Author Topic: Grocery Shopping and Fishing Glitch  (Read 1752 times)

Offline deblake60

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Grocery Shopping and Fishing Glitch
« on: August 20, 2012, 11:49:27 AM »
Maybe it's because I updated to patch 1.36? Not sure, but no one else seems to be having the problems I am about to describe.

When it comes to grocery shopping:  I start a new sim or sim family they can actually shop for the first time but when I save the game and go back later, they enter the store and teleport beside it. Not sure why I can shop at the point of creation, but not when I go back into a game?

When it Comes to fishing:  Almost the same as the grocery shopping. I can have the sim attempt to catch fish and I can even see the fish in the water. Now when I go back into the game, I get a "no fish biting" and when I look into the water, nothing is there? I tried a fishing respawner MOD, just to test, but for some reason, still can't see fish.

I tried the following remedies:
*Took out all CC/MODS and even store contents. Didn't help.
*Completely uninstalled and reinstalled (I have up to the Diesel Pack) and I left out all MODS. Went to start a new sim, was able to grocery shop and fish, but saved game and return (within a few minutes) and I had the same glitches.

Not sure what else to try other than not installing Diesel and the latest patch, but the installer sneaks the updating in on me?

Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated.


