Author Topic: Simbots - The Way to Live  (Read 83836 times)

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2010, 05:15:33 PM »
I just started playing my inventor's simbot daughter, and I'm wondering why everyone thinks she smells bad. Is this the "A Simbot!" reaction previously mentioned?
If you mean when they interrupt the interaction queue and wave with their hands in front of them with disgust, then yes. :)
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2010, 06:59:48 PM »
Simbots don't seem that useful.
They are quicker to reproduce then sims are, but despite the description they seem to have a shorter lifespan.
From what I can tell they only have a single age category.
My inventor made (with the recipe) his simbot when he was an adult.  Now he is at the end of the elder category, and the simbot is at the end of their category.

They can smash objects, but a trained inventor can just explode them instead.
They don't need to bathe, but slob can also do that.
They have no customization options.

They can't use sprinklers.

While I guess taking over a neighborhood with simbots could be fun... much rather do it with ghosts.

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2010, 07:27:55 PM »
I found them rather useful in my legacy.
I had a triple and my simbot took care of them all the way until childhood while their parents earned money.
Now that my sims are not babies any more the simbot searches the galaxy with his telescope and earns quite a lot of money.


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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2010, 12:44:54 PM »
OK, here's what I learned about Simbots.

Reactions From Other Sims (and Simbots)
Sometimes when my Simbot tries to talk to someone, they run away in fear (or maybe surprise/excitement).

Most people my Simbot encounters tend to dislike him and give him a disgusted look, or run away. There are also those Sims that do the exact opposite and do a fist pump when they see a Simbot. The first time you talk to someone, they may refuse the greeting and you have to greet them again. It's very annoying. However on some rare occassions, Sims react "normally" to Simbots. I think its got something to do with traits?

It is equally annoying when a Simbot walks by a Sim who is doing something (sleeping, reading, writing, etc.). The Sim stops whatever they're doing (even waking from sleep), and goes "It's a Simbot!". I currently have 2 Simbots and they both react to each other in the same manner, sometimes at the same time. There are times this reaction doesn't happen, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with befriending the Simbot.

Simbots for Tomb Exploration
Simbots naturally don't become dirty (due to some crazy engineering, or that they just don't mind). This is great for exploring tombs as normals Sims get filthy real fast.

But what about dive wells and steam traps? Aren't Simbots supposed to have an allergic reaction to water? Much to my surprise, Simbots can do both of those things just like normals Sims and only get the Soaked moodlet (which can be useful for disarming fire traps).

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but my Sim got caught in a fire trap and didn't catch fire or get the Singed moodlet. I have 2 Simbots and neither of them have ever caught on fire. I'm not sure if Mummies are any different.

I have yet to test them with electricity traps, poison traps and mummies.

Reprogramming and Repairing Simbots
After making a new Simbot, I like to reprogram it. So I send it to the shower where it gets short circuited. (O, Simbots can also short circuit if one or many of its moodlets drops too low.) Simbots stand hunched over for about 4 hours and then reboot themselves to return to normal.

After the reprogramming, I will repair the Simbot. Unfortunately, both times I did this my Sim got electrocuted and caught on fire. Again, the Simbot did not catch fire. My Sim had a high level handiness skill and yet she got electrocuted. It's really strange.

Just some of my observations. Hope it helps someone.

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #34 on: July 02, 2010, 07:02:09 PM »
Welcome to our Forum, dragonic2020!  That's some great information.  Thank you for sharing it with us.
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2010, 08:28:24 AM »
What happens if you reprogram them? I heard you get to re-chose their traits?
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2010, 10:46:19 AM »
When you reprogram them you get to choose their traits ,but they lose all of their relationships with other sims in the process.

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2010, 11:56:51 AM »
Can Simbots WooHoo?
Formerly Simstar3

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2010, 12:55:36 PM »
Can Simbots WooHoo?
From what I've heard, yes, they can do all normal social and romantic interactions that young adult or older sims can do, but they can't get children. So they're basically like elders.
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2010, 02:02:57 AM »
Can they adopt? Thus becoming a parent?
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Offline Castastic

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2010, 12:29:29 PM »
Can they adopt? Thus becoming a parent?
Uhm, I have no idea about that. But logically, they should be able to. They just can't reproduce naturally, since they're made of metal and scrap et al, and not human flesh and DNA and stuff.
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2010, 05:31:58 PM »
Uhm, I have no idea about that. But logically, they should be able to. They just can't reproduce naturally, since they're made of metal and scrap et al, and not human flesh and DNA and stuff.

As if Sims aren't made of pixels too, hehe.
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2010, 09:23:20 PM »
As if Sims aren't made of pixels too, hehe.

Actually they aren't made of pixels, thay are made of a 3D model!  ;D

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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2010, 12:40:46 AM »
I started playing my inventor and simbot daughter again today, and I'm noticing something interesting. My simbot puts her hands on her head and screams sometimes. I'm not sure why, but now my inventor/father is frequently doing that too. Neither have the neurotic trait (is that what a freak-out looks like?), and recently the inventor has started to act fearful, or paranoid (stopping and looking around and behind him), but there is no associated moodlet with the animations. What's going on?

I'm also wondering what to do with their wishes to be "best friends" with their daughter/father. I thought the usual friendships didn't apply to family.

Also, when I set the son-simbot free, he left town and I want him to return. I've since realized he appears in the relationship window, so I've been inviting him over to the family home. How do I go about getting him to move back into the family home? Can I do it with an ingame method? If not, how can I do it, considering he left town?
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Re: Simbots - The Way to Live
« Reply #44 on: July 11, 2010, 12:55:47 AM »
@LlamaMama:  Family relationships can still be Friends, Best Friends, etc.  You'll have the usual relationship bar that goes up or down depending on how the conversation is going.  I frequently get wishes to be friends with family members.  I think it's only Romantic Interests where the problems start with that.

If you invite the SimBot son over and get the relationship bar high enough, you'll get the option to ask him to move in.  I've done that with regular Sims who move out of town and I want them back.
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