Author Topic: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi  (Read 8232 times)

Offline NeeNeePearl

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The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:21:13 AM »
Hi Everyone! :D

So this is my second attempt at a Dynasty, and I'm starting fresh, (after an embarrassing mistake that made the first one fail!) so the Diamond Dynasty isn't related to my other Dynasty in any way. Wish me luck! :)

Here's some info about my founder... Her name's Tammi Diamond, Her traits are: Flirty, Dramatic, Bookworm, Natural Cook, and Friendly. Her LTW is Celebrated Five Star Chef, and her favourite colour is Hot Pink.

Now, I'd better start the story!

Hi there. My name's Tammi. Tammi Diamond. I'm the founder of a Dynasty, though I didn't know it until yesterday, and seeing as you didn't know it until now, here's a bit of my backstory...

Eveything was peaceful and normal in my life. I lived with my Aunt and Uncle, after my parents had died when I was young. I slept in a small, but cosy room in their little house. All through High School, I flirted with the boys and had lots of friends, I stayed out after curfew, I hated homework, and I wanted to be a rock star. I didn't have a care in the world. That is, until the clock struck midnight on my Young Adult Birthday. I was woken by my uncle, his voice thick with panic. "They opened the portal! They're coming for you - you have to go - you're the chosen one!" "What do you mean?" I said, afraid. "But I can't be!" I looked down at myself. I didn't glow or anything, what made me special? "Here." He shoved a very old piece of paper into my hands. It almost looked like parchment. "Read that - quickly!" I did, and this is what it said.

"If you are reading this, then you're special. You didn't know it, but you're the founder of an Immortal Dynasty. A Dynasty that will save our people after the day of doom. I understand if you're confused, I don't know why you were chosen, but you are very important. And this is why. Our land, our dear Simasi, was ruled by a family of sims that had amazing traits, they were good, and clever, and they looked after the affairs of the town. But one day that changed. Two twins were born, both boys. Ari, the second boy, followed in the family footsteps. He was kind and artistic. But his brother Thibalt, the traditional firstborn, was evil, and mean-spirited. By the time the boys became adults, and Thibalt was due to take over the running of Simasi, everyone was afraid. So Ari and the boy's father devised a plan. They found the smartest scientist in Simasi, and asked him to built a machine that would open a portal to another Sim dimension, one that could never be used again. They tricked Thibalt into passing through the portal, and he of course could not return. Everything was again peaceful, and we were happy. But one day, when Ari was an Elder, the scientist came back, telling us that he had made a mistake, and Thibalt had almost found a way back through the portal. Not only that, but he had managed to send a message. He had vowed his revenge. He planned to take everybody from Simasi through the portal into what was now his land, and then close the portal forever, never letting us return. Though we've tried, we cannot prevent him from breaking back through. But somehow, there is a clause. If somebody can remain in this dimension, and prove our worth here, prove that we can complete difficult requirements, contribute to society, and have eight generations of immortals under the one roof, the portal would open again, freeing us. We don't know who that person is, or when they will arrive, nor do we know when Thibalt will make it back through the portal, but as you are the chosen one, you already have those answers. Whoever you are, I know that you must be kind. So please, honour that you have been chosen, and save us."

Woah. As soon as I finished reading, my uncle ushered me out the front door. There was a car waiting and he told me it would take me where I needed to go. I ran and got into the car, and I also got into a bigger adventure than I could possibly imagine.

...And that's how I wound up here. At an... empty lot? I sighed, and checked the address on the old piece of parchment again. Yes, this was the right place. Not a very promising start to all that I had to do! It was pretty though, a huge place with a row of tall trees bordering the back edge of the lot, behind which were steep hills leading down to a sea that sparkled invitingly in the sunshine.

I admired the view for a few more seconds, and then I sat down and read the old, scrawly writing on the paper one more time. Wow, heavy stuff, right? It then goes on to list all these instructions. And I figured, I need a house to complete them. And I needed some help! So, I set out to find myself a husband. After a quick wardrobe update, I visited the roomies household, where I met Stiles McGraw.

