Hey guys!
Newly registered to the forums, but been following the site for a while. Love it, helps me out a lot.
Today I encountered a new problem with my lesbian couple and their teenage son.
Being a newly created community from scratch with Twallan and Storybrook world. Ive slowly starting to populate it.
This is the first teen in the game so far. Anyways, the parents have within two sim weeks been sent out to free 2 day vacations from some winning lottery thing. It started with mondays being a work day for both, but none of em went and the game said 1 day xh to next workday.
Now suddenly fridays seem to be a non work day as well. This family badly needs the money at this stage and I can´t figure out why this bug is here, or if it even is a bug. Thought it had something to do with my first teen and that vacation thing. Tried clicking the "Go to work" button, but the game recognizes the day as a paid day off apparently. Is there some way I can not have this vacation thing pop up at all times and send my sims to work for their raise, promotion and daily income?
Thx for reading my book..