Author Topic: What Does Incense Really Do?  (Read 30060 times)


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What Does Incense Really Do?
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:52:17 PM »
I have never really used the Library in Game! Even in my Legacy, if they go there they go for the computers or for 'fun' if its's possible!  :D

The libraries are awesome for skill building. Sims read the skill books twice as fast. And the toddler books fly in just a couple of minutes. Even if I own the books, I often send my Sim to the library for the actual reading. It's a nice outing for families with toddlers, too. Pack everyone up in a taxi and off they go!

I agree with that! Normally I was just thrilled to have a complete library on my own lot, but now it seems kind of pointless. Skilling goes indeed faster at the library, but one thing I have doubts about: the scented candle from China does also improve the learning ability, I only don't know how much, in combination with the moodlet that the library provide. Can I ask that here, or shall start a new topic for that?
Btw. Putting a scented candle in a library while having the fast learner Lifetime award and being a bookworm must let you learn stuff in seconds! :O

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What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 12:39:22 AM »
Skilling goes indeed faster at the library, but one thing I have doubts about: the scented candle from China does also improve the learning ability, I only don't know how much, in combination with the moodlet that the library provide. Can I ask that here, or shall start a new topic for that?
Btw. Putting a scented candle in a library while having the fast learner Lifetime award and being a bookworm must let you learn stuff in seconds! :O

The correct term is "incense" for the scented candle you're talking about. This needs to be its own topic, I think. I'd like to hear if anyone has actually experienced the specific benefits of the different incense or if it's just a positive moodlet.
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 03:03:59 AM »
I think just a positive moodlet is all, but I think it is neat when they walk in the room and smell the incense.
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 03:29:10 AM »
Apparently it can be dangerous. Philippe Character, my first ever firefighter went to his first house fire and the owner said he got carried away with the incense!  :D
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 05:01:17 AM »
Funny, I can half answer my own question. The incense from France makes love interactions between sims more likely to succes, when they are in the room with the French incense.
The one from Egypt increases the ... I forgot, and the one from China increases indeed the skill rating, although I don't know how much, which is something I really like to know.

But wait! I've found a website that explains the incenses in more detail:

Question: Do the new incense holders do anything?
Answer: Other than giving a basic incense buff, if Sims can smell incense in the same room, they will gain a minor secondary benefit. The incense holder from China increases skill gain rates, the one from Egypt slows the decay of the Fun meter (so it's best placed in the Sim's office so he can write or work from his computer without stress), and the one from France increases the chance of romantic social interactions passing and thus increases the rate of relationship gain. Of course, they do no good without incense, so keep those fires burning; once started, the incense holder burns until you give the command to stop.

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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 02:27:19 AM »
I'd still like to see some real testing about this. Just because an incense has a name for a particular benefit doesn't mean it actually happens. I don't know enough about the webpage linked to say if they are reliable.
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 03:59:49 AM »
I'd still like to see some real testing about this. Just because an incense has a name for a particular benefit doesn't mean it actually happens. I don't know enough about the webpage linked to say if they are reliable.

Yes, I know. Without testing we just can't be sure. How would you like to do this? Because the moodlets are fine, but when the side effects are the same as described above, this can be powerfull objects to have at home.

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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 11:20:07 AM »
I'd still like to see some real testing about this. Just because an incense has a name for a particular benefit doesn't mean it actually happens. I don't know enough about the webpage linked to say if they are reliable.

Yes, I know. Without testing we just can't be sure. How would you like to do this? Because the moodlets are fine, but when the side effects are the same as described above, this can be powerfull objects to have at home.

For the Egyptian one: place two identical sims in two identical rooms, but add the incense to one room..  Use the mailbox cheat to make needs static until maxed, then set to dynamic. Note the sim time, and have each start writing a novel.  Monitor both and note the time when each loses any entertained moodlet.  Compare the times.

China: same as above.  Keep needs static on both.  Have each play chess, and note the time when each gains a level.  Compare.

The French one is harder, basically have two pairs of two sims (needs static) with the Never Dull LTR.  Start as strangers.  Use Flirt only until best friend relationship is achieved.  Note time for each pair to reach this and compare.


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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 11:48:58 AM »
I always place one (or more) incenseholder near a crib. That way the babys and toddlers will get the positive moodlet from the incense and gain some lifetime happiness points.


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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 12:18:24 PM »
I'd still like to see some real testing about this. Just because an incense has a name for a particular benefit doesn't mean it actually happens. I don't know enough about the webpage linked to say if they are reliable.

Yes, I know. Without testing we just can't be sure. How would you like to do this? Because the moodlets are fine, but when the side effects are the same as described above, this can be powerfull objects to have at home.

For the Egyptian one: place two identical sims in two identical rooms, but add the incense to one room..  Use the mailbox cheat to make needs static until maxed, then set to dynamic. Note the sim time, and have each start writing a novel.  Monitor both and note the time when each loses any entertained moodlet.  Compare the times.

China: same as above.  Keep needs static on both.  Have each play chess, and note the time when each gains a level.  Compare.

The French one is harder, basically have two pairs of two sims (needs static) with the Never Dull LTR.  Start as strangers.  Use Flirt only until best friend relationship is achieved.  Note time for each pair to reach this and compare.

So! That should really work! :O I get the feeling you are doing this more often.

I always place one (or more) incenseholder near a crib. That way the babys and toddlers will get the positive moodlet from the incense and gain some lifetime happiness points.

Yes, that is smart. I even compare that with some chairs that has ondergoes a scientifical experiment to get another positive moodlet. That way your baby or todler could be instantly gaining LHP.

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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2010, 04:36:23 PM »
I haven't done a double blind study on this, but the Egyptian incense made my Sims "mellow", (their words) and the French one spread love to all.
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2010, 09:58:34 PM »
I haven't done a double blind study on this, but the Egyptian incense made my Sims "mellow", (their words) and the French one spread love to all.

That's the names of the moodlets, right?  I'm curious if the benefit is just the point value of the moodlet or if it goes deeper than that and has an affect on their skills, romantic mood, etc.  I know I should do my own test, but there's still too much work to be done on Ambitions at the moment.  :D
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2010, 02:55:26 AM »
That's the names of the moodlets, right?  I'm curious if the benefit is just the point value of the moodlet or if it goes deeper than that and has an affect on their skills, romantic mood, etc.  I know I should do my own test, but there's still too much work to be done on Ambitions at the moment.  :D

Yeah I know. I find myself not much online here as I used to be. But the point is though: that one of my sims has reached from 0 to level 10 gardening in only 3 days. But he has all the benefits of it: bookworm, fast learner, reading at the library, being in a tremendously good mood and with the Chinese insense. Normally, without it, it will take a sim a bit longer to learn stuff. So although it isn't hard proof, it is good for me that this stuff really helps.

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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2010, 04:44:19 PM »
We have made mention of the functions of incense in the game, but I'd like revisit this topic to mention that I make a point of putting the Egyptian incense just inside the entry of a house, for the calming effect to working sims coming home. I also place the Chinese incense anywhere someone is increasing skills: reading, television, writing, painting, martial arts, etc., and it speeds up their progress. In some areas I place both, and the effects appear to stack. For reluctant lovers, the French incense, strategically placed.
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Re: What Does Incense Really Do?
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2010, 03:51:06 AM »

Have you been able to gather any hard data that proves the effect of incense?  That's the thing I've never been able to actually pin down.  And I haven't bothered with testing myself.  I'm curious, but I guess I'm not driven enough to test it.  :)
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