Tammi: "Sooo, I finally get there, and there's NO house! Can you believe it?"

Stiles: "That's an amazing story, I'd help with your Dynasty, and I'd love I'd buy you a house!"

"Awww, that's so sweet!" *kiss*

Stiles: "Well, I, uh, what can I say, I'm just heroic."

Stiles' thoughts: 'I can't believe such a pretty girl just kissed me - I bet I'll get promoted next!"

Things moved pretty fast. I walked downstairs, and called Stiles over. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I asked him to marry me!

He said YES!


( This screenshot made me laugh, and I just had to share it. I felt like he was looking right out of the screen at his audience! Stiles has really amused me by striking sudden poses for no apparent reason.  ;D )

I invited him back to my house, and he came happily. I wanted to take his hands in mine, and get married right away - but I was starving, and while I grabbed something to eat, Stiles pulled out his guitar.

I was finally ready! I called Stiles over and kissed him. And then we exchanged rings!

- It was getting dark, but I still wanted their wedding to be romantic, so I bought a lamp and some Hydrangea bushes to make a nice setting.

(After they exchanged rings, they just stood and stared into each other's eyes, with their hands clasped in front of their hearts. I've never seen any of my sims do this before!)

I was really tired, but I didn't care. I was staring into the eyes of my love and we were about to start out lives together.

Stiles brought in almost no money, and we could only build a small house with the bare essentials.

After the house was built, we were left with a grand total of...

Okay Tammi, you are about to become good friends with Agnes Crumplebottom and her expensive car!

Tammi: "So I finally get there, and I look, and there's NO house!" Here we go again, she seems to keep talking about houses, no matter what conversation option I choose!

"...And then I married him, and we built a house, but it's awful, and tiny and dark, so I need you to help me build a new, sparkly one!"

Agnes: "Sure! I'll help you build a new house - I have a super expensive car we can sell, and I could use a change of scenery, anyway." Tammi: 'Yay! I can get a new house!'

Next time: Makeovers for Agnes and Stiles, A new, sparkly house just like Tammi wanted, and... Did I hear nooboo chimes in the air?
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline TallStar

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Part One!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 01:26:49 PM »
The heroic Stiles part made me laugh so hard! Great start!

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Part One!
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2012, 10:19:18 AM »
Hmm, I'm liking Tammi's backstory - it's very well written. All the best with the Dynasty!

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Part One!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2012, 09:13:49 AM »
Aww thanks guys!!!!! ;D  The next update is coming soon - it took me a while to rebuild the house, and I've only started proper gameplay again today. I just have to wait another couple sim days and then I'll have plenty of interesting stuff to write about!  :)
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Part One!
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 06:27:23 AM »
So I'm finally posting the next update! Sorry it took so long :) Here we go...

Soon after Tammi befriended Agnes Crumplebottom, she moved in. But she's turned out to be more like Agnes Grumblebottom, coming with a nice -20 moodlet from her grumpy trait! However, I didn't know she came with level eight painting skill, which is very good considering some of Stiles' early *ahem* artwork. 

I quickly gave Agnes a makeover, and I gave her dark hair. I liked it better than her with blonde.

And, Stiles' lifetime wish was to have 50,000 Simoleons, and after I sold Agnes' car, his lifetime wish was complete! I bought him a midlife crisis, and now his traits are: Savvy Sculptor, Kleptomaniac, Green Thumb, Angler, and Born Salesman. I also got the Artisan Crafter LTR, and to suit his new personality, I gave Stiles a more arty, sculptor look.

Tammi and Stiles are still very much in love, and soon poor Tammi found herself rushing to the bathroom! (I wonder why?  ;) )


She didn't have to wait long to find out! Little Generation two is on it's way!

