Author Topic: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Graveyard  (Read 6982 times)

Offline simfulicious

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The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Graveyard
« on: July 27, 2012, 08:08:42 AM »
I was heartbroken when my first Weatherly's just disappeared on me, but I have learned my save save.  So now I'm back with version 2, and it's totally different then the first version.  Please let me know what you think so far.

EDIT:  As of 8/4/12...I will now be transferring my story onto here, as it is much easier for you guys to read and comment on.  I have never worked this hard on a story before and I want it to be enjoyable to everyone else as much as it is for me.

Once upon a time, long long ago,  there lived a
handsome king and his beautiful queen.  They ruled a lush, green kingdom with a
kind, friendly hand.  Their subjects loved and adored them, and would obey their
Majesty's every command, for they knew it would be in their best interest.

One day the queen began feeling ill, and the
royal physician gave them the news that she was going to have a baby.  The king  and
queen were so very happy that they started having celebrations with their
subjects right then and there.

Deep down inside, every king wishes for a son so
he can carry on the family name, and in this case take over the throne one day.   
However, the queen gave birth to a beautiful girl.  The king pushed his
disappointment aside as soon as he laid eyes on his little princess.  She had
little tufts of golden hair and beautiful green eyes.

The king and queen were not the only ones with
goo goo eyes for the new princess.  The entire kingdom came to meet the little
beauty, and bestow her with gifts.  The king and queen were very grateful for
all the gifts they received, for they knew how hard their subjects worked to
earn those gifts.

There was one subject that the king and queen did
not like, a mean leprechan named Lucky.  Lucky came to the palace one day
bearing his gift for the princess, and the king and queen banished him, for they
knew that it was probably a trick.

The next morning when the queen went to the royal
nursery, their baby was gone!!!  The king sent all of his army to search the
land with a fine tooth comb, but they found nothing, not even a golden hair. 
The king poured all of the kingdom's resources into the search.  Soon they were
out of money and the people began to suffer and the lands began to wither and
lose color.

The king knew deep down that Lucky was responsible for his daughter's kidnapping, but he couldn't find him either.  He
kept searching for both of them until the stress made him sick and he died. 
Once the king died, the queen soon followed, as she was completely heart broken
over losing both her husband and her baby.

The subjects didn't know what to do without their
king and queen, making them vulnerable to intruders.  This is when Lucky and his
fellow evil lephrechans came back and took over the throne.  He brainwashed the
people and took all their harvests, ordering more and more, until the lands
dried up and it was a desert.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:  I'm A What
Chapter 2:  Finding Prince Charming
Chapter 3:  Goal Setting and Heir Making
Chapter 4:  Toddlers and Tiaras
Chapter 5:  Icy Decides Her Path
Chapter 6:  Sunny's Late Mid-Life Crisis


Offline JudesSims

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The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Intro: Once Upon A Time
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 08:31:48 AM »
Now YOU are a story teller. Good job!

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Offline simfulicious

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Intro: Once Upon A Time
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 08:43:43 AM »
Thanks, Jude, that means a lot...I just hope I can keep the story up.  Luckily I am off today, while I'm feeling inspired.

Chapter 1:  I'm A What?

I've always wondered why I was so different than all the other people around me.  They were into fast cars, and even faster women/men, and only interested in making a quick buck.  No one cared about how their actions affected those around them.  I feel like I belong to a different time, a time when people genuinely cared about others.  A time when this desert sand wasn't sand at all, but it was all green grass.  There's hardly any green grass left around Lucky Palms now, but I like to visit the little bit that's left everyday.

I decided to go to my favorite green spot.  Once I got there, I noticed something I had never seen before...a big well full of water.  I threw a coin in, and a frog came out.  He wasn't just your average frog, however, but a magical talking frog!

The frog had quite the tale to tell me.  Apparently, my great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents were the King and Queen of Lucky Palms, back when it was known as Alynia.  The frog told me the terrible story of how the king and queen's child was kidnapped and how no one had ever found her.  He told me that my five times great grandmother was the princess that was kidnapped as a baby.  Apparently, they hadn't searched very well because somehow the princess had survived this turmoil and had gone on to have children, and they had children, etc. 

