Author Topic: Can't save and quit game, possible stemming from sculpting issue  (Read 2817 times)

Offline Castaras

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Was trying to make an ice sim sculpture with my family. The guy being sculpted posed, the sculptor watched the guy, but no sculpture was being made. I couldn't cancel the interaction for the sculptor, and the shadows of the guy being sculpted's feet wandered off and made noises - when I checked the "sculpt ice sim" interaction again, there were two of the guy being sculpted - one a stranger one the original.

After quite a few attempts at resetting the sims, and still no luck, I decide to save the game and quit. However, when I click save + quit or main menu, nothing happens. I can't even just save - nothing happens there either.

Any ideas?  :-\

edit: Okay, my game's just screwed up completely. I can't enter buy mode or build mode, and my sim can't paint. Looks like it's just a massive corruption. Back to the beginning again then..

