Author Topic: Two Worlds, One Heart - Epilogue - The Road Goes Ever On and On (Complete)  (Read 202887 times)

Offline Magpie2012

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Raia I know this has been asked before but it was a while back and I had difficulty with it then: what mod do you use to pose your sims?
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Raia I know this has been asked before but it was a while back and I had difficulty with it then: what mod do you use to pose your sims?

It's called Pose Player. :)

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Offline Magpie2012

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Thanks! I just downloaded it now to see if my weird brain can get it to work lol
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Two Worlds, One Heart - Family Trees
« Reply #303 on: December 16, 2012, 09:57:04 PM »
Family Trees

Okay, here goes...

Ethan Bunch married Holly Alto. They have one child, a daughter named Elysia, who married Judd Sekemoto, the son of Leighton Sekemoto and Zelda Mae. They have two children, a daughter named Zoey and a son named Kenji. Zoey is a teenager and is currently unattached. Kenji is still a child.

Ethan's youngest sister Darlene married Malcolm Landgraab. They have three children, Iris, Devon, and Amaya. Iris married Timothy Sw0rd, son of Cycl0n3 Sw0rd and Emma Hatch, and they have a toddler son named Marcus. Devon is engaged to Nadia Cope (a former newspaper delivery girl). Amaya is still a toddler and is the exact same age as her nephew Marcus.

Other couples of note (close friends and relatives of the household):

Lisa Bunch dated Iqbal Alvi for a short time and gave birth to a son, Roger (who is about halfway between Elysia and Iris as far as age goes). She later married Michael Bachelor, and they did not have any children together. Roger is engaged to and is expecting a child by Sylvia Frio, the daughter of Connor Frio and River McIrish. Sylvia is slightly older than Roger.

Ian Bunch (the fifth and final child of Jack and Judy) was married to Jamie Jolina until her death, and later re-married an immigrant townie named Sommer Tillman. Sommer is thereabouts the same age as Ethan.

Arlo is conspicuously absent. He has neither married nor fathered any children. He is, quite literally, married to his job. Poor guy. :(

Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor and they have two children, Cassie (slightly older than Iris, and her BFF) and Andrew (slightly younger than Zoey, and her BFF). Cassie married Wesley Alvi (about Roger's age), son of VJ Alvi and Tamara Donner, and is expecting a child. Andrew is currently a teenager and is unattached.

I was planning on also adding a tree for Judd and Elly's friend Dallas, but I can't for the life of me figure out who he is married to and I never see her around town. Dallas Steel is the son of Christopher Steel and Monika Morris, is married to somebody (an immigrant townie) and has a son named Darin. That's about all I know. :P

Offline Lysita

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Zoey and Andrew sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G??


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Wow! This must have taken some time. It's clear, concise and pretty.
I so much appreciate this.
Thank you, Raia!  :D

Offline Katie123urgreat

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Thank you Raia for spending your time on making this family tree.
Zoey and Andrew sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G??
I thought the exact same thing!  :P

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

DS Ben Jones: I appreciated your trust over the Masons thing.
DCI Tom Barnaby: Trust, Jones, is something hard to win, easy to lose, and never to be taken lightly.
Jones: William Shakespeare, sir?
Barnaby: No! Thomas Barnaby.
-Midsomer Murders

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Offline SadieHamming

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That first picture is precious!
Great update!
I loved these lines;
(Edit: Where the heck...someone actually took a picture of that? - Darlene)

(Another edit: You weren't the only one handy with a camera, sis. - Ethan)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Two Worlds, One Heart - Chapter 48
« Reply #308 on: December 19, 2012, 01:40:52 AM »
Wow! This must have taken some time. It's clear, concise and pretty.
I so much appreciate this.
Thank you, Raia!  :D
Thank you Raia for spending your time on making this family tree.

You are most welcome. It didn't take too long, really. :)

That first picture is precious!
Great update!
I loved these lines;

Thanks so much!

Zoey and Andrew sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G??
I thought the exact same thing!  :P

Hmmm... ;)

Chapter 48 – Zoey's Sick Day


I've been more or less stuck in bed for the better part of three days and was starting to get a bit bored. Grandma suggested that maybe I could write something for the family blog to pass the time. I'm not much for writing, but at least using a laptop doesn't require me to leave my room and I'm not really up for walking at this point.

I guess this is the first time I've really looked at this thing. It's pretty neat, actually. There's almost fifty years of memories chronicled here. I'll have to read more sometime.

Not much has really happened this year so far. I'm in my sophomore year in high school and Kenny is in the eighth grade. My two little cousins turned five and started kindergarten, so I guess that's pretty notable. They had a joint birthday party and my little brother insisted on making the cake. He actually did a pretty darn good job. All that practice on the toy oven is really paying off.

