I have a smaller solution that I use - it is completely safe and recommended by many gamers. It's called "Game Booster."
When it starts up it turns off all the background unnecessary things that won't be needed while you play the game to speed it up. The reason why I say it will help is because it bypasses the launcher (when you click to boost the game it counts down and opens up Sims). So the error message will not be displayed unless something is wrong with your GAME rather than the launcher.
If you do decide to look into it be sure to check for game updates (while they are unfrequent) as you will not notice when the game needs updating. That's all.
I know it really helps to keep my game playing instead of crashing, so if you experience a lot of freezing lately it could help resolve that issue.
I hope I'm not in trouble for mentioning it, I didn't link to it. A moderator is welcome to edit my post if I'm in the wrong here on the rules.