Tammi has relaxed at home, watched kids tv, and cooked! And cooked and cooked and cooked. (Okay, I might be a little bit worried about preparing 75 dishes in time)

Stiles has been sculpting furiously, the number of ice sculptures is rising painfully slowly. Agnes has been spending her time painting, but she recently took a break because she had a couple of wishes to fall in love and have a first kiss, each with high rewards. I went for the easy target, Christopher Steel, but somehow even he didn't like her - this was his reaction to Agnes Grumblebottom.

But he soon came around, and Agnes got her wish.

Tammi has been telling everyone about the baby, and Stiles is just as excited.

Tammi: "Guess what, we're gonna have to buy little tiny shoes, 'cause we're having a nooboo!"

Stiles: "Woah, I think it called me Dad!"

Soon after, there was another excitement in the Diamond household. A double Birthday! Agnes and Stiles aged up together with a big birthday party.


The party was a great success, though most of the guests wound up upset that they couldn't get to the cake. If only sims would learn to line up! :P

Later that night Tammi started feeling some pains. The nooboo's coming!

Stiles: "AARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" No surprise there. Tammi looked surprisingly calm. "Hmmm, I haven't bought those little baby shoes yet."

But I didn't need to worry, she soon started making those funny faces.

This is my favourite, she looks so evil in this picture!

But then...

Introducing baby Amara! Her traits are Good and Easily Impressed.

That's right Tammi, take your newborn baby outside and put her down by the mailbox - wait what? You're still in pain?

Tammi: "I'm having another nooboo!"

Introducing nooboo number two, Naomi! She's a Virtuoso, and she's Excitable.

Next up: Amara and Naomi become toddlers, pics of the completed house, and much more!  :D
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline simfulicious

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Part One!
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2012, 06:42:06 AM »
Great story so far!  Stiles and Tami don't look like they belong together, she looks so party girl, and he looks like a little mountain man.  However, they really do love each other.  Congrats on the nooboos...and I will be here reading.

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Chapter Two - It's Nooboo Time!
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2012, 06:12:15 AM »
Thanks Simfulicious! It means alot to me to have people say nice things ;D and I agree about Tammi and Stiles, it must be a case of opposites attracting ;)

I rushed to see Amara and Naomi's favourite colours, so I could decorate the nursery. I checked Amara's first, and it was black. Hmmmm. I checked Naomi's favourite colour next, and it was... Black too!? How am I supposed to decorate the entire nursery with black?!?! After a while, this is what I finally came up with.

After all that, it actually suits the colour scheme of the house. Tammi's favourite colour is hot pink, Stiles' is white, and the girls' favourite colour's black, so apart from Agnes' room and the bathroom, the house is pink, white, and black. And what does it look like? Well I'll show you! 

The outside...

The inside...

And last but not least, the empty immortal museum, which I've made in the basement.

Everyone has helped care for the nooboos, even Agnes, although she didn't look too comfortable.

But after three rather long days the twins were ready to age up. I had a party for them, but for some reason only family came to cheer, (apparently the video games my sims had were far too interesting to leave!) and Emma Hatch decided to take up sculpting... So poor Amara and Naomi didn't really get a proper party.

Naomi aged up first...
Yay! She got Tammi's eyes!

And then Amara, the heir.

I was awfully disappointed to see that Amara didn't get Tammi's eyes, or any cool hair, why does Naomi have to be the awesome - looking one? Oh well. After a quick shuffle to the dresser and the mirror, they both turned out to be quite pretty.

That's Naomi first, in the blue, and then Amara with the pink hair ribbons. Apart from their hair and eyes, they really look very alike!

Stiles recently sat down with Amara to teach her how to talk, and I thought this was funny when it came up. Stiles: "Now Amara, one day you'll probably have to beg and beg your boss for a promotion." Amara: "Beg, beg!"

While Stiles was with Amara, Naomi sat down with the peg box.

First she rammed the round peg into the triangle hole. Then she got very angry about it.

Naomi: "Hmmm... It won't fit in the hole, but I wonder if you can eat it? Nope." ......... "Oh well, I'll just look cute instead!" Yep, we've got a smart one here folks. ;)

Soon Agnes came along and started teaching Naomi about love, while Stiles told Amara how to speak on the importance of smelly garbage. Maybe Agnes had better start teaching the girls from now on!

