Author Topic: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - Graveyard please  (Read 29952 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #75 on: September 15, 2012, 07:32:40 AM »
As you're filling the town with Frios, don't set yourself up for trouble with either the "can't live with anyone you've lived with before" rule or the game preventing you from marrying relatives!

Never thought of that 
But I think the two ghosties in the old Frio house have some sort of ageing bug because their brother who was born at the same time as them is a child now and they're still babies  :-\

And it doesn't look like Azure, Aqua, Finn or Blue are going to have any more kids so I should be ok  :)
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #76 on: September 17, 2012, 11:09:52 AM »
Chapter 38
Birthdays and Arrivals!

Birthday time for Kristopher!
Kristopher: You say that like it’s a good thing.
Birthdays are wonderful!
Kristopher: Not when you’re my age.
Birthdays will always be wonderful.
Kristopher: Suit yourself.

This is the family’s new kitty, Fester. He’s a great addition to the household.

Fester: Mweweweee meowwewe
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #77 on: September 17, 2012, 11:22:04 AM »
Chapter 39
Toddler Cuteness!

I thought this was a lovely picture of everyone doing their thing.

That’s Coral using the Chemistry set. She’s trying to discover the Young Again potion... for herself.
Kristopher: Selfish.

Kristopher’s LTW is One Sim Band and I’m trying to have him master all four before he dies. Or I could change it. I don’t know yet.

Athena is working out on the new treadmill. She’s in the sports career and her lifetime wish is to get to level 9 so it makes sense to get her athletic level up.

And finally, the triplets are snoozing. If snoozing was a skill, they would have all Supermaxed it by now. 
Harmony, Flower and Raven: ZzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzz

But now it’s time for some toddler cuteness!
Flower: Raven, what block you got?
Raven: Blue square. Blue squares are amazing.

Flower: Green pentagons are superior and you know it.

Raven: No. Blue squares will rule the world one day.
Harmony: Personally I think red triangles are the best.

Flower: *Hangs head* Yes, you’re right. Triangles are awesome.
Harmony: Especially red ones!

Raven: NommmNommoNommmm

Raven, why are you eating the stick? You’re supposed to hit against those little coloured blocks.
Raven: Chewing it is more fun.

Kristopher: *thinks* Stop crying, Flower!
Raven: Stop crying, Flower!

Telepathic baby.

Athena:  So, Harmony, what do you want to do when you’re older?
Harmony: Grow pretty flowers. Have a big garden and grow loads of stuff.

Athena: Well, you can’t grow flowers, but vegetables might be fun.
Harmony: Vegetables icky.
Athena: You’re right there. Especially sprouts *shudders*
Sims don’t have... doesn’t matter...

Kristopher: What about you, Raven?
Raven: Astronaut.

Kristopher: Would you not prefer to be a doctor or a teacher or...
Raven: Astronaut.
Kristopher: Whatever you say, sweetie...

Hi there, Flower. What are you up to?
Flower: Nothing. I’m just sitting in my crib, looking cute.

I’ll move on then...
Flower: Wait, Mummy taught me how to potty!

Well done!
Coral: Thanks, it was hard work!
I meant Flower.
Coral: Oh...

Coral: Now stay there and then I’ll go over here and you’ll come to me, ok?
Harmony: ...

Coral: Come here, Harmony!
Harmony: Not on your life.

Coral: Come on, your sisters can do it.
Harmony: *thinks* If I walk to her she’ll be happy and maybe give me a cupcake. If I don’t she’ll be sad and she won’t. Walk or not walk? Cupcake or no cupcake?
Harmony: I can walk! Look Mummy!

Coral: Well done, sweetie! And for a treat...
Harmony: *thinks* Yess...
Coral: You can have a nice healthy fruit salad.
Harmony: *thinks* Nooooooooooooo!

Harmony: If I hide in here, maybe the fruit and vegetables can’t get me.

That never works. Trust me.

Raven: Should I destroy the bottle or drink from it?

I don't think Mummy will be very happy with you if you get milk all over the floor.
Raven: I think I'll drink it. I'm thirsty.

Good choice, Raven.
Raven: NomonomonomNomonmonm MILK!

Flower: And then Mr Taxi went to pick up Mrs SmellyPants. But he didn’t let her in because she was sooooo smelly.

