Author Topic: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project  (Read 23241 times)

Offline Dextra2

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2012, 04:51:54 PM »
Where did you come up with the idea for Kelsey to be on a cursade against sharks? ??? It's absaluotly brillerant! ;D
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2012, 05:00:46 PM »
It's about time someone else joined Kelsey in the fight against sharks! I love Becca's look and her face in one of the photos is priceless.

Kelsey agrees, she thinks everyone has been ignoring her fight for far too long!

Becca does kind of look like a goldfish. Especially with that face.  :P

Yeah, it's a bit of an unfortunate face. Especially with the orange hair. I can't remember what interaction caused it though, which is a shame.

The house look very interesting. :P. Love your story.

Thanks! Yeah, the house is... bright.

Where did you come up with the idea for Kelsey to be on a cursade against sharks? ??? It's absaluotly brillerant! ;D

I can't really remember why I picked sharks to be honest. It came from a screenie in my CrumpleSteel DecaDynasty where Kelsey was fishing in the pool and her sisters didn't know why, and then sort of became a running joke after that. Thanks!

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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2012, 05:33:26 PM »
First Day On The Job
Kelsey's Blog, Week 1, Day 3, 10.11am

So, fellow shark hunters of Carl and Pam's Sims 3 Forum (I need a shorter name for you guys! FSHs?), yesterday was my first day of my new job.

And let me tell you, it was a DISASTER with several capital D's.

I went to City Hall to apply to be a shark hunter. I spoke to a man, who sent me to another man, who sent me down a maze of corridors where I found a janitor with a trolley of toilet roll who told me I was in a staff-only area and called a security guard who threw me out of City Hall. I went back into City Hall, because shark killing is important!! and you can't not apply for a license because then the sharks wouldn't be defeated, spoke to a different man, who sent me to a woman in an office which smelt of cheese and then...

Well, anyway. Maybe I shouldn't tell you exactly what happened. It's long, and it involves ham.

In the end I spoke to a bloke who told me he'd never heard of shark hunting licenses. WHAT?! Everyone has! But anyway, he told me he had something very very similar, so I applied for that.

It's not my fault I didn't read the forms, he told me it was similar! Who am I to disagree with a man in a smart shirt?

But yeah. I'm now an acrobat.

I asked what being an acrobat entails and he said "mime a bit". So I went down in front of the theatre and mimed being stuck in a box.

The one bloke who came to watch COULDN'T EVEN WORK OUT WHAT I WAS DOING. I withdrew from him membership of the hat-wearing society.

Or I would have done. But then I fell over. It's not my fault anyway. It was the force of his confusion that knocked me over. Billy Caspian, we shall NEVER be friends! EVER!

It also hurt quite a lot. I'm going to write to the Prime Minister and demand that pavements be made out of bouncy castles from now on. That would also be good because then they would be stripey.

He did give me a tip though. Which was nice. But I still haven't forgiven him. I'm like a tarantula, I don't forget. Or wait, is it tigers that don't forget? Or donkeys?

I decided to mime it being windy next, to pretend that the falling over had been all part of the act. They look convinced to me, don't they?

By this time I had quite a large crowd of people watching me. Maybe, if I could mesmerise them by my amazing impression of being battered by the wind, it would work like hypnosis and I could teach them all to hate sharks too...

But then I fell over, so it didn't work.

Because I was the first one home, I made dinner. Salad. Mmm salad.

I asked Becca what she'd been up to all day. Painting. Why didn't I think of that? So many less bruises. But then, she wasn't conned by a man in a shirt. Conned, I tell you.

Before I move onto the other bit of news, the sleeping arrangements chez moi. We can't afford beds. But at least they're feathery. Which is important in a bed.

This morning Addison asked to meet me down at the end of the central island. I went, because it was either that or spend some more time pretending to be stuck in an invisible box. Which I'm not good at. Which is a shame as it's my job to be good at it.

She told me the first orphan would be arriving on Wednesday, and I'd have to take time off to look after it. Fine by me. I can give it it's initial anti-shark training and avoid falling over in front of Billy Caspian any more times.

I didn't tell her that though. She wouldn't approve and would give me a lecture about being sensible or something.

Instead we did this weird hand signal thing. Does that mean I'm part of a secret society now? YAY! I'm part of a secret society!

Offline Audren

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2012, 05:39:08 PM »
Well, you do have to be agile and flexible to hunt those nasty sharks, so in a way, Kelsey's new job is kind of similar to a shark hunting license. ;)

Maybe we should be called Forumites?

Offline Dextra2

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2012, 05:52:14 PM »
There should be more shark hunters. I'm not Insane. ;D I uhh... mean Nuroict, but everyone knows  those sharks are going to attack. DUH! It says so on my signeture. :P And Kelsey? Don't use blue. It attracts sharks because sharks live in blue water. 8)
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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2012, 04:39:42 AM »
You had me literary in tears, from laughing! It was so funny.
I can't wait for the first orphan to arrive.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2012, 04:55:38 AM »
I love how Kelsey's character is developing.She is almost like an actress who in a popular show that gets her own spin of series.