Lately I've also been scrambling to get the ambrosia ingredients. I had planned for Stiles to take care of that, but all of his time has been taken up with sculpting. So Agnes it is. I sent her to the graveyard to fish, and I found Nick and Vita Alto out for a romantic afternoon. Strange place to choose, I think! Graveyards weren't romantic places, last I heard.

Oh and Stiles reached level 10 sculpting while trying to fulfill the 25 sculpture challenge before the twins' next birthday! Maybe I've kept him at his sculpting station for a bit too long though, because I found him staring at his latest sculpture with the same rapt expression as when he'd looked into Tammi's eyes on their wedding night. Better be careful he doesn't decide to marry an ice sculpture!

Next up: More adorable toddlerness - plus more skilling, promotions, and maybe even the girls' birthday! - And thanks everyone for reading :)
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

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Offline simfulicious

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Chapter Three - It's Toddler Time!
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2012, 06:56:15 AM »
Your house is adorable!  I'm going to try and incorporate all the favorite colors into my dynasty house too, but it will probably only be the bedrooms, or possibly in the heirs favorite room...we'll have to see.  Excellent chapter, and gorgeous nooboos.

Offline OhMyZeus

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Chapter Three - It's Toddler Time!
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2012, 09:22:25 AM »
I have to bookmark this!
The Floss Immortal Dynasty Updated 30th July 2012

Fruity Zeus for Life!

If money does not grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Chapter Three - It's Toddler Time!
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2012, 10:42:31 PM »
Your house is adorable!  I'm going to try and incorporate all the favorite colors into my dynasty house too, but it will probably only be the bedrooms, or possibly in the heirs favorite room...we'll have to see.  Excellent chapter, and gorgeous nooboos.

Thanks Simfulicious!!! I'm not an experienced sim house builder, and it took me about an hour just to build the house, so I'm really glad you liked it! That would look good, you could have each sim's bedroom decorated with their favourite colour. ;D

I have to bookmark this!

Thanks OhMyZeus!  :D

Hey Everyone! Sorry it's been a while (again) since I updated, I'm updating as I play, so I have to play enough to get something to post. Plus, my sims have been really boring... Just learning skills, and more learning skills, trying to gain Tammi some BFs, and waiting for birthdays.

Tammi's still only level two of her job, because she took some unpaid leave, then she got pregnant and had maternity leave tacked on, and she's only been back at work for about two days! Seeing as she still had the ugly work uniform that you can't change, I create-a-styled it. Hey, it might be still be ugly, but at least it can be pink!

And Stiles maxxed sculpting... Still with only ten ice sculptures. I was starting to panic about getting the ingredients for Ambrosia, so I had to send him out fishing. Hopefully he'll still have time for sculpting, it would be a real pity if Tammi's or the girls' sculptures melted. But I'd rather not have a sculpture than fail because I couldn't catch enough deathfish or grow a life fruit in time.  :(

Though I did get a laugh when I found him fishing at night in his formal wear for no reason! I didn't tell him to do this, but if he wants to look good for dead fish in the middle of the night, I won't stop him.  ;D

He's been fishing in the day too, though he wasn't very keen, pulling another of his funny faces. Stiles: "I don't wanna fish. I really don't wanna."

But he cheered up when I fed him an apple, though he looked at it in a kind of scary way before he ate it. (While thinking about himself?)

With Tammi and Stiles both busy, a lot of the less glamourous side of toddler caring has fallen to Agnes. Agnes: "Oh, pooh! Yuck! Oh!"

Agnes: "You disgust me, smelly bag. Eeeeeuuuwwww."

Poor Agnes. On the brighter side, Amara has learned to walk! At first, she promptly sat down and refused to move, but then she started taking a few wobbly steps...

And soon we had a toddling toddler!