What a wonderful story, Flower.
Flower: I like stories. I’m going to write stories all the time when I’m big.
Raven: When I’m older, I’m going to rule the world *Mwahahahah*

Coral: Oh no, here comes the claw!

Harmony: Mummy is so silly. It’s just her hand.
Coral: It’s the Tickle Monster!
Harmony: Daddy! Athena! Save me from the tickle monster!

Toddlers are just so cute, aren’t they?
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Offline Toni

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #78 on: September 17, 2012, 06:00:48 PM »
Your writing is inspiring! Suprising how Athenas Lifetime Wish was Superstar Athlete though. I never would have guessed.

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #79 on: September 20, 2012, 01:43:03 PM »
Chapter 40
What's the story in the house of Frio, wouldn't you like to know?

Turns out that training three toddlers isn't that difficult.
Coral: What are you talking about? It was a nightmare! And Kristopher did absolutely nothing!
Kristopher: I played soothing guitar music.
Coral: It wasn't helpful, it really wasn't.

So what's new?

Firstly, Athena has found love.

Anyone recognize her new husband? It's Johnathan, son of Coral's brother Finn and his Imaginary Friend Cuddles. They're extremely loosely related, but not by blood so it's ok.

Johnathan moved in for a day and they tried for a baby until I heard the chimes.

Then they bought their own little house and moved out. I would have loved them to stay but I don't think I or my computer could handle having eight Sims and a cat in one house.

Make that two cats actually.

Fester aged up a while ago. I planned to adopt a lady cat but when I saw this little guy, I was completely smitten.
Meet Fred (that was his pre-selected name and I thought it really suited him!)

Fester pounced on him straight away.

I'm sure these guys are going to be greats friends!   

Next up, birthdays! The triplets aged up into children.
In no particular order...




Their style preferences are really starting to shine through...

Harmony goes for orange with mushroom designs everywhere!

Raven sticks with the purple spider web theme. It really suits her name.

Flower just can't stick anything floral. Her style now includes green flames and she insists that the family call her 'Flo' from now on.

I've also redecorated their bedroom. They all have different bed styles to suit their personalities.

Harmony's has a cute little lion with a mushroom patterns. Harmony just loves animals!
Raven has a gothic style bed with her usual purple webs.
Flower (sorry, Flo) goes for a simple bed with her green flames.

The Trio also have a play/work room now. I converted Athena's old bedroom but kept the wallpaper.

Each triplet has their own door so that they can go in and out at leisure without pesky kitties and parents going in there!

Here's a overview of the house.


Question: Does anyone know a way of getting rid of that shadowy thing on the cat fur?
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #80 on: September 20, 2012, 01:51:27 PM »
I'm glad Athena found love. All three girls are adorable, I love Raven's jacket especially. I've been using that pattern a lot since it came with the patch.

Hopefully someone with Pets will come along soon to give better advice on the pet fur issue (my graphics card makes the pets spiky so I uninstalled it), but have you got advanced rendering on? That was something I read about when I was researching how to make my pets look less weird.

And thanks for the Balamory theme being stuck in my head now...

Offline Toni

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #81 on: September 20, 2012, 06:12:05 PM »
What an interesting chapter! I loved the house - never seen it look better.

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #82 on: September 25, 2012, 04:26:06 PM »
Hopefully someone with Pets will come along soon to give better advice on the pet fur issue (my graphics card makes the pets spiky so I uninstalled it), but have you got advanced rendering on? That was something I read about when I was researching how to make my pets look less weird.

And thanks for the Balamory theme being stuck in my head now...

I've got it working now! I can give you all some cute kitty pics!

I was watching it the other day. I only then realised how cute the policeman is...  :P
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #83 on: September 26, 2012, 03:47:26 PM »
Chapter 41
Kittens, Neighbours and Floating pencils!

Hi there, Coral. How's life?

Coral: Dull. Very dull.
Coral: I'm suffering with Dynasty Requirement withdrawal. I don't feel right without my requirements.
I thought you hated them.
Coral: I did. But they just took over my life. Now I feel like I'm... drifting.
You'll be making new friends soon for the heir's requirements. Then you'll have something to do.
Coral: Yeah, I suppose...

So let's make a start!

This is the teen living next door with her mother and their dogs. I can't remember her name but she's very pretty. Shame the heir isn't a boy otherwise she's be a great potential spouse.

Ok, that's it for Friend Hunting for now. The Heir is still a child so it's not vitally important that Coral gets all the Best Friends and the NPC Friends now.