And that's when it hit me...if my ancestors were royalty, then that makes me royalty!  I'm a Princess?!!!  I must have said that out loud because the frog said "Yes, Sunny, you are a princess.  Boy you catch on quick!"

The frog then told me that I could re-claim my throne, so to speak, if I was able to accomplish a difficult set of tasks, and have the next 7 generations accomplish those tasks as well.
"How can I control what the next 7 generations are able to accomplish, when I won't be here to see them do it?"
"Well, my dear, if you complete the tasks set before you, you will be immortal.  Your descendants will also become immortal once they complete their tasks.  Don't worry, I will be here to guide you along the way, but not as a frog."
"If you're not a frog, what will you be?"
"I will be the Watcher in the sky, and the voice in your head, guiding you along the way."

And with that the frog poofed right out of my hands and disappeared!

Almost immediately I heard a voice tell me that my first task was to find a mate!

Authors Note:  I did not really use the fountain in this save file, but in another one, just for story telling purposes.

Offline simfulicious

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Chapter 2:  Finding Prince Charming

"I have to find a mate?!!"  I said out loud.  Then I got to thinking, and decided that if I had a chance to live forever in Lucky Palms, then I wanted to do all that I could to show the people that there was more to life than making fast money.  There was only one other person that I knew in Lucky Palms that already felt the way I did about life, and so I headed straight for his house.

As I walked to Darren Dreamer's door, the voice was encouraging me forward.  It told me that Darren was the perfect choice because he was artistic.

"What does being artistic have to do with anything?"
"Well one of your requirements is have portraits painted of you along your various stages of life.  It will also help you even further if he is able to do sculptures and take photographs,"  The voice explained.  The voice also explained that Darren's ancestors were among the King and Queen's most loyal subjects.  Darren's family was supposed to marry into the princess's family, but that all changed once the princess was kidnapped.
Let me tell you that it's a little difficult to try and talk to humans and listen to the voice in my head at the same time.  So I shut the voice off, and went with my instincts.

"Darren, what would you do if there was a damsel in distress right in front of you?"
"Well I would do everything I could to be her knight in shining armor, and rescue her from whatever she is running from.  But I haven't seen any damsels in distress lately."
I then went on and told Darren all that I had learned that day by the well, and told him that I had always felt a connection to him.  Now we both knew why, our families were meant to be together.  This was our chance to fix our family histories.  I sealed the deal by promising Darren that he could still spend all day painting and sculpting.   

"I really like you, Sunny, but I need to think this over.  This is quite a bit to take in."
"I understand, Darren, please take your time."  And with that I went "home."

I was at my home, thinking about how I was going to earn money to build my palace, when Darren suddenly showed up and planted a great, big kiss on my lips.
"Sunny, I've decided that you are the most amazing person that I have ever met.  I will do whatever I can to help you in your plan."

"I, Darren Dreamer, promise to be faithful and loyal to his highness.  I promise that your paintings and sculptures will glisten in the gallery."

And that is how I acquired my Prince Charming.

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Chapter 3:  Goal Setting And Heir Making

As if by magic, as soon as Darren and I said "I Do", our starter palace was erected.  I still wasn't sure what I wanted our palace to look like, but I knew that it was going to take A LOT of hard work to get it there.  Darren started to learn sculpting almost immediately.  Oh, I also think you can tell that my favorite color is Irish Green.

It's not easy trying to fulfill your family's legacy, especially when you didn't know what the requirements were for doing so.  The voice had somehow disappeared from my head, so I didn't know how to get it back.  I quietly went outside and looked to the sky, and yelled "FROG!!!!"  People passing me on the street would think I was seeing a frog in the yard and freaking out, but that's ok.

It worked!  The frog answered me.
"What's next on my checklist for immortality, Frog?  And do you even have a real name?"
"Next you need to fulfill your heart's greatest wish.  Do you know what that is?"
"Yes, I want to have a green garden full of perfect plants that people can come and view.  What else is there to do, while the plants are growing?"
"Well Darren is already hard at work doing the museum pieces for you, great catch that one is.  So all that's left for you is supermaxing a skill, cultivating 6 best friends, buying 3 Rewards, a building, a property, and fulfilling 6 opportunities.  Oh, and let's not forget, you have to bring in the next heir."
"And that's everything I have to do?"
"Oh, and you have to be able to eat the Ambrosia, which gives you your immortality.  Having the life fruit won't be a problem, since you're going to have a perfect garden, but you will need to catch deathfish, and know the recipe for the dish."
"And you still didn't tell me what I should call you, and how am I supposed to summon you when I need you?"
"My, my how quickly we start to act like a princess! haha.  You may call me Fred, and I am always right here with you, even if you can't hear me.  Just start talking and I will be there to guide you."