Tammi really needs more friends to fulfill the 6 best friends requirement, so I invited over ATownie ThatI'veForgottenTheNameOf. I've had a lot of trouble with Tammi, the friendship relationship bar rises SO slowly, I can't remember making friends taking this long before, my other sim seemed to make best friends with sims she'd hardly spoken to. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to put in a little more work! But right after ATownie ThatI'veForgottenTheNameOf arrived, I found this.

Tammi! What are you doing?! You're supposed to be making, not breaking friendships! Tammi: "Hey, she was behaving inappropriately, I was just telling her to behave!"  ::)

Somehow, they seemed to bond over... Talking about rubbish? Lovely, ladies!

Tammi: "And then Agnes said, "I am NOT taking out any more smelly garbage bags!""

ATownie ThatI'veForgottenTheNameOf: "Oh, I don't blame her, she must have taken out lots, your bin was overflowing!"

And I found Tammi dreaming about garbage bags. They must be on her mind at the moment!

Oh, and Tammi completed the 28 recipe cooking skill challenge! Yay!

To finish up, some toddler cuteness.  :D

Soon to come: Something more interesting than this time! And Amara and Naomi's child birthdays - How will genetics play out?
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Chapter Four - Skilling and Other Sim Stuff
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2012, 12:08:59 AM »
Ooh, it didn't occur to me that I could recolor uniforms now - I knew the patch did something, but I didn't realize I could customize them like that now. Yay!

Poor Stiles - I'm glad that he's really, really, REALLY enjoying that well-deserved apple though.

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - Chapter Four - Skilling and Other Sim Stuff
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2012, 12:28:22 AM »
Ooh, it didn't occur to me that I could recolor uniforms now - I knew the patch did something, but I didn't realize I could customize them like that now. Yay!

Poor Stiles - I'm glad that he's really, really, REALLY enjoying that well-deserved apple though.

I know, it's awesome isn't it?? Haha, poor Stiles, he just wants to sculpt. It's amazing how many sculpting wishes he throws up!

Sorry it's taken me a while to update again, this stupid, annoying thing called life or something keeps getting in the way. ;) Here's a nice long post to make up for it. :)

So it's finally here! The girl's long awaited (on my part, anyway) birthday! But first, Agnes wanted me to tell you this. She finally, oh finally, got her sweet revenge. It was Tammi's turn to empty the potty chair! Poor Tammi almost made it without ever having to do that nasty job. But right before the girls aged up, her luck ran out. T'was a dark, and stormy night... She was the only available and happy sim... With a click, her fate was sealed. "EeeeeeeewWwWwwwww! GROSS! AAaaAarggggghhhhh!" Her disgusted screams rang out in the house. It's rumoured the police were called in. Exterminators. De-Stink-ifiyers. Or maybe Tammi just made them up because of a certain Dramatic trait. Either way, Agnes slept peacefully on through the ordeal.

Poor Tammi. Everyone soon forgot about this though, as the party to end all parties was about to begin. The sofa and TV were moved into the other room, and tables, cakes and balloons set up for the birthday girls. The first guest arrived, the music was started, and with absolutely nobody but family coming to cheer, Amara aged up!

Stiles: *Sigh* "I'm such a proud Dad, getting to share this moment with my little girl, she's getting so big, so fast..." Amara: "Ooh, would you look down there, Birthday Cake. YUM."

Cutest ageing up face ever?

Oh dear... *cancel action* No, you're not eating birthday cake, quick, get to a dresser right away!

While Amara shot off to the dresser in her parent's bedroom, Tammi carried Naomi to the cake.

Tammi and Naomi look so alike in this photo, you can really see that they're mother and daughter.


Okay, you're heading to the dresser as soon as your sister's done.

And now.... *Drumroll* *Trumpets* *Fireworks* It's makeover time! Here's how Amara turned out:

Everyday wear:

Formal wear:

Sleep wear:

Athletic wear:

Swim wear:

Phew! I gave Amara some pretty little pink highlights because she felt left out, with Naomi already having blue. She was actually quite hard to do, especially her favourite colour being black. By the time I was done I was quite sick of looking at her!