Mmm. Chocolate cake sounds pretty good right about now.

Anyway, back to the birthday party.

I'm just glad they're not in diapers anymore. That is one chore that I don't miss.

Marcus looks like a cross between his dad and uncle Malcolm, though that could just be the glasses. He is a fun kid, if a little on the geeky side.

He's already a faster typer than I am, though really that isn't saying much. I think I overheard Timothy saying something like “He's turning into my father.” I guess his dad is a computer nerd?

Amaya on the other hand loves painting and playing dress-up. Lately she has been ridiculously picky about her appearance, spending forever in front of the mirror making sure that every last hair is in place before going to school. If she's this bad at five I hate to see it when she hits her teenage years. No one will ever get to use the bathroom in the morning.

Kenji is just enjoying having someone else to play with, at least for what little is left of his childhood. Marcus and Amaya look up to him as a big brother of sorts. Not a bad role model, really. My brother is a good kid for the most part.

Let's see, what else happened...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Devon and Nadia tied the a very strange way. My cousin has never been one for crowds and values his privacy. The idea of having a big wedding like his sister was completely out of the question. So where did he and Nadia decide to have the ceremony?

The bathroom, obviously. Well, it is the most private room in the house. And for the honeymoon, an all-expenses-paid trip to...

...the swingset.

Yes, my family is strange.

I'm guessing though that you're probably wondering why I'm stuck in bed. Let's just say that this is the last time I will ever forget to get my Simflu shot. I've been half dead for three days and am only now starting to feel somewhat like myself.

The first day was the worst. I woke up feeling a bit off, just a little dizzy and a touch on the queasy side, but nothing too drastic. It started getting worse when I went downstairs to get ready for school, and by the time I sat down to breakfast I felt just horrible. Somehow I managed to eat a little bit of my pancakes, which turned out to be a bad idea.

Yeah...I got sick right as the bus showed up in front of the house. Mom and Dad decided it would be best to keep me home from school, needless to say. Dad set up a place for me on the couch, since I was in no shape to climb two flights of stairs to my own bed. I was so dizzy that I could hardly even walk.

I slept off and on in between coughing fits and frantic trips to the bathroom. I've never felt so ill in my life. Vaguely I remember someone sticking a thermometer in my mouth, and a bit of piano music from upstairs (I think Dad was composing), but most of that day was a fever-induced blur. Somehow I wound up back in my room, though I have no clue how I got there.

The rest of the night wasn't much better. Grandma brought me some soup at dinnertime, but it didn't sit well at all and I wound up getting sick again. Mom and uncle Malcolm came in a little while later and were talking about possibly taking me to the emergency room. I think I heard Mom say something about a 103° fever. No wonder I was feeling so lousy.

They decided to wait it out and see how I was in the morning. My fever was at just over 100° and I still felt like I had been run over by a herd of llamas, but a little bit better than before. Definitely not well enough to go to school, but not at death's doorstep. I had a small cup of ginger tea and a few crackers before settling down for another round of napping. Being ill really takes a lot out of you.

I don't know how long I slept, exactly, but when I woke up...


“Hey,” I weakly croaked out. My throat hurt.

“How are you feeling?”

“Meh...better, I guess. I don't feel like death warmed over anymore, at least.”

Andrew smiled. “You kinda had us worried. Letitia started freaking out when you didn't answer her texts. She thought that you had been abducted by aliens or something to that effect.”

I chuckled a bit. Letitia Hart is about as melodramatic as they get.

“I got your homework, by the way,” he continued. “Miss Pease said something about a geography test next Tuesday.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

We chatted for about a half an hour before he headed home. I wish he could have stuck around for a bit longer, but I was still very tired and had a bit of a headache. Dad brought up some dry toast for me to nibble on before I went back to sleep.

This morning I felt a lot better.

The fever was gone and I was actually hungry, but I was still rather weak so Mom kept me home from school for yet another day. Oh yay, more homework that I'll have to make up later. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be mostly back to my normal self again. Until then I'll just have to find ways to occupy my time. Not the easiest thing when the only things on television during the day are game shows and soap operas. Yuck.

Ah well. Andrew said he'd come by after school and keep me company. He's such a nice guy.

By the way...

I know who Iris was talking about in that last post. You know, where she said that she and her friend Cassie were trying to play matchmaker? Yeah, she was talking about me and Andrew. Not that this surprises anyone, I'm sure. They were pretty sneaky about it, but we have no secrets with each other so we figured out what was going on pretty quickly.

