Author Topic: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Please move to Graveyard.  (Read 8300 times)

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (5th August)
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2012, 11:10:13 AM »
Sorry for the long absence from the forum and lack of updates to this story, but I had hard drive issues and it took a while for them to be fixed. I'm hoping to get a chapter for the story posted later today :)

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (5th August)
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2012, 08:01:04 AM »
Chapter Four - Toddler Training and A Birthday

Jorja taught Freya all the essential skills she would need for life. Freya learned to walk... to use the potty...

...and how to talk. Jorja used this opportunity to explain a few things to Freya.

Jorja: The most important things to remember for the Dynasty are... need to work hard to achieve the requirements... can never move out... must have a museum of portraits...

...and a Supermax skill. Mummy does lots of cooking!

Jorja: But when we are immortals, we can have lots of fun with make-up, shoes and sunny holidays!

Jorja: We have to be very careful, as we don't want to have a fire.

If only Jorja knew...

The household gathered to celebrate Freya's birthday, and Jorja helped to blow the candles out again.

And then this happened...

Apparently the logical course of action when there is a fire is to stand right next to it panicking. I sent everybody out of harms way to the other side of the lot, but only Jorja and Freya stayed there. Agnes and Stiles kept running back to the fire, and were very unhelpful by screaming at it.

The fire engine turned up eventually, and the fire got put out.

After all this drama, Freya aged up outside in front of the garden. It felt like tempting fate to have the cake indoors! Stiles is in his swimwear because playing in the sprinklers is apparently more important than celebrating your daughter's birthday. ::)

Freya aged up with the Angler trait. She's going to take over the fishing responsibilities for the rest of the Dynasty. Freya also decided one of her LTR's will be Fireproof Homestead.

I think Freya looks like Jorja with Stiles' hair and eye colour, although it is a little too early to tell for sure.

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Four (30th August)
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2012, 03:57:45 PM »
Those cakes... *grumble, grumble*... it just happened to me too.
It looks like you had a speedy call from the firefighters!
Frey looks like a real beauty in the making. :)

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Four (30th August)
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2012, 06:11:41 AM »
Thanks for reading SimBlip, it was the first time I had ever had a cake fire, and it had to happen in a dynasty ::)

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Four (30th August)
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2012, 10:57:14 AM »
Chapter Five - Childhood Cuteness and No Fires

Freya was an adorable child, and often spent her days in her favourite princess outfit.

Her bedroom got a makeover fit for a princess/angler.

Freya loved spending time outdoors learning fishing. She got a good headstart, reaching level five and catching lots of fish. She also reads fishing books to learn the different baits.

Freya also had lots of time to be a child, and often played submarine in the bath.

Freya: I love water! And I love fish! But I hate doing my homework.

Freya: Look what I can do!

Meanwhile, Jorja and Stiles spent most of their time working towards the Dynasty requirements.

Stiles listened to Handiness tabcasts so he could upgrade the appliances, and tended to the garden at the same time.

Jorja earned a promotion to Sous Chef, and spent most of her time cooking.

Jorja: I don't even need to look when I'm chopping. I'm a fantastic chef!

Jorja celebrated her Adult birthday with a small family gathering.

Stiles was rather rude, and ate his cake away from the others even though there was plenty of room at the table.

A few days later, Freya celebrated her Teen birthday with a party - not that you can tell from the screenshots.

Freya certainly turned out pretty, but I have no idea where her mouth came from - it doesn't look like either of her parent's. She was just about to blink in the screenshot, so her eyes look a little different. Freya gained the Neat trait, mainly so I won't have to hire a maid for the later generations.

Here's a bonus shot of Freya aging up, which made me laugh.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2012, 01:02:20 PM »
Freya is cute.

That's so clever about the neat trait. Maids can so easily become bugged.

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2012, 02:56:13 PM »
Thanks saltpastillen! I can't take credit for it though, I read it in another story and thought it was a good idea.

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2012, 07:54:17 PM »
I love Freya's princess pictures. Clever girl to advance well in fishing.
What are handiness podcasts?
I also love the birthday picture with Freya talking about cooking (even if daddy was a bit rude sitting apart). She obviously loves her mum a lot. Very nice update! :)

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2012, 06:09:51 AM »
Oops, I meant tabcasts. I'll change that now. Tabcasts are from the store premium content MultiTab 6000. Your sim can listen to them and improve on their skills whilst doing something else. Stiles was improving on both handiness and harvesting the garden at the same time.


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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2012, 04:08:15 PM »
Oops, I meant tabcasts. I'll change that (...)
Aye, I understand it now. Thanks for explaining. Can't wait to see what happens next. Such a good story! :)

Offline Toni

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2012, 07:18:57 AM »
I love the last photo of Freya aging up - my sims do it too. The power of the pause button!

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2012, 03:41:53 PM »
I love the last photo of Freya aging up - my sims do it too. The power of the pause button!

Most of my sims do it as well, but this is the first screenshot I've got. It makes me smile every time :D

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2012, 04:54:11 PM »
I just wanted to drop by and explain the lack of updates on this story. (I can't believe its been nearly two months since I updated!) I started my third year at Uni, and the workload is insane, so I haven't been playing any of my files at all, or posting on the Forum. When I get Seasons in a couple of weeks I'm hopefully going to find the time to play and update. Since I never properly played Supernatural, it will be like getting two EPs at once! I've missed the Phoenix family (and Agnes!) so it will be really great playing them again, and hopefully finishing this Dynasty.


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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2012, 07:12:19 PM »
Don't worry, amyrose. We'll be right here when you feel ready to pick the story up.
Best wishes for your studies! :)

Offline amyrose

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Re: The Phoenix Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Five (9th September)
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2013, 04:44:57 PM »
I'm sorry to do this, but I'm ending this attempt. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. I haven't played this file for months because of my Uni workload, and I've misplaced the notes and plans I had prepared, so I've no idea whereabouts I am in terms of goals, skills etc. As I never made it that far into the game (Gen 2 Freya is still a teen), I've decided it would be wiser to start over in a few months when I have the time to make a proper attempt at the challenge. I still want to see my name in the Hall of Fame, so I'm not giving up - I'm just postponing it.
Thanks to everybody who read and commented, it really brightened my day to know you liked my story :)

Moderators, can you please move this thread to the Graveyard? Thanks in advance.