And now, I wouldn't forget the other twin, would I? Today's a double dose of makeover. Here's our sweet Naomi!

Everyday wear:

Formal wear:

Sleep wear:

Athletic wear:

Swim wear:

There you go! The girl's party was a success, it was rated as verging on epic. Tammi started making goggly eyes at Michael Bachelor while getting the kiss thought bubble over her head, no, Tammi, he's meant to be a BF, not a new romance! Amara aged up with the Angler trait, (this will be my first go at supermaxxing fishing) And Naomi aged up with the Artistic trait. So Amara is Good, Excitable, and an Angler, and Naomi is a Virtuoso, Friendly and Artistic. During the last of the party the girls sat down and chatted together, and I think they inherited the Funny Face gene from Stiles.

Naomi: "So, one day you're gonna kiss boys? Ew."

Amara: "Yep, just like this, on my wedding day."

Naomi: "Really, like this?" *kissy face*

When the last guest was gone and the furniture put back in place, Naomi rushed off to begin skilling for the dynasty her new hobby, painting.

Amara the heir, will have to wait until an evening after school to begin fishing. In the meantime, Stiles is still fishing away, he finally got a high enough skill level to send him to the graveyard for deathfish. In my last dynasty, it was often quiet when my sim fished there, the atmosphere was rather dead. But this time the place was alive with ghosts! Seriously though, there were heaps! They apparently thought that the graveyard was rather boring, for they all got in their cars and drove away. I would have followed them, but there were too many and I lost track. They just go *poof* when they get somewhere, anyway. First up was Vincent Skullfinder:

Then Erdrick Gnomeheim and Milton Bachelor:

And finally, Gaylord Koffi.

Apart from that, it's been mostly the same old dynasty things. Though there have been a few mishaps. Agnes got really angry with me, after I accidentally told her to eat some spoiled food  and she was about to throw up.

Agnes: "WHAT kind of sim player do you think you are?? Telling me to eat spoiled food! UGH! I bet you just didn't look, did you? HMMM? I wish I was in somebody ELSE'S town! What do you think of that!? I might move to a different hard drive, a whole different computer! THEN see where you'd be without your precious level eight painting skill slave!" Sorry Agnes.

Also, I might need to up my housekeeping skills...

Stiles hasn't fulfilled the 25 ice sculpture requirement, and Tammi ages up in a day. Sadly, yet predictably, her sculpture wound up like this. Oops.

To end on a happier note, here's Amara and Naomi engaged in fierce battle.
Amara: "Did you see that move?! That was ART, that was the Mona Lisa of video game sequences!"

Thanks for reading!!! :D
Next Up: Tammi's Birthday, Some Stats, Sim Mischief, and much much more!
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

Offline alex51299

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The twins are so cute! I love the video game battle.  ;D
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.

Offline NeeNeePearl

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi - Chapter Six
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2012, 12:15:53 AM »
The twins are so cute! I love the video game battle.  ;D

Thanks Alex! ;D

Things have been going on as usual in the Diamond household, Stiles is sculpting and fishing, Agnes is painting and gardening, the girls are busy with school, and Tammi's working and trying to make friends. The best friend requirement is seeming to be the toughest at the moment, despite her friendly trait, she just doesn't seem to easily make friends! Hence, I'm panicking, and she's inviting people over whenever there's free time.

After their birthday, I moved things around in Amara and Naomi's room to accommodate for their new beds and Naomi's easel - I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Thankfully, they don't mind sharing a room. The two of them get along like a house on fire, even though they're as different in personality as they are in looks. It's going to be interesting when they get older!

It's pretty much the boring part of the dynasty at the moment, but there are always little things the sims do that cheer me up and keep it interesting.

One night while I went off chasing I ghost, I left Stiles unattended at the graveyard. When I came back to check on him, I look down from above to see him looking guilty. Stiles... Wasn't a grave there a minute ago?!

