I did some poking around, and it seems like the problem is tied to the lot itself. None of the current residents are to blame. I'll add some detail so that it's clear how this household was formed.
Elvira Slayer is dating Todd Lynch (according to the wiki, he's originally a random unemployed townie, homeless i presume). In my game, he became my firefighter's boss. Anyways, they moved in together and ended up sharing this lot with Ti Bellino, her husband Ricky Bellino (originally Bailey), and Ti's friend Daisy Swizzle. The odd part is that the lot is named Berman. Since none of them has that as a surname, I find it rather odd. And since Berman isn't used with any premade sims, I assume it's a randomly generated name for a family I'm not even aware of in-game.
I was able to evict all five members together, but they didn't go to the clipboard, just disappeared. The house remained 'occupied', but with no Sims assigned to it. And eviction even then causes the hangup. So I'm not sure what to do at this point. I can't delete the lot, either, because it's occupied. I also tried evicting them by splitting them into two families. Whichever one is split off last (emptying the house) disappears and won't appear in the clipboard.