I heard about your treatment center for insane Sims, and I think it would be very good for the well being of my sister is she was able to be underneath your care. I would be ever so grateful, if you took her in. She used to be normal, but when she turned 13, her dog Fried ran off into the woods. She spent years in the woods looking for him, and she lived out there. Now, she is insane and 'one with the wild' or what ever that means. In the years she was in the forest, she forgot her manners and social skills. And now, she is almost an animal herself. I hope you appreciate how groomed she looks, we fought for hours before I forced her into her new clothing and braided her hair.
She is driving me insane [no pun intended.] I hope that you can take her in, because she is starting to worry me. If that wasn't enough of a reason, the last time I got the Mr.Christopher Steel himself, to come over for dinner, she called him 'over rated', 'ugly', 'Too famous', 'A fishy' [I don''t get that one], 'Too weird' and 'insane'. Then, she chased him home, lets just say I will never get my dinner date.
She also has no friends, what so ever. The people I tried to help her befriend, she insults and chases them home. Every, single, time. She's a bit of a hot head, so it's hard for her to make friends, unless they are trees. Coleen's so called 'friends' are trees. As you see in this picture;
She had just finished complimenting the tree, on it's clothing. Also, she has a thing with gnomes. She'll randomly yell, "THE GNOME LIVES!!!!" In the most random-est of places, like in the middle of an orchestra concerto. Never bring her to those. Also, she has a thing for ice cream. If she even hears the ice cream truck song, she bolts for the door. But she hasn't figured out how to unlock the door, yet. I only reward her with ice cream, maybe you can do the same.
I beg you to somehow help her! Please, Mr.Payne, please. She'll help with chores, especially ones to do with Inky. And she likes rock walls, maybe you can reward her with that too. *Sniffle* Please take good care of her, she's like a child to me.
Katie Bacon
Name: Coleen Bacon
Personal Information: Insane, Loves The Outdoors, Hot Headed, Athletic, Animal Lover
Treatment Goal: For Coleen to be more in touch with the world, make a few friends, learn manners and a few basic sills in things to support her.
Other: Coleen only agreed to go if she could write back home, so if Mr.Payne can share any paper and maybe let her borrow a pen, I would appreciate it.
[I'll write journal entries and/or letters back home for Coleen.]