His Kleptomaniac trait has made him a grave robber! Literally! i checked the family inventory and there's Enola Green. Seeing as "RIP Enola, Forever at Peace in My Family's Inventory" didn't seem to cut it, I sent him to the mailbox. She was returned.

I then realised that I could get rid of the awful grim statue at the graveyard. Yay! It sold for over 2,000 simoleons too.

Also, Tammi's Adult Birthday rolled around a couple days after the girls'. She threw a party, which, sadly, was a big fat flop. Mostly due to a glitch, where nobody would go inside. Including Tammi, who was busting to go to the bathroom. After watching helplessly for a while, and a few pathetic attempts to fix it, disaster struck. Tammi wet her pants at her - Adult - birthday party!

Sorry Tammi!

Somehow she recovered her dignity, and went inside to blow out the candles. Everyone cheered, and had a good time;

Tammi: "Oh no, I can feel the wrinkles! I'm going to be so old!" (Notice the sim in the background, a swimsuit? At a formal birthday party? I think somebody has the insane trait! ;D )

Even when the main birthday event was over, (after which, Tammi did NOT look as old as she thought, although she won't believe me) several amusing things kept happening. People dispersed to find a place to sit down and eat cake, but chairs were scarce. I found Beau Andrews eating on the toilet!

Cornelia Goth decided to be helpful... And cleaned the kitchen counter? Haha. Great thing to do at a birthday party!

Forrest Keaton did his homework in the front yard.

And meanwhile, a random dog decided to come in and run around!

Most people would be pretty upset with all this going on at their party, but once Tammi's embarrassment wore off, she was as happy as a pig in the mud. She loved the hustle and bustle of all the different sims, the random things they did, and all in all she said she really enjoyed her birthday. Then when most of the guests were gone, everyone was in bed, and I thought the party was finished, Bebe Hart showed up in her formal wear! The party started at 4:00, she came at 10:00... So, she's only six hours late! ;D She stared creepily at my sleeping sims, even Agnes in her room, and then walked around thinking about how much she hated money.

After that, she played tug of war with the random dog, which still hadn't left.

It was then that I saw a unicorn had spawned right across the street! Everything amounted to a VERY random day of sim playing.

Oh well! Hopefully there'll be many more birthdays to practice with. ;D

Also, as promised, here are some stats!

Supermax Skill: Cooking - unfinished - level 8
Career: Chef - unfinished (Due to birthdays and other interruptions she's hardly been to work, and is still only about level 4)
Black Ops: Burgerlicious; From one chef to another; Fresh cookies for sale; Catering time; The dish showdown; That makes five, and I've got one in progress, yay!
Lifetime rewards: Long Distance Friend
Building: none
Property: none
Portraits: YA
Best Friends: (I'll put none, because her current ones are going to die too soon, anyway)

Hmmm - it doesn't look too promising, but I still have time!

And finally, the next update is going to be a bit of a story. I've decided to keep it light, and mostly just update on the gameplay, but I'd like to have some storyline as well. Plus, Tammi wants to say a few words herself. And there are questions that need answering. Like, how does a party girl, who wanted to be a rock star, feel about being married to plain old Stiles, living with Agnes Grumblebottom, and raising two girls at the same time? I bet that's not at all where she planned to be! And what about Simasi - what happened to everybody? Will Tammi start to doubt her choices? ...Find out soon in The Diamond Dynasty! :D
“When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” - G.K. Chesterton

The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi

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Re: The Diamond Dynasty - A Girl From Simasi
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2012, 01:41:31 AM »
This is a cute story, NeeNee.  The house is great and the colors look good, too.  Also, please remember that we have a limit of 25 images per post for stories.  One of your posts had 30.  No harm done, but be careful with future posts.

One thing that may help Tammi with her friends is to learn the Charisma skill.  I never used that for a SuperMax and all of my Immortals learned lots of Charisma.  When you get to the higher levels and add the completed skill journal challenges and helpful Lifetime Happiness Rewards, you Sim can be best friends with someone with the introduction.

Good luck with the rest of your Dynasty.
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