Author Topic: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - Graveyard please  (Read 29962 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2012, 12:29:18 PM »
Chapter 19
Painting and Exercise

Cor: Do you like my painting?
Yes, it’s lovely.
Cor: Thank you!
And you’re on your way to Supermaxing the painting skill. You’re Level 4, yes?
Cor: Yup! It’s because I read a couple of painting books when I was little.

How are you doing, Madison?
Mad: Push harder! Harder!!!!!!!!

You sound like a midwife.
Mad: I’m... just... AWESOME!
Alrighty then....

Blue: Don’t touch me! Don’t let the Blue man touch me! Help! Heeelp!

You can’t talk, Blue. You’re just a baby.
Blue: It’s not me talking, it’s Mr Gloopybloop!
Mr Gloopywhat? That is weird...

Con: Seriously, Snuf, this has to be one of the most boring chapters I’ve ever read it my life.
Well, I’ve still got heaps of pictures that I haven’t used and I can’t be bothered to play with you even though I’ve been trapped in my bedroom all afternoon. I might go on now...
Con: Please! We’re dying here!

Before I go, here's a random shot of all Connor's new body hair.
Con: I look so sexy with more hair.
Mad: You look like an ape actually...

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - New chapter index!
« Reply #31 on: August 22, 2012, 04:16:38 AM »
Chapter 20
The Cuteness hides the Madness within

Blue just celebrated his birthday.

He didn’t get hair from anyone.

Con: What? That’s not fair! Madison gets 3 kids with her hair and I get one!
Stop complaining! The one with your hair colour is the heir and might pass it on for generations to come.
Con: Cooooool!

However, he does get Connor’s eyes, which are a rather boring grey.
Con: Hey, grey is not boring!
You have to admit, it is.
Con: Not!
Con: Not!

Six hours later...

Con: Not!
Is. Wait, what are we arguing about?
Con: I’ve forgotten...

Cor: So, anyway Snuf, what is all this about the madness within?
Oh, hey Coral. I haven’t spoken to you in a while.
Cor: Yeah, I was getting rather lonely. I haven’t got an Imaginary Friend because none of my mysterious long-forgotten relatives remembered to send me one. I haven’t got any friends, boys or otherwise. You make me stay here painting whenever I’m not at school. And when I’m at school, I have to work hard and get stressed and not meet any new people!
Ok... I’ll sort it.
Cor: Thank you *rolls eyes*

Anyway, back to the madness within.
Blue: Yes, Mr Gloopybloop, I did have a splendid afternoon with the Purple Horse. Yes, he did do the Macarena actually. Fantastic news, isn’t it? Wow, how did you know that I like rainbows? My favourite colour is rainbows you know. Shocking how Nick Alto was thrown out of the restaurant for flinging llama poo at Arlo Bunch! Yes, I know he looks like a toilet seat but there’s no need for that! Bad, bad Mr Gloopybloop! I shall bite you! *bites air and falls over* Waaaaah! Mr Gloopyfloopybloop pushed me over!
See what I mean?
Cor: So basically, I’ve got a brother who believes that the air is named Mr Gloopybloop and a sister who can’t speak but can write complex sentences on a whiteboard?
Yeah, that seems to be the case.
Cor: Can’t I move out now?
Nope, sorry Coral. Requirements must be fulfilled!
Cor: I hate requirements. Why doesn’t Mum or Dad do them instead?
You’ve read the rules. Firstborn is the requirement fulfiller!
Cor: I hate being the requirement fulfiller...
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - New chapter index!
« Reply #32 on: August 22, 2012, 04:18:59 AM »
Aw, poor Coral.

And Blue is...quite random. :P

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - New chapter index!
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2012, 04:20:11 AM »
Aw, poor Coral.

And Blue is...quite random. :P

Indeed he is! All to do with one of his traits...
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - New chapter index!
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2012, 05:03:54 AM »
Chapter 21
First Kiss for Coral and a Birthday!

Who is this, you ask? I’ve forgotten. But I know he’s the son of Justine and Marty Keaton.
Coral: Will you go out with me?
BoythatIveforgottenthenameof: Sorry, I’m going out with...
Coral: Who?
BoythatIveforgottenthenameof: I can’t remember...
Coral: No, it’s Snuf who can’t remember *glares*
Well, I know it’s your cousin...
Coral: My cousin!?
BoythatIveforgottenthenameof: Yeah, but I think I’ll go with you instead because you’re not under Story Progression and therefore have nicer clothes.
Coral: Thanks... I think *kisses*

Coral: Shut it.
*twiddles thumbs and whistles*
Coral: Don’t you have anything better to do?
Actually, I do!

It’s Finn’s birthday!

Finn: Ta da!
Finn: Please.

Next time: The Prom and the twins age up!
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty - New chapter index!
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2012, 05:15:01 AM »
Chapter 22
Birthdays and Proms

As mentioned at the end of the last chapter, it is time for the Prom!
Coral: Yay!
Finn: ...
Coral invited her new boyfriend (the one that I’ve forgotten the name of!) and they headed out.