I really love the way you write and maybe I spend too much time with insane Sims but Kels makes perfect sense to me.

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2012, 08:57:29 PM »
This is funny. I had an insane Genie in one of my games, and I subconsciously gave her Kelsey's hairstyle  8)

Did you make this Becca, or is that just a fortunate coincidence that she's totally bonkers too?
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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2012, 09:01:30 PM »
I think she made Becca, guessing by the way she looks. ;)

Offline Crazycatlady

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2012, 11:23:12 PM »
Kelsey was my favorite from the original story, I was so glad to see she got a story of her own.
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2012, 01:04:52 PM »
Well, you do have to be agile and flexible to hunt those nasty sharks, so in a way, Kelsey's new job is kind of similar to a shark hunting license. ;)

Maybe we should be called Forumites?

Kelsey has thought about it, and agrees that yes you do have to be flexible. Sharks are apparently very fast.

There should be more shark hunters. I'm not Insane. ;D I uhh... mean Nuroict, but everyone knows  those sharks are going to attack. DUH! It says so on my signeture. :P And Kelsey? Don't use blue. It attracts sharks because sharks live in blue water. 8)

Great. Thanks. She now won't touch anything that's blue. :P

You had me literary in tears, from laughing! It was so funny.
I can't wait for the first orphan to arrive.

Thanks sims4ever! I can't wait to see how Kelsey deals with orphans either. I'm not sure I actually trust her to teach them to talk...

I love how Kelsey's character is developing.She is almost like an actress who in a popular show that gets her own spin of series.

I really love the way you write and maybe I spend too much time with insane Sims but Kels makes perfect sense to me.

She makes perfect sense to me too. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

This is funny. I had an insane Genie in one of my games, and I subconsciously gave her Kelsey's hairstyle  8)

Did you make this Becca, or is that just a fortunate coincidence that she's totally bonkers too?

I think she made Becca, guessing by the way she looks. ;)

Yeah, I made both Becca and Addison specifically for this story. There will be quite a few townies appearing later on in the story, if all goes to plan, including one of my favourite premades. And hopefully also some forum-made sims. The guy in the shirt is a game-generated proprietor.

Kelsey was my favorite from the original story, I was so glad to see she got a story of her own.

Thanks! She has a mind of her own, this one.

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2012, 01:26:30 PM »
More Advice for Kelsey: Never use Salt.  Sharks live in Salt Water xD
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2012, 03:09:06 PM »
Exhibit A
Kelsey's Blog, Week 1, Day 4, 11.59pm

I am shattered. Nappies, potties, sick, bottles, xylophones, screaming... Oh, wait. Let me take you back a step.

So I went swimming, because I wanted to improve my athletics ability and be better able to chase down the sharks in the water, like ZOOM like that, and someone laughed at me for being in my athletics clothes. SWIMMING RAISES ATHLETIC ABILITY. Therefore, athletic clothes are the correct clothes to wear for swimming. And anyone who doesn't think so is a NUMPTY.

Oh, wait. Have I gone back too far?

Hang on.

Oh yes.

So Addison rang, and said the first baby was on it's way over. I squealed. I hope Addison thinks it's a squeal of excitement and not of fear, because it really was one of fear. I don't know what you DO with a baby. I still haven't found the off switch, or the power lead.

I took it when it turned up, for two reasons. 1) If I didn't I'd be chucked out of my lovely purple house, 2) the social worker had a mustache. I don't trust people with mustaches.

So here she is, baby Ava. She's alive, she has all the correct legs and arms and other stuff (except that off switch), and she's even rather cute. She's good and a heavy sleeper, and her favourite colour is red. Sadly we can't afford any red clothes yet. All our spare cash went on the potty.

BUT WE HAVE A PROBLEM. The crib. It's blue.

What do you mean you don't understand?

Isn't it obvious? Blue things attract sharks. I don't want my new little baby thing eaten by sharks! How will I train her to kill them if she was eaten by one already?!

Of course that's true. Someone called Dextra told me on the internet. And while we're on this topic of conversation, keep the salt out the house too, Wiry says so.

Of course I can trust random people on the internet. They're nice random people on the internet.


The first thing I taught Ava was how to walk. You can't walk before you can run. Or is it you can't run before you can walk?

She picked it up quite quickly really.

Then we did xylophone practice. I wish I could play the xylophone and it count as educational. Being an adult is boring sometimes.

And then it was bedtime.

She clearly didn't want me to leave her in the blue thing.

I have never been more pleased to see someone go to sleep. Now all I have to do is clean up all the mess she's made.

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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2012, 06:08:41 PM »
Trust me Kelsey, it's a big sacrifice, but it works. The first time I saw a shark dive for me while eating potato chips, I immediately had to cut salt out.  Haven't had a shark attack in years. Makes me wonder if those Anti-Shark Pellets were really required.
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Re: The Riverview Anti-Shark League: Kelsey's Orphanage Project
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2012, 11:53:33 AM »
This is a fantastic story, I always loved reading about Kelsey and now I'm thrilled that she has got her own story! :)