I've been playing my current game for a few hours (maybe 30 -- i don't really know). Recently, one of my sims has started to delay doing things in his queue, and instead runs off to find another Sim, point and laugh at them. I don't really know what to make of this - he didn't always do that.
Also, at times I will send him to bed. He will get into bed, then immediately decide he's had enough sleep and get up. I can then send him back to bed and he sleeps through the night.
The pointing and laughing thing is getting to be very annoying. He wastes 20-60 minutes to run across the house, go up or down the stairs, just to point and laugh at someone.
Traits: Love the Outdoors, Over Emotional, Nurturing, Friendly, and Lucky. He's not inappropriate, insane, a light sleeper, or any trait that I think would cause these problems. And it's only started happening recently.
I am using a few of Nrass's mods. Saver, Error Trap, and OverWatch. Also using a thing I found on MTS from velocitygrass to eliminate the memory system which I hate.
I can post the save game somewhere if requested. I have all the EPs through Showtime and SPs through Katy Perry. I'm playing in Appaloosa Plains.
Thanks for any suggestions.