Author Topic: The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Twelve: Bear Witness  (Read 7208 times)

Offline uponthewaters

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The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Twelve: Bear Witness
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:13:02 AM »
Hello! I'm new around here (though I've lurked for a while) and I got really intrigued by all of the dynasty stories, so I thought I'd give it a shot. This is mostly going to be a place for me to keep track of my progress / screencaps, especially since this is my first try. :)

Chapter One: Hannah Arrives
Chapter Two: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter Three: The Coming of Elijah
Chapter Four: Happy Birthday to Everyone!
Chapter Five: Lots of Ladies
Chapter Six: Can You Feeeeel the Love Toniiiiight
Chapter Seven: Success! Mostly
Chapter Eight: The Next Generation
Chapter Nine: The First Tragedy
Chapter Ten: More Birthdays and a Fight
Chapter Eleven: Unrest
Chapter Twelve: Bear Witness

Progress so far (italics means I haven't finished):

Hannah Levine (Immortal)
Lifetime Wish: Swimming in Cash
Career: Sculptor
Supermax Skill: Sculpting
Traits: Savvy Sculptor, Artistic, Friendly, Mooch, and Born Saleswoman
BlackOps: The Importance of Sculpting / Oh Scrap! / High Quality Delivery / No Jams, No Fun / Sculpture for a Friend / Fix the Election... Machines
Properties: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner, Summer Hill Springs (Level 3)
Lifetime Rewards: Suave Seller, Artisan Crafter, Food Replicator
Best Friends: Blair Sw0rd, River McIrish, Madison VanWatson, Sofia Leal, Hank Wan, Stiles Levine

Elijah Levine
Lifetime Wish: Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Scientist
Supermax Skill: Gardening
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Angler, Green Thumb, Brave, Friendly
BlackOps: Free Game / The Boiler Room / A Fishy Science Project / Uncommonly Good / Outstandingly Rare / Practical Like a Fox
Properties: Pinochle Pond (Level 3), EverFresh Supermarket
Lifetime Rewards: Super Green Thumb, Collection Helper, No Bills Ever
Best Friends: Ida Levine, Marion Slater, Sandi French, Rebekah Mohr, Latricia Parent

Tovah Levine
Lifetime Wish: Visionary
Career: Education
Supermax Skill: Painting
Traits: Artistic, Good, Neat, Nurturing, Ambitious
Lifetime Rewards: Extra Creative
Best Friends: Clay Moreland, Don Goetz

Offline uponthewaters

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Chapter One: Hannah Arrives
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 12:52:01 AM »
Hannah Levine was sick of her dead-end job, her dreary town, and her generally friendless and unfulfilling life. So with no regrets (but also no money), she packed her bags and headed for the picturesque Sunset Valley, to see what new life she could cobble together.

Unfortunately, being broke wasn't nearly as romantic as she had thought. She found a spacious lot to settle down, but she only had enough to cover an easel, a sculpting station, and a sleeping bag before the funds ran out. It looked like she was going to be spending some quality time outdoors.

... Or she could squat at the fire station.

With a decent night's sleep behind her and a quick meal of cold cereal, Hannah decided to go out on the town and meet some of her new neighbors. Immediately she stumbled across a large crowd of people protesting ladybugs.

She didn't get all the fuss-- at least ladybugs hadn't tried to eat her alive when she was in that sleeping bag, unlike some other insects she could name, mosquitoes-- but it was a good opportunity to meet some people, so she went around and introduced herself. All the noise started to get to her, though, so she went to check out the park across the way. There she met a certain group of roomies.

Stiles seemed very passionate about rocks. His awkwardness was kind of appealing.

Cycl0n3 Sw0rd was a little stand-offish, but there was no denying he was attractive. Really, both of these men intrigued her. But more importantly right now, she had to establish herself in her career. Since she was right across from City Hall, she signed some paperwork and registered officially as a self-employed sculptor. It didn't take long before her skills improved.

She was still dead poor, however, so she knocked on the Altos' door to see if she could use their bathroom (and maybe their fridge). Hey, what are neighbors for?

The Altos weren't that friendly, but their bathroom was gorgeous. Hannah tried to mooch a bit of money from them, but it was a no-go. With a sigh, she headed back to her bare lot, thinking about all the people she'd met today, the possibility of romance, and how to scrounge up enough money to maybe get some walls.

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Offline uponthewaters

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Chapter Two: Decisions, Decisions
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 03:39:03 PM »
Hannah was lonely. It was almost a week she had been in Sunset Valley, and though she was proud of her fast progress with her sculpting career, she was sick of her bare lot and of being alone. She thought back to the men she had met when canvassing the town: handsome Cycl0n3 and sweet Stiles. (There had also been a Christopher and a Connor, but she wasn't too interested in them. Besides, she had heard a few things about Christopher's lips.)