Let's move onto some new news.

Athena had a little boy with Johnathan named Riley. I like this because Riley is a name that Imaginary Friends are sometimes called and of course little Riley's grandmother was once a IF.

The girls had their first day of school. Flower and Harmony went on the school bus but Raven's action for doing Chemistry didn't cancel itself and I only realised that she hadn't gone when Coral decide to shout at her.

Not a good first impression, Raven.
Raven: The Science teacher is a Goth. He said my name was awesome.
Cool, cool...
Raven: You don't care, do you?
No. Not in the slightest.
Raven: Meanie. *thinks* I wish I had a different Watcher.
I can read your mind you know.
Raven: *thinks* Stupid Watcherr
You never learn, do you?

To make up for her terrible first day, Raven sat down with her sisters to do their homework.

Harmony struggled a little bit at first but got it done.
Raven is a Genius so she zoomed through it.
Flo, however, didn't get very far at all, probably due to the fact that her pencil was floating.
Flo: That is so awesome!

Fester became very attached to this pretty little lady, Hazel. She's very fluffy.

Kristopher came in from work to find the Kitty Condo... shaking.

Nobody really knows what happened in there but it resulted in this...

Meet Berlioz (those who've seen Disney Aristocats will recognize the name)

You can tell he's an Adventurous cat because the moment he was born, he raced off to sleep in the basket! This kitty knows his stuff!

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Offline Toni

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #84 on: September 26, 2012, 09:43:55 PM »
Nice chapter. Loved the adventurous cat part  :D


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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #85 on: September 29, 2012, 09:33:46 AM »
I have been reading this story for a while and Im Hoping Raven is the heir, Because I like the name :)

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #86 on: September 30, 2012, 03:50:36 PM »
I love it when triplets all have their own different personalities and styles.
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #87 on: October 09, 2012, 03:24:15 PM »
Chapter 42
A word from the Triplets

Flo: So I press this one then...
Harmony: What are you doing, Flo?
Flo: Snuf's on holiday. She told me that I could write this chapter.
Harmony: Can I have a try?
Flo: Well, it's very complicated...
Harmony: Face it, Flo. If Snuf can do it, anyone can.
Flo: Too true. Fine then, you have a go.

Harmony: Right then. First thing is that Mum told me to post her new wardrobe. She just 'fancied a change'

Harmony: Lovely. Next I'll tell you about our trip to the park.

Harmony: I went fishing. It was fun!

Raven: Fishing? That's sooooooooo boring! Chess is muuuuuuuch better!
Harmony: Not when you're playing on your own...

Harmony: And Flo... well she didn't go to the park. She went to the theatre to see a movie! Honestly, some people...
Flo: Just because you're 'one with nature' doesn't mean that the rest of us want creepy crawlies crawling over us all the time! Yuck!
Harmony: They're not creepy! They're sweet!
Flo: So in your world squishy and slimy is the new cute and fluffy?
Harmony: I found a really fluffy caterpillar the other day. He was so sweet!

Coral: Hi everybody. I think I'm going to have to step in. Those three don't know how to write a chapter!
The Triplets: We do!
Coral: You missed your birthdays!
The Triplets: Oh yeah...




Flo: Here's my head shot. I think I look better than Raven or Harmony!
Raven & Harmony: Hey!
Flo: Teehee

Raven: I'm not going to brag like Big Head over there (*points at Flo*) but her is my new look. Mum finally let me have some makeup and dye my hair purple!

Harmony: I'm not fussy about hairstyles. I just needed something practical. I put it up, out of the way and then added a flower to show that I love nature!

Coral: They're all so beautiful. I think I'll be sad when they move out.
Kristopher: They might not all move.
The Triplets: Yeah, Dad, you just carry on thinking that.
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Offline Toni

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #88 on: October 10, 2012, 12:56:37 AM »
To sum it up: Hilarious! I thought that the triplets narrating was a good twist.

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #89 on: October 11, 2012, 11:46:46 AM »
I think my laptop has broken and I'm waiting to see if it's fixable. There are three senarios here:
  • My laptop is fixed and everything's ok
  • My laptop is broken but the files are revivable
  • My laptop is broken and all my files are deleted

Hopefully it's not the last one because that would mean an end to all of my stories (my Immortal Dynasty, my Life States Dynasty and my Decadynasty). But I've still got my fingers crossed  :)
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