We sure had a laugh about it when we figured it out. Andrew said that he was used to his sister trying to meddle in his personal life, so this wasn't exactly a shock.

I hate to rain on your parade, cousin, but your plan isn't going to work. It failed before it even you might as well just give up now. :P

And on that note, I'm getting tired. I should probably take a nap before this afternoon. Let's just hope that no one else catches this stupid bug.



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Re: Two Worlds, One Heart - Chapter 48 – Zoey's Sick Day
« Reply #309 on: December 19, 2012, 09:25:59 AM »
What a great angle for story writing!
I laughed out loud when I read about the 'private' wedding and all-expenses paid honeymoon. Devon and Nadia are adorable!
Amaya and Marcus are gorgeous looking kids.
Oh! The conspiracy ends in a fizzle... for now?   ::)


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Re: Two Worlds, One Heart - Chapter 48 – Zoey's Sick Day
« Reply #310 on: December 19, 2012, 01:02:16 PM »
I was reading a few chapters back and wondered what will you do after Ethan and Holly die, will you continue the story?

Also It is funny how Iris plan failed. :)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Two Worlds, One Heart - Chapter 48 – Zoey's Sick Day
« Reply #311 on: December 21, 2012, 05:02:45 PM »
What a great angle for story writing!
I laughed out loud when I read about the 'private' wedding and all-expenses paid honeymoon. Devon and Nadia are adorable!
Amaya and Marcus are gorgeous looking kids.
Oh! The conspiracy ends in a fizzle... for now?   ::)

I am quite pleased in particular with Marcus. I have a feeling he's going to grow into a handsome young man. Amaya is more or less Darlene, minus the freckles and with Geoffrey's hair.

Thanks! I wanted to try something different as far as writing went, and this just sort of...happened. :P

The conspiracy is most definitely over, but...

I was reading a few chapters back and wondered what will you do after Ethan and Holly die, will you continue the story?

Also It is funny how Iris plan failed. :)

That's a tough question to answer. I'm leaning toward no at the moment, just because if I don't end with them, where would be the logical place to end? The problem is I love the other characters and don't really want to give them up. If I do end the story I will have to find some way to bring closure to everyone else too, or at least give some semblance of an idea of where they go and what they do. It's a lot to think about, really.

Iris's plan failed for one reason and one reason alone...

Next up: Marcus makes an interesting discovery, and what exactly did Zoey mean when she said "failed before it began"?

Thank you all so very much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy. :) Cheers, and happy holidays to everyone! (though chances are I will update at least once more before Christmas)

Offline Katie123urgreat

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Re: Two Worlds, One Heart - Chapter 48 – Zoey's Sick Day
« Reply #312 on: December 21, 2012, 06:56:54 PM »
Another great update, I felt relatable to Zoey for some reason, probably because we have the same views on daytime television. I can't wait for what happens next.

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

DS Ben Jones: I appreciated your trust over the Masons thing.
DCI Tom Barnaby: Trust, Jones, is something hard to win, easy to lose, and never to be taken lightly.
Jones: William Shakespeare, sir?
Barnaby: No! Thomas Barnaby.
-Midsomer Murders

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Two Worlds, One Heart - Interlude - Revelations
« Reply #313 on: December 23, 2012, 01:51:21 AM »
And now for something a little different.

Interlude – Revelations

Two months later...

A solitary figure sat in silence on the swingset. The hour was late and her eyelids were heavy with exhaustion, but sleep was the last thing on her mind. Zoey was waiting for someone.

“Sorry I'm late,” came a familiar voice. “There were a bunch of police cars on the road and I had to hide in the bushes for a while.”

“Good thing you didn't get caught, then we'd be busted for sure.” She stood up and greeted her companion with a smile. “I'm glad you made it, Andrew.”

“You know, one of these days we're going to have to come clean,” he replied. “Sooner or later someone is going to find out what is really doing on.”

“With prom in less than two months I don't think we will be able to keep up this pretense for much longer anyway.”

“Imagine the looks on their faces when they find out the truth.”

Zoey heaved a sigh. “I still don't understand why they decided to try and play matchmaker. I mean, I love my cousin, don't get me wrong, but we're not exactly pawns on a chess board. What I do with my life is none of her business.”

“They mean well, even if they are overly pushy.” Andrew gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. “But we know the truth...that it had nothing at all to do with them.”

Lips brushed together and locked in a kiss as two young lovers embraced in the darkness. They could have remained in this moment forever for all they cared. Right now, all that mattered was each other.

Ever so slowly the two began to part from their embrace, though not entirely. Andrew's hands lingered upon Zoey's slight waist and he just stared into her eyes. He had never felt so content as he was in Zoey's arms. They were two halves of a whole, each incomplete without the other.

