Author Topic: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors  (Read 16079 times)

Offline SimPenguin

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Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:14:52 PM »
Hi – Does anyone know if there is a mod that will stop (or ignore the effects of) celebrity rumors?  My game is almost a constant string of rumors and I’m frustrated beyond belief!  I have loaded up all my playboys (and their conquests) with “no jealousy” and every behavior-excusing lifetime reward there is but the rumors override all of them.  I loaded nraas Master Controller Cheats to strip my Sims of their celebrity stars but it’s a completely losing battle because the second they hit a good relationship level with any other celebrity (which is virtually *everyone* it’s so rampant in the game), they instantly gain most of them back again.  The moodlets the rumors cause are easy enough to clear with testingcheatsenabled turned on (although it’s extremely tedious and I’m sick of it) but the real damage is that a large number of your friendships take a huge hit each time and whatever you are trying to do is stopped by having to wait for an offended Sim to confront you.  Once in a while this is bearable, but being hit with rumors over and over again is just an impossible situation if you are trying to *make* friends for a career while living a rouge’s life.  I spend most of my time these days manually clearing moodlets and restoring friendship bars, not actually playing. 

I Googled for a while and skimmed through some of the nraas mod lists and nothing I could use for this jumped out at me – leads anyone?

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2012, 05:17:43 PM »
Hi SimPenguin,

I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried removing the paparazzi? Using another one of Nraas mods, called Register?  When you have that installed, you can select City Hall, then Nraas. Click Register, then Paparazzi. Selecting Allow Paparazzi should equal False - If you're not wanting to deal with paparazzi. Select Remove Paparazzi then checkmark, then checkmark again to confirm. Should remove paparazzi all together.

Story Progression - Town Options Allow Celebrity = False (Prevents Celebrity Status)
Master Controller - Sim - Intermediate - Celebrity Level. Click checkmark, Click checkmark again (Do not select all Items, just click checkmark) Click checkmark again to confirm Celebrity level is set at 0.

I'm trying to type this up from my notes. So hopefully it's understandable. *Grin* I hope this helps :)

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Offline SimPenguin

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2012, 06:32:34 PM »
Thanks - I've been using Master Controller to strip away the celebrity level, but that is a losing battle (see above).  I didn't look too closely at the other two mods when I was searching and they sound good - I'll look into them.  I did shy away from Story Progression initially because I really don't want to screw with that realm of the game, but if there is a celebrity override system in there, I will do the homework to make sure the alterations are all off but that one.  I can't think of any career or gameplay things I care about at this time that would require celebrities.

If anyone else knows of a different mod though that leaves the celebrity system largely intact, but negates the evil effects of rumors, that would be ideal as it would preserve the most gameplay options, should I decide a care about them in future.

EDIT:  I just read through the action list for Story Progression and it looks like the *Extra* Story Progression add-on mod allows the tweaking to the damage done by rumors that I was looking for.  Problem Solved!

Offline Zyffyr

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2012, 07:03:07 PM »
Check out

There are several sub-versions, with several degrees of effect. The lowest chance for false accusations it offers is 20% of the default, but it wouldn't be too hard to alter it to zero chance.

Offline SimPenguin

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2012, 07:28:08 PM »
Thanks, Zyffyr - That looks a lot closer to what I wanted.  Something simple that only addresses the disgrace level and star attrition.  If I'm reading the write-up correctly, only select actions (unfortunately, not the ones that plague me) are removed from the disgrace list, but the fact that the celebrity attrition is significantly slowed might make the instances in my game reduce since I could strip the Sim of stars and not have them almost *instantly* add back on.  The false accusation tweak does me no good because they *are* doing what they are accused of.   :)

In contrast with Story Progression which allows me to do *exactly* what I want, but I have to load two large mods that come along with a whole lot of other functions and settings I would have to understand and turn off...  I'll have to sleep on it.

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2012, 05:03:30 PM »
There are 2 separate disgrace lists. The first is for things that your sims actually do - that is the one a few items were cut from. The second is the rumors about things you didn't do. For those it just reduces the chances.

Since it is a pretty simple XML tweak, I would be happy to whip up a version tailored to your needs. I have one of my own - the hard part is finding the relevant tables to change, and that is already done for me. I would just need to know exactly what changes you need.

I assume you want all false rumors cut to zero chance.
Are there any *true* disgraces that you want cut completely, or even just to have the odds of the story happening cut down?
Do you want it to be more difficult to become a celebrity in the first place, and if so by how much?
I can also tweak the odds of freebies and discounts.

Offline SimPenguin

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2012, 11:48:27 PM »
Zyffyr, that is so kind of you!  I would like to take you up on the offer as I am on a Mac and can't seem to manage it on my own.  I can get into various programs through mono and know what needs to be done, but actually tweaking the parameters just won't work as far as I can see and I'm tired of trying to figure it out.

My primary concern is to cut *all* the disgraces and rumors to zero - I don't see anything on the list of disgraces I'd want to preserve.  And since my rogue Sims are total evil cads and actually doing the deeds (cheating and so forth), the false rumor squashers don't solve my problem.  But you could go ahead and kill those completely as well, if you don't mind.  As far as star gain goes, I like the parameters that are on the Ultra Hard mods at MtS fine - Just start with those and adjust the rumors and false rumors down to zero.  Freebies and discounts don't really concern me - whatever is on the Ultra Hard versions will be fine.

You are so kind to offer, please take your time.  I don't really have any skills to return the favor, so please just accept my thanks and feel good that you did a good deed.   :)  I don't know what the rules are here about posting the end result, so feel free to email me the file at simpenguin at aol dot com if you don't have a better way of sharing it.

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Re: Mod to stop/ignore negative results of celebrity rumors
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2012, 07:45:01 PM »
It has been made and mailed.