I was basically wanting to let people know that I found out, quite by accident that buydebug can cause some unwanted problems. I had used this in the past to get spawners and with each time I played this game something always happened and finally had to move my sim family out and into another neighborhood. Anyway, I wanted to get something and did not want to go on vacation, so I went into buydebug just to purchase a gnome and the snake charmers basket. I turned it back off and went on to play the game. I went to central park and what shows up, but all of the spawner boxes for the fish, seeds and butterflies. I thought, well, that is no good, so I experimented and just went out of the game, no save and went back into the game and to central park and they were gone. Also, before I went out, I had switched from central park, back to my sims house and it flickered black and white. I have not had any problems with my game, except the glitches and bugs that everyone else has, but nothing else. I am quite convinced that the buydebug has some problems. My sister had the same problem with spawner boxes showing up all over the place too. Needless to say, there is nothing that I want that badly to use buydebug again. If it works fine for other people, then that is great, but if you use it and things start happening, that has not happened before, then buydebug might be the reason. Just wanted to give a heads up.