dad wonder why its getting so dark" and my heart just stopped, there was a huge shadow over where he was stood carrying a baby, while 3 of my toddlers were happily playing right next to him, at the edge of this shadow. I had dad walk to the far end of the lot and told all the playing toddlers to do the same and had a panic moment while they in theyr own pace crawled across the lot. Neighbours were running in, waving theyr arms and yelling and then my entire lot exploded when a huge meteor struck. All of my furniture exept for 2 items was turned into scraps or burned out. For a while all was a chaos of scorched neigbours, firemen and unhappy babies but to my great relief none of my family was harmed. Quite disappointing the value of the meteors only allowed me to buy back a third of my lost furniture. That dont seem right  :( After sleeping on it I desided to continue the game, I just hope i can get the "dirty inviroment" debuff outdoor to go away somehow.

Two weeks back I had my first attemt on an old challenge, Da Vinci, totally destroyed by a meteor much the same way. Again I was fast enuf to save my sim, but I lost all but 1 of my furniture and every single of the 25+ sculptures I had on the lot. I desided to just start it over.

Im really divided about those meteors, on one hand I think its an interesting flavor to the game that disaster could strike at any random moment, and you just have to deal with it. On the other hand, if your playing a specific challenge it can destroy your plans just as much as a huge game glitch. I read a meteor can strike the school, thats really a game changing disaster isnt it.  :o

So, I thought maybe you would like to share your meteor story too?
Cheers Honey  8)

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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #68 on: May 17, 2011, 05:38:39 AM »
Hi Honeysuckle, and welcome to the forum.

I have never experienced a meteor (and I think some players can agree with me), so I don't really have a story to tell. I can tell about the time I faked a meteor landing... hehe.
I was playing as my old legacy family (I scrapped them for whatever reason), and I figured "Never had a meteor, I'll fake one". Through some constructive use of cheats and the Fog Emitter, I had a big boom, and then, a big rock. A big, decorative rock. And scrap, and a singed area. All through cheats. It wasn't the same though. :'(

Shouldn't this be on the Ambitions Board?


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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #69 on: May 17, 2011, 05:43:06 AM »

Shouldn't this be on the Ambitions Board?

It should? Im not so sharp in what goes in wich expansion category  :) I played the base game for 2 weeks, then desided I liked it and bought all the expansions  ;) Thanx for the welcome.

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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #70 on: May 17, 2011, 08:56:16 AM »
My goodness, Honey, what a run of bad luck.  I haven't been playing long (just about a month) but I have 7 or 8 different separate characters (each in their own separate town) and none of them has suffered anything worse than a burglar.  And on one, the burglar was so bummed by the lack of loot (the sim was seriously poor -- just starting out) that she only took a trashcan and a roll of toilet paper  ::).

The meteors sound brutal /shudder.  Are they Ambitions only?  Maybe the reason I haven't experienced them is that I only have the vanilla game.  Anyway, glad to hear they didn't sour you on the game.

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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #71 on: May 17, 2011, 09:03:45 AM »
I've had similar things.
The worst was when one of my families were moving homes. It was a mother, father and their triplet toddlers.
They just got to their new lot, and I went to age the mother up. Her cake caught on fire, and burnt their table and chairs.
Straight after I'd put out the flames, the message about the meteor came up. Two of the toddlers were in their cribs and couldn't be moved. Their new house was destroyed, and there were multiple fires all over the lot.
In the middle of all the chaos, the toddler that wasn't in the crib started aging up!

The toddlers cribs got burnt, but the ones in them were fine (as toddlers and children can't die).
It was so hectic, and I had to rebuild their whole house. Luckily, they had quite a bit of money.

Offline ratchie

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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #72 on: May 17, 2011, 06:52:25 PM »
I have only had one meteor in any of my games. It was my Smith Dynasty game and I got the message that Kumquat could see something through the telescope heading towards the town. Luckily I had already told Kumquat to go for a shower and the family had the fireproof homestead reward.
It destroyed the garden but everyone lived to tell the tale.

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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #73 on: May 17, 2011, 06:57:16 PM »
My only meteor strike struck the Bake-Sale table in my Sims' front yard. Two Sims that were buying some baked goods died, everybody else was singed, but very little damage to the house itself. It did screw up Betty's work proformance, because her boss was one of the Sims who died.

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Re: Meteor stories
« Reply #74 on: May 17, 2011, 09:23:19 PM »
Lucky... I have had Ambitions for almost a year now and I have never gotten a meteor.