What's this? I am actually posting my results for a challenge?
I know, I know...it's been too long. Well, a good friend of mine that I play Rift a lot with is in the hospital and so I have not been "Rifting" quite as much lately.
Sal Ebrity finished up on Week 2, Day 7 (14 days total)
Household funds = 113,313
Celebrities Known = 33
CM = 1.00 - (14 X .05) + (33 X .005) = 1.00 - .7 + .165 = .465
113,313 X .465 = 52,690
I got two freebies the entire time! TWO!. lol. Don't Sims realize how wonderful I am? Thankfully #2 was a big ticket item that allowed me to cash it in and finish the LTW.