Finn tagged along because he is a teen now, but he didn’t get a date.

Coral: Hehe
Finn: I wouldn’t want to hang out with stupid girls anyway.
You’re never going to get a girlfriend if you think that girls are stupid.
Finn: I don’t want a girlfriend.
I have a feeling that you’ll change your mind...

They both had a great night. Coral got Prom Queen and Finn got Prom King. Here’s a shot of their crowns and Prom pics that I’ve placed on their desks.

Connor: You haven’t mentioned me in this chapter!
You haven’t done anything.
Connor: I have! I’ve been doing loads of stuff!
Connor: Video games?

Boring! Next!
Connor: *grumblemuttercursesthinksdarkthoughts*

Madison? What about you?

Maddy: Can’t talk. Doing chemistry.
I’ll leave you to it.
Maddy: If I add the green liquid to the red liquid, will it make a purple liquid?

What about the twins?
Aqua: Birthdays?
Oh yeah, I forgot!

Aqua didn’t come out particularly pretty...
Aqua: Hey!
But I did my best. She stuck with the green theme and decided on a new hairstyle.

I much prefer Azure.
Aqua: You’re not supposed to have a favourite twin!
I do though.
Aqua: *grumblemuttercursesthinksdarkthoughts*
Azure decides on a gothic look, mostly black and her favourite colour, red.

Azure: *on whiteboard* Thank you for appreciating my wishes.
You’re welcome, Azure.
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #36 on: August 30, 2012, 02:50:44 PM »
Chapter 23
The Watcher needs to get a life!

Ok, I sat for six hours today playing my Dynasty. There have been many developments and I think it’ll take a few chapters to get through it all!
Maddy: Are you talking to the Readers?
Yup. But I was sort of talking to myself out loud.
Maddy: You’re weird.
I know. Didn’t you read the title?

We’ve got many birthdays to get through so let’s start with Blue’s.
Blue: Thank you!

I think he’s the cutest kid in the family so far.

Coral, Finn, Aqua and Azure: Hey!
Mostly his wardrobe is blue/aqua but for some reason, his everyday is yellow. He’s favourite colour is neither blue nor yellow but as most of you will know, it is nearly impossible to create five outfits in white.

He likes to invent. While wearing a dinosaur costume.

Blue: Evidence suggests that dinosaurs invented party hats so therefore, dressing like a dinosaur will make me a better inventor!
At least they didn’t invent those aggravating party blowers.
Blue: Oh no, they were invented by micro fluffy hippos in 8100BC. Don’t you even know that?

He also managed to catch fire.

Blue: Oh no, my dinosaur suit!
Stop, drop and roll, Blue!
Blue: Nah, it’s ok. I’ve got this outdoor shower thing.

I’ve only had the Outdoors Shower for three days and I have to say that it is the most useful object in the entire game, apart from the baby swing.

Continuing with Blue, he gets a new bedroom design. Even though it’s tiny, I think it’s simply adorable!

Blue: The bear on the bed is called Mr Fluffypants.
As I said, adorable.

Coral has been advancing in her painting, which will be her Supermax. She got on the Honor roll for the second time and I let her skip a day of school to do painting. Madison wasn’t happy.

Maddy: How could you? You may be the best and brightest of my children but that doesn’t give you the excuse to skip school!
Coral: Snuf said I could.
Maddy: If Snuf said to jump off a cliff, would you do it?
Coral: She wouldn’t because there is no ‘jump off a cliff’ interaction on Sims. At least not yet.
Maddy: You should help around the house to get on my good side.
Coral: *mumbles* Not going to happen.
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2012, 08:59:17 PM »
I have to say the way you're writing this is quite humorous. :) These last few updates were great!

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2012, 05:21:20 AM »
Chapter 24
Coral is a YA!

Coral: Not yet!
But it’s your birthday.
Coral: I haven’t blown out my candles yet, hence I am not a Young Adult yet.
Suit yourself.
Coral: What should I wish for?

You can’t tell us. Otherwise it won’t come true!

Coral: Ugh. I’m hideous.
Let’s get you to the mirror.

Now, Coral, I think I can guess what your birthday wish was.
Coral: What was it then?
A new hat?
Coral: Oh. My. Goodness! How did you know?
I just had this feeling. Anyway, here’s a hat. It’s a panda!

Coral: I. Love. You!
I struggled with her wardrobe this time. I didn’t want pink and I didn’t want Sea Foam. So I did a Black and White theme to match her hat.

The last one is for her career, which is painting.

Everyone in the household attended her graduation apart from Aqua. I don’t know why she didn’t come. She just didn’t turn up.

Coral was voted Most Likely to have a Big Family.
Coral: Not likely. I’ve had to cope with four younger siblings and two parents who behave like kids. I’m stick of kids. If it wasn’t for this stupid Dynasty, I wouldn’t have to have any!
You only have to have one if you like.
Coral: That would be nice.
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2012, 05:25:34 AM »
Poor Coral. :P Big families are a crazy thing!

