I was going to wait until tomorrow or Sunday to upload this next chapter but I was just burning with excitement to get it posted. So I did
Chapter 36
Nooboos come in threes!
And we have our heir!
But what’s this?
Yes, we have a trio. That’s Raven in the purple swing, Flower in the green and Harmony in the orange. Who is the heir though?
Kristopher: Ooh! I know! It’s...
DON’T! I’m going to keep it secret. I’m keeping it secret until the heir moves. Yes, I might give hints but I'm not telling. And I don't want you or Coral or Athena to tell the Readers.
Kristopher: Readers?
Am I going to have to explain this to every spouse for the next nine generations?
Kristopher: How do I know? I'll be dead by then.
It was rhetorical. Sort of.
Kristopher: How can you have a 'sort of rhetorical' question?
I don't know.
Kristopher: That was a sort of rhetorical question.