A view of Colt enjoy the morning paper. This is the morning after the Bachelor's moved in. A little extra cash to decorate the front with.

Well, nothing major to report on the home front during the day. The kids went to school, Jocasta went to a gardening class, collected some seeds, and started her garden. Simis went and took a Fishing Class, ,then he went over to the courthouse and registered as a Angler. I had a pic of him coming out of courthouse, but I guess it got lost..
Simis: I hear you breathing
ME: Really?? WOW
Simis: Yeah wow. It's very quiet out here at night and you can hear things for miles.
ME: So how do you like your new living arrangments?
Simis: As long as the little ladies happy, I'm fine. We've known Agnes for yrs and I like this guy she married so far.
ME: That makes one of us! So catching anything?
Simis: IF you'd go away I would.

Agnes: *thinking*

Colt: Who invented this game?

Agnes: I got a promotion today at work.
ME: Good girl, Keep up the good work

Colt: Let's have a nooboo my fine hot mama!!


Jocasta: I hope Simis is enjoying his time fishing. He should make some good money soon.

Agnes: I hear that it pays good for the bigger types of fish. Plus the ones that come from the graveyard.
Me: Yep Deathfish.. That is what he is working for..

Everyone: Great game

Bella: I'm off to bed, go a field trip tomorrow. Plus Uncle Colt looking at the store for a camera for me.
ME: Good night girl, Don't forget to use that Multitab-6000 he got you..

Agnes: Ok, I've completed, 5 Clay, 5 wood, this is my 2nd ice. How do I stop them from melting?
ME: You have to complete 25 ice sculptors to stop them from melting, then you can do his sculptor.
Agnes: OH MY!! I've got to get busy. I'm glad Bella wants to learn to paint and do photography.
ME: Well. You have to do the paintings until she can get to that level. But it won't be long. Plus, I think Michael want's to be a chef. Not a painter.
Agnes: Good. I can help him if he needs it.