Since Darren had been working so hard lately, I decided that it was time for some fun, and to work on one of my requirements.

I was tending the community garden when I realized that one more goal had been completed.

My pregnancy seemed fly by rather quickly, and it was relatively pain free...until the labor came.

But now we have another beautiful princess-to-be.  Her name is Icy Weatherly, and she is Athletic and disciplined.  Right now her goals are to grow up nicely, but eventually she too will have to figure out what mark she wants to leave on her "kingdom."

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Chapter 4:  Toddlers & Tiaras

We decided to have a birthday party for Icy.  After all, Fred told me that I had to make 6 best friends with the townpeople.  Really, I needed to make myself known to the whole town, so they would start to trust the royal family again.  Baby steps, though.

Before I get to the actual birthday girl, I do have to share some juicy gossip.  Darren's ex-love interest, Darleen, showed up to Icy's birthday party...and she's now a vampire.  Darren tried not to let it bother him, but I could tell it did.  The vampires are in cahoots with the Lephrechans, so I'm sure she was here on a secret mission.  Fred told me that I had to remain calm and not to treat her any differently than anyone else.  This was the sign of a true and fair leader.

Now back to our birthday party.  Here is our adorable Princess Icy after aging up.

And here she is after getting her first hair cut.

Fred decided that I needed an update to my wardrobe as well, now that I was a princess:

Had I really come so far in these last couple weeks?  I couldn't believe the transformation.  And yet, I knew that it would take even more hard work and dedication to finish the jobs at hand.

Darren and I felt that both of us needed to directly impact our little Icy's life.  There would be no butler taking care of her.  So Darren taught her how to walk.

And of course, she learned how to talk from me.  Princesses need to learn poise at a very early age. 

After Darren finished Icy's gallery pieces, it was time for her birthday cake.

And now her Fashion Show:

Offline Joria

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 4: Toddlers and Tiaras
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2012, 05:09:54 PM »
Ok, I'm in love.  This is now my favorite story/fairy tale.  Toddlers in Tiaras!  lol!  She absolutely does look like some of those little girls, only prettier and much more princessly poised.  What I want to know is HOW did you manage to nab Darren before HE became a vampire.  Not that I'm at all bitter.  Oh no,  not at all.  (Watches own nose grow at lie)
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
My No Buy Story
Joria's Creations on the Gallery

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Offline simfulicious

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 4: Toddlers and Tiaras
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2012, 05:22:15 PM »
Ok, I'm in love.  This is now my favorite story/fairy tale.  Toddlers in Tiaras!  lol!  She absolutely does look like some of those little girls, only prettier and much more princessly poised.  What I want to know is HOW did you manage to nab Darren before HE became a vampire.  Not that I'm at all bitter.  Oh no,  not at all.  (Watches own nose grow at lie)
awww shucks, Joria.  Thank you very much for your kind words.  The key to nabbing your man is to make sure you do it first thing.  My sims don't even get their job before they're married.  This way their man isn't transformed, and they don't lose two days of work for their honeymoon.

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 5: Icy Decides Her Path
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2012, 05:31:02 PM »
Chapter 5:  Icy Decides Her Path

My mother keeps telling me that we are different from the other people of Lucky Palms, but I'm a kid and hardly ever pay attention to her.  She keeps telling me that I'm a princess, and well there's no way that could possibly be true.
Until one day when I was at park doing my history homework.  I read about the ancient history of Lucky Palms, then known as Alynia.  This is the same story that my mother keeps telling me!  I guess she was right.  Shhh....don't let her know that I said that.

So I guess I need to start thinking about what kind of mark I want to make on the people of Lucky Palms.  My mother's mark was going to be a glorious garden of perfect fruits and vegetables. first I thought that having beautiful pieces art in one big museum would be a great contribution.  But then I realized that my father was kinda already doing that.  He wouldn't be around forever, like me,  but my husband could always take over for him.