Unsure which gent to pursue, Hannah decided the logical thing to do would be to take them both out to dinner and see who could charm her more. So she, Stiles, and Cycl0n3 headed for the diner, where they all quickly became good friends. But she noticed throughout dinner that Cycl0n3 kept making some inappropriate comments, while Stiles seemed a little shy. This choice wasn't getting any easier.

Outside the diner, Hannah finally had an idea: she would try to mooch money off Cycl0n3 and Stiles, and whoever responded better would become her focus (barring the discovery of any unpalatable traits). Considering she was looking for not just a date but a partner who could potentially help her raise children, she wanted to make sure her lover-to-be was a kind, generous man. Well, she asked Stiles first, who gladly gave her ten simoleons. Okay, a bit cheap, but she figured proportionally it was a large amount considering the state of his finances. At least he had a roof over his head, though.

Then she tried Cycl0n3, who promptly shook his head and then mocked her. Stiles it was.

Things moved quickly from there. Hannah and Stiles had a romantic date on the beach where Hannah experienced her first kiss.

Never one to let a good thing go, she called Stiles up the very next morning and asked him to meet her there again. She got a bit distracted by some butterflies...

but got quickly to the point.

Stiles was a loner and didn't want a large ceremony, and Hannah was happy not to have to pay for all that food and entertainment, not to mention a wedding gown. So they got married right there, with no fuss but with plenty of love.

And then Hannah set Stiles to work on painting.

While she set herself on fire.

The newlyweds still made sure they spent some time together, though. (After Stiles got a haircut.)

And not long after that....

Offline uponthewaters

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Chapter Three: The Coming of Elijah
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 01:16:14 PM »
Pregnancy suited Hannah, even if her maternity clothes didn't.

Stiles was thrilled to hear there was a nooboo on the way.

Hannah continued to work on her newest project between reading pregnancy books and trips to the day spa: becoming proficient enough with the medium of ice that her sculptures wouldn't melt. She was heading over to the sculpting station when...

Both parents were thrilled to have a beautiful, healthy little boy. Daddy fed baby Elijah...

and put him in his crib.

Then he went back to work on his cooking. (There's only been enough money to add a few more furnishings, but hey, it's an improvement.)

Elijah had a wonderful infancy with lots of love and attention from his parents. And in a flash:

Here's Elijah after his hair grew out some and he got a wardrobe change:

Being held by Mommy.

Now Hannah just had to teach him how to walk, talk, and potty while making sure he was fed and cleaned and having fun, all while she continued making ice sculptures. Oy vey.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Levine Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2012, 01:27:39 PM »
Your founder is very pretty and I like seeing Stiles as a dynasty founder. Looks like it is going to be a busy few Sim weeks for you and your Sims.

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Offline uponthewaters

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Re: The Levine Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2012, 02:42:17 PM »
Thanks so much, Rachel! I was surprised at how no one seems to use Stiles for their dynasties. He makes a great co-founder!

Offline uponthewaters

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Chapter Four: Happy Birthday to Everyone!
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2012, 11:41:15 PM »
(Sorry I'm posting so much; I really want to get caught up to where I am in the game! This'll probably be a long post for that reason.)

The first order of business was teaching Elijah to talk. Daddy made sure he kept a watch for those pesky ladybugs.

Hannah focused on a different subject....

It was almost as if she were planning something.

Stiles started work on a portrait of Elijah; Hannah made an ice sculpture to go with it.

Daddy taught Elijah to walk.

While Hannah was an irresponsible mother.

Yes, that's Hannah using a chainsaw about three feet away from her baby, who has shards of ice flying at his head. Keep an eye out for CPS, Hannah.

In the midst of all of this, Hannah had her adult birthday.

Elijah doesn't seem to like Zelda Mae very much. (Nor does Connor Frio.)

As a birthday present to herself, Hannah finally got some walls. Holding Elijah in his new and very bare bedroom (you can see how he has her eye and hair color):

And then, all too soon:

A quick hair and wardrobe change (Elijah's favorite color is sea foam, his favorite food is fish and chips, and he's going to be my fisherman, so I kept everything in an ocean theme with him):

Mom came over to give him a big hug.

Then they had a pillow fight. Mom looks a little concerned.

The next morning, it was time for Elijah's first day of school.

Mom made a new ice sculpture of him:

Dad started a portrait too, but I don't have pictures of that. Elijah decided to get a head start on his fishing skill, having picked up the Angler trait to go along with Brave and Loves the Outdoors.

Then it was time for a third birthday:

Yes, it caught me off-guard too, Stiles!


Stiles after a trip to the dresser and mirror:

Whew! And with Elijah's teenage birthday quickly coming up, the Levines just hoped that no one was getting sick of cake.