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #40 on: September 03, 2012, 10:04:28 AM »
Poor Coral. :P Big families are a crazy thing!

Yes they are! It's been a nightmare having seven Sims in one house!


Chapter 25
Cuddles comes alive!

Maddy: Finn, I’ve got a present for you. Give this to your Imaginary Friend and they’ll turn into a real person!
Finn: Mum! I don’t have an Imaginary Friend... (I do)
I know.

Finn: Hey, Cuddles. Drink this.
Cuddles: Sparkly! *drinks*

Finn: I thought you were going to be a boy.
So did I.
Finn: But I don’t mind.
Neither do I. If anything, I prefer this...

Finn: Cuddles?
Cuddles: Oh, hi, Finn.
Finn: I think you’re really pretty *kisses*

Cuddles: I like you.

Now it’s time for Finn’s YA birthday!

Finn: No more school!
You have to work.
Finn: Can do. Don’t have to.
Fine, you win.

Makeover time! (For some reason, I forgot to take a screenshot of his everyday clothes. Sorry!)

Cuddles: It’s my birthday too!

Cuddles is actually very cute. I didn’t dress her in any of the Imaginary Friend clothing but I tried to keep the quirky look of an Imaginary Friend. Bizarrely, her favourite colour is purple and so is her hair.

Finn got down on his knees and proposed to Cuddles.
Finn: Cuddles, you were once a rag doll, sent by an unknown relative. I spent my toddler years chewing you and drooling on you. But now you’re real and you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world. Will you marry me?

Cuddles: Yes! Yes! Yes!
I planned to have a ceremony but at the time, I really couldn’t be bothered. So they got married beside the doorway to the butler’s bedroom.

Finn: Dead romantic.

Congrats, guys.
Finn and Cuddles: Thanks!
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #41 on: September 03, 2012, 04:00:12 PM »
"I spent my toddler years chewing you and drooling on you."

That's got to be one of the funniest lines I've ever read for a marriage proposal. :D

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2012, 09:36:13 AM »
I'm trying to do three challenges at once (stupid, eh?) and my Townie DecaDynasty is my priority at the moment because Coral is close to moving. My Random Legacy and Immortal Dynasty may have more infrequent updates than my DecaDynasty because I'm going back to school tomorrow and will have less time to go on Sims.

I plan to do two/three updates on this every week (apart from this week because I have several updates prepared and they will be posted in the next few days).

Hope you carry on reading  :)
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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2012, 08:06:36 PM »
I will continue reading! I loved the proposal!

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Re: Connor Frio and his Dynasty
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2012, 12:15:20 PM »
Chapter 26
More birthdays?

There have been too many birthdays for me to cope with. But we’ve got three more in this chapter!
Let’s start with Blue.
Blue: Again?
Yes. In fact, this one caught me by surprise. He just got out of bed in the middle of the night and decided to age up.

As you can see, he’s still incredibly cute as a teenager.

Blue: Do you mean cute as in good-looking? Or do you mean cute as in adorable?
The second one.
Blue: I hate you.

Now it’s time for the twins.
Azure went first.

Aqua: But I’m the eldest!
But you’re not my favourite. So Azure goes first.
Aqua: I hate you.

Doesn’t she look stunning? I think she has to be one of my favourite Sims ever.

Azure: *whiteboard* Thank you.

Next was Aqua. Unfortunately, everything went wrong. The kitchen cabinet caught on fire and Connor had to put it out.

Connor: I’m a hero.

On her second go, everything went smoothly. But as a precaution, Connor was standing by with the fire extinguisher ready.

Aqua isn’t as pretty as her sister. She looks too much like Connor. Connor’s face looks great on Connor, but not on Aqua.

(Sorry, I forgot the pic!)

Aqua: Have I failed you, Snuf?
No, it’s not your fault. Tell you what; I’ll buy you a house.
Aqua: Ok.
So Aqua left that day to live alone. I really wanted to get her an adopted child as company but there were eight people in the house so that wasn’t possible.
Sorry you were rather neglected, Aqua.
Aqua: I don’t mind.
I feel really awful now.
Aqua: I’m going to miss you, Snuf.
Same here, Aqua.

Next to leave were Finn and Cuddles.
They tried for a baby the night before they left and had to do it three times before I heard the chimes.
The next morning, they bought the house opposite to the Roomies household and moved out, probably with a nooboo on the way. I’d tried to move them into several houses but every time it said that there needed to be enough beds for everyone. I remembered that that one had a cot so that was an obvious choice.

Finn: Bye Snuf!
Don’t forget to send me a postcard!
Finn: Ok... bye!

The house was starting to feel a bit empty. So Azure adopted a daughter to help her with the friend requirements for Coral.
Meet Kathy!

Kathy: Hiya!
Hello there, Kathy!

She has to be one of the most beautiful adopted children I’ve ever had.
Kathy: Thank you, Snuf.
You’re welcome.
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