“I have a confession to make,” he quietly spoke. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Lost as they were in the moment, neither of them realized that they were being watched.

It wasn't exactly Darlene's intention to spy on her great-niece, but when she noticed her and her long time friend interacting with each other, she found it very difficult to turn away. Zoey had sworn up and down that she and Andrew were not romantically involved. Evidence was starting to prove otherwise, and that tickled Darlene to no end.

Being married to a hopeless romantic for so long sort of had that effect.

The music on the radio switched to a slow ballad, and Darlene couldn't help but chuckle. She remembered this song well; it was one of the songs that was playing at the diner on the night when she and Malcolm had their first official date. Even after some forty-five years she could still remember it like it was yesterday—what she was wearing, the taste of the greasy hamburger, the sound of Malcolm's cell phone going off when his mother kept texting him—the music brought it all back, and it was a wonderful feeling.

How appropriate that this song should be playing now. another new love was beginning to blossom before her eyes.

Romance is in the air
It's all around you tonight.
I can almost read your mind,
I know you'll find
Our love is oh so right.

“Hmmm...I haven't heard that song in ages,” came Malcolm's voice as he walked into the kitchen. “This is Stiles's band, right?”

“One of his first hits.” Darlene's lips twisted into a wicked grin. “And, I might add, terribly appropriate for the moment.”

“How so?”

Darlene gestured toward the back door, still grinning. Curiosity got the best of Malcolm and he walked over to the door and looked out the window. That his great-niece and his best friend's son were together was not by any means surprising. That they were holding hands was a bit more unexpected.

“I'll be...”

“What's going on?” That voice belonged to Elysia.

“Ssshhh...not so loud,” Darlene replied. “Take a look.”

Somewhat reluctantly Elysia approached the back door. The expression on her face quickly became that of utter shock mixed with a twinge of amusement. Secretly she had always hoped that Zoey and Andrew would one day get together, but she respected her daughter's privacy and never wished to pry. But after Zoey had so adamantly denied any sort of romantic inclinations toward her long-time best friend, Elly was rather surprised to see the two of them together in this way.

“Am I seeing...?”

At that moment Andrew took Zoey back into his arms and kissed her deeply.

“Yes, I do believe that you are.”

Another pair of footsteps came down the hallway from the foyer. “What's going on?” came Kenji's voice.

“Ssshhh...not so loud.”

“What's going on,” the child repeated, this time in a whisper. Without even waiting for a response Kenji walked over to the door and peered outside. Instantly he recoiled.

“Eww, kissy stuff.”

“That's enough, Kenny,” Elysia chided. “Your sister's love life is not a spectator sport. For any of us,” she added, glancing at her aunt and uncle. Elysia began to make her way toward the refrigerator when suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks.

“Wait. Did I just refer to my daughter' life?”

“Yes. Yes you did,” Darlene replied. Elysia subconsciously shuddered. The quicker this conversation was over, the better.

A few seconds later more footsteps were heard coming down the hallway, these ones belonging to Iris. “What's all of the commotion about?”

“It looks like Zoey and Andrew got together after all.”

Iris's eyes lit up. “Ha haaaa, I knew it!”

“Ssshh, not so loud!” Kenji whispered. “I think they heard you.”

They had indeed. Zoey glanced ruefully at the door and shook her head. “Looks like the cat's out of the bag,” she sighed. “Shall we?”

“Yeah, I suppose we should.”

It was at that point that Malcolm's pager suddenly went off. He gave Darlene a quick kiss on the cheek, snatched his lab coat from the hall closet, and raced out the front door. His hasty exit prompted Darlene to make her own retreat. This was something that Elysia needed to handle, and she was starting to get a bit tired anyway. She glanced down at Kenji, who seemed to understand without her saying a word. He too left the kitchen, leaving only Elysia, Iris, and a pair of slightly apprehensive teenagers.

“I guess our plan worked after all,” Iris said with a laugh.

Zoey didn't even try to hide her annoyance. “No, actually. Your plan was still a total and complete bust.”

Iris was a little taken aback at her tone of voice. “Come again?”

“You and Cassie were plotting to try and get the two of us together, and in that you failed,” Andrew explained, “because at the time, Zoey and I had already been dating for four months.”

Iris was speechless.

“So yeah, when I said your plan had failed before it even started, it was only because you can't set two people up who are already together in the first place,” Zoey added.

“And you've been hiding your relationship this entire time?”

“Pretty much.”

“Did anyone know?”

“Grandma did.”