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Re: The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Four: Happy Birthday to Everyone!
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2012, 05:33:01 AM »
Happy birthday Levines. Sometimes it feels like a dynasty is all about birthdays and skilling. I bet Elijah will be a handome young man and it looks like Hannah has already started planning his wedding.

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Offline uponthewaters

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Chapter Five: Lots of Ladies
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2012, 02:17:49 PM »
It was that time again....

Not digging that look. Off to the dresser and mirror:

Much nicer. Elijah ended up with Hannah's hair and eye color, but his facial features are all Stiles. That haircut probably didn't help much either.

Now a teenager, Elijah found he had one new focus in life (besides fishing and gardening): picking up chicks. First there were the Slater sisters, who came to his birthday party.

Marion in particular caught his eye. It looked like they might have some conflicting interests, though.

Unfortunately, both girls aged up only a day or two after Elijah became a teen.

Next he met Kristen Ursine in school. He invited her over, but she must have aged up on the way (she was quite pretty, though, surprisingly):

Third time's the charm, right? This lovely lady is Danica Herman:

and Elijah liked her quite a bit.

But when he went to call her over the next day, he learned she was a babysitter. Drat! Poor Danica was out of the running.

Elijah was starting to get a little concerned. Prom was coming up and he couldn't seem to find a suitable date. He invited over Olivia Brower...

but she didn't seem too interested. Plus she had commitment issues, anyway. In desperation, Elijah went back to visit Kristen, even though she was too old to come to prom with him. Well, she wasn't there. But he did find the girl of his dreams.

Welcome, Mitzvah Levine! She's honestly too adorable. I tried not to take too many pictures of her.

Okay, I may be a little smitten. But so is Elijah.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Five: Lots of Ladies
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2012, 03:00:08 PM »
I don't think I have ever seen so many unsuitable young ladies before.Iam sure that the right girl will come along and sweep Elijah of his feet.
Elijah looks a lot like Stiles it is nice that his genes are carried on.

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Offline uponthewaters

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Chapter Six: Can You Feeeeel the Love Toniiiiight
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2012, 09:59:57 PM »
Rachel, I agree! I was so glad to see both of my founders' genes being carried on.

In story news: yay, I'm finally caught up! Here is an extremely sappy chapter in celebration.

First, Hannah and Stiles being cute.

... Okay, actually that's a little frightening. (I kind of hate the "kiss" interaction; they look like they're eating each other. And not in a pleasant way.)

That's better. Although I really don't know why Stiles keeps getting those random friendship points.

On to the lady of the moment: meet Ida Chisholm.

She is artistic, athletic, neat, and something else but as long as it's not evil life is good. She is also Elijah's age and not a babysitter. Ida, you are a lifesaver.

And it looks like Elijah likes you, too. Which is a good thing, because I don't think his dancing impressed Kristen Ursine very much.

While Ida was being randomly generated by some complicated process that I don't understand, two important birthdays happened! First, Hannah became an elder.

That's Cycl0n3 Sw0rd laughing at her. She looks better than you do, jerk. And even moreso after a trip to the mirror and dresser:

Since moving to Sunset Valley, Hannah has gotten a lot done. She's gotten to level ten of both the sculpting skill and its corresponding career. She's also completed every skill challenge available to her. She's finished six opportunities, bought two properties (the diner and Summer Hill Springs, now fully upgraded), and gotten herself three very useful Lifetime Rewards. She has completed her Lifetime Wish and has made five best friends, with several more good friends whose relationships with her are very close to improving. She has had Stiles paint a portrait of her as a Young Adult, an Adult, and an Elder. (Unfortunately there is no one to do ice sculptures of her, since she's the one to supermax sculpting.)

Stiles has also been busy: already an Adult when Hannah first married him, he has since maxed his guitar, painting, and cooking skills, and gotten far enough in gardening to get some uncommon produce planted. (Elijah took over the gardening once he became a teen.) His lifetime wish of having 50,000 in household funds was identical to Hannah's, and with it he headed to the bookstore to purchase a very important recipe.

Hannah had told him right before they were married about her plan. She had moved to Sunset Valley out of desperation and frustration, hating her job, her neighbors, and her life. As a young adult only two weeks away from aging up, she could feel her time running out already and she had already wasted so much of it. She wanted more time. She needed more time.

She had done her research. There were requirements she had to meet and she worked tirelessly to meet all of them. Stiles had been wary of the idea and wanted no part of it himself, but he had agreed to help her. He did what he could and when Elijah was old enough, their son pitched in too, although he didn't yet know why. Now all that remained was one more best friend and a serving of that divine recipe. And then Hannah could have all the time she wanted, all the time in the world.

While she was thinking about all of that, Mitzvah had her birthday!

