Author Topic: Uncommonly good gardening opportunity broken??  (Read 3956 times)

Offline sims96fan

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Uncommonly good gardening opportunity broken??
« on: August 26, 2012, 03:14:18 AM »
Since I installed Sunlit Tides, the uncommonly good gardening opportunity appears to be broken!  I have the opportunity with both of my sims and they have more than 20 excellent to perfect lettuce.

However, when I put the 20 excellent+ lettuce in my sim's inventory and went to "deliver produce" at the Moonlight Bistro, it completed the action in the rabbithole but then instead of receiving the reward for completing the opportunity and being able to progress to the next opportunity, the progress status went back to "0/20 harvestables" in my sim's inventory, even though the lettuce was still there and excellent to perfect.

Basically it didn't take the produce in my sim's inventory and the game did not seem to recognize the produce in my sim's inventory as being of acceptable quality any more. After doing a few other actions, the status went back to "deliver produce" for my sim, so the game recognized the produce in the inventory as being acceptable, but every time he goes to the bistro rabbithole the same thing repeats.

Has anyone else heard of this happening after installing Sunlit Tides or possibly with Hidden Springs?  I also downloaded HS on sale today but I haven't played any games in that world yet.  :(


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Re: Uncommonly good gardening opportunity broken??
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 11:39:02 PM »
Try adding one of the other bistros to the town and see if that works? It might be that the new rabbithole is bugged.

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