“You know, sneaking around like that is probably not the best idea,” Elysia spoke up. “I trust you enough to know that you won't do anything ridiculous, but one or both of you easily could have been caught by curfew enforcement.”

“What else were we supposed to do? Cassie won't get off of Andrew's back, and I can't...” Zoey's voice trailed off, as if she wanted to say something else but decided against it. “I know it was childish, but we just wanted to be left alone. ”

Iris sighed deeply, the expression on her face contrite. “I...think I owe you two an apology. I didn't realize that Cassie and I were being so...”

Overbearing?” Zoey interrupted.

“Yeah, I suppose that would be a good word to describe it,” Iris continued. “It's just that we thought the two of you would make a great couple! You're so much alike, you were already the best of friends, it all made sense.”

“We do make a great couple,” Andrew spoke up. “We just didn't need any outside interference to realize it.”

“And I should have respected that. Andrew, Zoey...I am deeply sorry.”

Zoey's expression softened. “I forgive you. I mean, your heart was in the right place. It was just your methodology that royally stunk.”

At this Iris laughed. “Hey, it works for the interrogation chamber.”

“If I'm ever arrested I'll have to remember that.”

“If you're ever arrested I'll have to smack you,” Elysia chimed in. “On a more important note, it's getting a bit late. Andrew, I can either take you home, or call your parents and tell them you'll be spending the night.”

“Would you mind if I spent the night? I don't want to intrude or anything.”

Elysia smiled. “You're never an intrusion. I'll give your mom a quick call and tell her that you're here. I think that Judd has some spare pajamas that you could borrow for the night.” She glanced at her daughter. “I trust you two. No funny business, all right?”

“We'll behave.”

Hand in hand, the two teenagers left the kitchen and made their way upstairs to find some nightclothes. Meanwhile Iris decided that it was time to head back downstairs and go to bed. She made a mental note to call Cassie tomorrow morning and explain what had happened. Both of them needed to find a way to make it up to Andrew and Zoey somehow.

Upon walking into the living room she was somewhat surprised to see her son still sitting at the computer. “Marcus, it's almost midnight. You really should be going to bed, you know?”

“Can I stay up a little bit longer? I just discovered something really amazing!”

After what had just happened and as tired as she was, Iris was not willing to fight this battle. “All right, but if you're still up when your grandfather comes home you'll be in trouble.”

“Okay mom,” he replied.

Marcus was giddy with excitement. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected that his search for new friends would lead him to discovering a parallel world. Their existence had been theorized for decades but never proven, and now a seven-year-old amateur hacker had done what generations of theoretical physicists could not. In hacking into this “Solaris” domain he had found the hub between worlds, and it was only a matter of time before he would figure out a way to establish communication with that other dimension. Unfortunately, the system had recognized him as an intruder and kicked him out after only a few minutes.

Marcus was disappointed, but not surprised. The surprise would come a short while later, when his screen once again flickered to life.

The face on the screen seemed to radiate a warm friendliness. There was something about him that seemed otherworldly.

“Greetings Marcus. It has come to my attention that you wish to use the Solaris mainframe to establish an inter-dimensional web domain.”

At first Marcus was a bit frightened. How did this person know his name? Part of him wanted to shut down the computer then and there, but his innate curiosity kept him glued to the words on the screen. “You would give me permission to establish communication through your server?” He typed back.

“We would be most pleased to, yes. You will, however, require the correct meta-verse settings as well as a password. Be advised also that any and all activity is subject to monitoring.”

“Thank you,” he typed out. A few moments later he added “Sorry if I was any trouble. I actually didn't expect to get that far into your system.”

“You need not fret. That you were capable of such a feat is in itself impressive. Be assured of our utmost discretion and cooperation in your endeavors. And Marcus, best of luck.”

The face flickered away from view, leaving a few lines of text. The domain name, password, and settings. Marcus had everything that he needed. Now all he had to do was figure out how to write a program in which to use it.

Excitement quickly became anxiety when he heard the familiar roar of his grandfather's sports car coming up the driveway. Quickly Marcus saved the data, turned off the computer, and raced downstairs. He had just made it into his bedroom when he heard the front door unlock. Whew, that was too close, he said to himself.

He didn't think he was going to be able to sleep though, not with so many ideas running through his head.

Three floors above him, Zoey wasn't sleeping either. In her case, though, it was more than just rampant thoughts that kept her awake.

(A/N: Solaris is the brainchild of a certain SimBlip, and is used with permission. :) Thanks for reading!)


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Re: Two Worlds, One Heart - Interlude - Revelations
« Reply #314 on: December 23, 2012, 03:21:42 AM »
Aww.. young love are so cute! I love the update. Fantastic writing. :)