Here's some Mitzvah spam because I am way too in love with her.

Seriously, I want this cat in real life.

But on to the really exciting part of this chapter: Elijah becomes a young adult...

... and so does Ida.

Naturally, Elijah wasted no time.

Things are looking up. As long as Stiles doesn't die before he can make Hannah that ambrosia.

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Re: The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Six: Can You Feeeeel the Love Toniiiiight
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2012, 04:43:13 AM »
Congratulations on the engagement Elijah and Ida. I also have my fingers crossed that Stiles gets the ambrosia made.

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Offline uponthewaters

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Re: The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Seven: Success! Mostly
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2012, 04:45:06 PM »
Whatcha making there, Stiles?

Yup, at 97 days old, Stiles was up first thing in the morning to cook up some ambrosia for his beloved wife, using the life fruit Elijah had just (finally!) harvested that morning. Hannah quickly bumped up her relationships with a few friends:

and, in her formal wear as this was such a special occasion, sat down to eat. At her cheap kitchen table, but, you know, it's the thought that counts.

Then she exploded into a gooey rainbow of sparkly bliss. Must've been a pretty nice meal.

One down, seven to go!

Speaking of, Elijah had his bachelor party with a few old friends.

That's Danica Herman, Elijah's ex, who's making the toast. Not sure she was really the person to ask, hon.

Elijah bought up Pinochle Pond and headed out to do some renovation so they could have the wedding party there. And when he arrived, he found this:

I don't think there actually exists a better omen than that. Elijah called up his wedding guests the very next morning. And then weirdness struck.

Ida had been in school with Elijah; she was actually a few days younger than him. He'd had to wait about three days after graduating before she became a young adult. But when he was inviting her to the party (since you have to explicitly invite the bride in Sims, lol), he hovered over her picture for a moment. And up came the label declaring her to be an adult.

Worse, where she had previously been unemployed, he found via the family tree that she was now a proprietor. Which meant the chances of her showing up to her own wedding were now ridiculously slim, since proprietors never seem to leave their properties. But the guests were already invited; the party was on. It would simply have to be seen what would happen.

The Levines showed up at Pinochle Pond and played some Gnubb with the other guests. No Ida. Elijah called her up and asked her to come over. She said sure... then changed her mind. He tried again and now she was at work. Oh no.

Elijah was starting to have second thoughts. With Ida now (mysteriously) so much older than him, and with a different personality than what he had remembered (yes, her traits changed too! she's still artistic, but where she had been athletic and neat now she's flirty and a schmoozer), he wasn't so sure anymore that she was really the one for him.

It was Hannah who eventually saved the day.

Knowing just how important it was that Elijah find the right woman with whom to carry on her legacy, Hannah marched over to Mick's Master Karaoke and unceremoniously asked Ida to move in. She agreed. With no time to lose, the women sped back over to Pinochle Pond to finalize the wedding.

By the time they got there, most of the guests had left. In the end it was just Hannah, Stiles, and the newlyweds standing by the wedding arch (despite all the conveniently placed chairs). But one look at Ida and Elijah knew he had made the right choice after all.

Here's Ida after a makeover, in her favorite color of turquoise. I don't much like that hair color on her, but I'm trying not to change any "natural" colors in this game except for when they become elders, so for now it's staying.

Elijah and Ida are currently trying to have a baby. With her being older now, though, they may end up having to get a fertility treatment or two.

And lastly, because I can: here's Mitzvah playing in a broken tub!

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Re: The Levine Dynasty-- Chapter Seven: Success! Mostly
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2012, 05:43:13 PM »

Congrats on your gooey rainbow of sparkly bliss! Haha, that one cracked me up. Also, Mitzvah is too adorable! She looks a little Siamese.

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Chapter Eight: The Next Generation
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2012, 07:54:21 PM »
Thanks so much, Rhoxi! I'm not really sure what breed Mitzvah is supposed to be-- I once had a Himalayan Persian with nearly her exact same markings, but her face is all off for a Persian, so idek. Then again I don't actually know too much about cat breeds... I just like to cuddle them. :D

In story news:

Looks like we won't be needing a fertility treatment after all! Ida cracks me up with her expressive faces.

But she seems happy enough to have a nooboo on the way.

Not quite as happy, though, as the grandma-to-be.

Elijah mostly looks freaked out.

To calm his nerves, he cuddles with Mitzvah. (Thanks to Pam for letting me know cats could do this! I was so excited!)

Ida may be the first Sim I've had who actually gets some decent (if impractical) maternity clothes.

And later that night:

Hello, baby Tovah.

The whole house is absolutely smitten with their little pill bug.

But it looks like she's really going to be Daddy's little girl.

Tovah is artistic and, as her name would suggest, good. Prepare for lots of pictures of her once she becomes a toddler. :D