Then one day our class took a field trip to the cemetery, and that's when I realized my true dream.  We learned all about the scary creatures that lurk around every corner.  I would make my mark on this society by being its protectress.

I made this life-altering decision and soon after it was time for my birthday.  I wished for strength and courage.

Here I am as a teenager.  I was fine with this look, but my mother said that I could look more like a princess, and still be able to kick butt when necessary.  So here's my teenage makeover:






And now that I'm old enough to workout, I can finally get to work.  I'm working on my strength first because once I achieve 60 hours on the bench I won't ever fatigue again.

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 5: Icy Decides Her Path
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2012, 11:12:14 PM »
This story is so creative and fun to read! I love the fairytale theme. And your Sims are gorgeous, too!

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 5: Icy Decides Her Path
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2012, 08:15:42 AM »
This story is so creative and fun to read! I love the fairytale theme. And your Sims are gorgeous, too!
Thank you very much.  It means a lot to hear from people on how they like, or dislike, my story.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 5: Icy Decides Her Path
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2012, 08:26:19 AM »
I really like this you have a natural talent when it come to writing. The name theme is great(I am thinking weather?) and the overall theme of the story is orriginal. It looks like Darren Dreamers is the Christopher Steel of Lucky Palms and will soon be taking over his role as Mr Dynasty Spouse.

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Re: The Weatherly Immortal Dynasty V2- Chapter 5: Icy Decides Her Path
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2012, 06:49:01 PM »
I really like this you have a natural talent when it come to writing. The name theme is great(I am thinking weather?) and the overall theme of the story is orriginal. It looks like Darren Dreamers is the Christopher Steel of Lucky Palms and will soon be taking over his role as Mr Dynasty Spouse.

Thank you very much, Rachel.  I can't believe that one of the queens of dynasty's is reading my story!  :D
To Everyone:  A sort of announcement...I'm at a pivotal point in my dynasty, and have to get my gameplay a little more ahead of the story.  So it may be about a week or so before another update is done.  I don't want to update if there is a chance that I'm not going to complete my requirements.

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Chapter 6:  Sunny's Late Mid-Life Crisis

This is all I have to show you as my defense for my behaviour.  I have worked from sun up to sundown on both my palace and my garden, and no matter how hard I work, we just can't seem to get any further along.  In retrospect, I should have sought help from Fred, but alas, I did not.

I did, however, seek the help of this very powerful genie.  After wishing for fortune three times we were able to build this:

It was the shell of the palace I had ALWAYS wanted. 

Having my palace erected gave me a false sense of security regarding all my immortality requirements.  It seemed as though everything was complete...except for my gardening career.  I thought it was going alright too.  I mean, I had perfect plants growing of almost every type that I could get from my homeland.  I didn't realize there was a problem until just after my Gardening Level 7 promotion, when I saw exactly how much I was going to have to earn to reach level 8, and then levels 9 and 10 after that.  How could I possibly achieve that when I'm only 9 days from becoming an elder?!!!
As if you couldn't tell, I started to panic!  What was I going to do?!  I never should have lost focus on what didn't really matter.  I should have been Money tree hunting day in and day out, but instead I was overseeing the builders on my palace.
As if out of nowhere I heard a familiar, but long forgotten voice.
"Sunny, you are going to have to change paths if you are going to re-claim your kingdom."
It was Fred!  How could he have left me in my most dire time of need?!
"Fred, how dare you leave me when I needed you the most!  Now you come at the last possible second and tell me I have to back track.  Why weren't you here before?!"
"Oh, Sunny, I was here, but you were blinded by greed and deafened by the sound of the workers, and you did not hear me.  This is the first time you have stopped and stood quietly for a moment so that I could reach you."
"Oh, Fred!  What have I done?  I have ruined everything!"
"Now, now, it's not too late (I hope).  You just can't be a professional gardener anymore because you will never raise over $100,000 in the few days that are left, with only 4 money trees."
"But, what can I do for my career?"
"Well Sunny, how do you feel about children?"

And as if done by magic, my parlor was transformed into a daycare center.  I only hoped that I could reach the top of this career before it is too late.

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Good luck with all the nooboos Sunny. Can I borrow your builders that house is stunning.

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