Hello, and thank you for a wonderful site! I'm hoping somebody here might be able to help me fix a rather annoying bug which has come up in my game. I have a PC, with Windows Vista, fully meeting and exceeding the specs to run the game. I have all the expansion packs, no stuff packs, and the game has the latest patch. I have the NRAAS story progression and Overwatch mods, but no other mods or other custom content.
Now for the bug. The family has 5 sims, my original sim, his wife, his son, the son's fiancée (Who started out as an Imaginary Friend) and a genie freed by the original sim. There are no pets, and no currently pregnant sims. However, when I have the son and the fiancée attempt to 'try for baby' the option is greyed out, and I get a message that the fiancée's household has 'too many sims'.
I've searched all over, and as far as I understand the limit should be 8 sims per household, just like in Sims 2, without me having to edit it. Has anybody heard of a similar problem and know what might cause it and how to fix it? I'd rather not have to reinstall the game unless absolutely necessary and would hate to lose the family.