Author Topic: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Five (Brawl)  (Read 6032 times)


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The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Five (Brawl)
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:00:01 PM »
Chapter One (Chance)

Now in my twilight years, I say that I have very few regrets in life, and that I made plenty of good decisions. Ever since my late twenties, I have lived in Twinbrook, eking out a living as a mystery writer. The locals know my name and read my books, and the royalty checks are enough to live in modest surroundings.

I don't question why I live in Twinbrook, because I know the reason: it's a quaint, scenic place and the locals are generally good-natured. But some question it. I was asked recently “I keep seeing your books and reading them, so why stay in Twinbrook?”

It's a legitimate question; it's not my hometown. I lived 2,000 miles away for my formative years, far away in a big city, and some might say I'd be better off if I stayed there. I had my reasons to move.

As the sun set, I realized that I had to recall what pulled me away from my home city.

30 or 40 years ago, I lived in Bridgeport. I was born in Bridgeport, and I originally felt that the city would be easy for me to live in. Alas, I found myself walking into the waiting room of a therapist.

One other person was waiting, and I didn't pay any attention to her at first.

The therapist called herself Mrs. Rose, and she was nice enough. It was our first appointment, and she first asked why I was here.

“It was a crazy feeling I had, almost jumping off that bridge.”

“Why did you feel the need to attempt suicide?”

I waited in silence for a few moments. “I guess I didn't feel that I made an impact on anyone's life.”

It was her job to try and offer me some advice, but it sounded cliché. “Your objective is to find something that you can impact, even a small thing. Talk to someone new, or plant a tree.”

We talked more, with half an hour to kill and $50 out of my pocket. As I said, she was nice, but the more I talked, the more I realized that therapy wouldn't help me through suicide. I was referred here by the ER, and I half-heartedly thought about giving the doctors there some advice of my own.

I politely said my good-byes, and the mysterious girl sitting there when I went in was still there. The weirdness of the situation needed a response.

“Are you waiting for an appointment?”

“No, I already went an hour ago.”

“So what are you doing here?”

“My mum is late for picking me up.”

In a fit of pity, I offered to drive this young lady home. I got a few words out of her; just an address, a name, and an age. I gave the same to her, and she only responded with nods. I got the feeling that she liked looking out the window more as we drove, even though she was a local. I can recall seeing her maybe a couple times before, maybe buying groceries or something.

When I returned home, she was still on my mind. Her address was fresh in my head, and a quick trip to the phone book revealed her phone number. I called her; the girl in the trenchcoat who lived on 71 Bayshore Highway. The girl named Kari Kerry.

Offline Audren

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter One (Chance)
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 09:38:36 PM »
This is very good! Look forward to learning more about the Girl in the Trenchcoat!

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Offline alex51299

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter One (Chance)
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 01:05:19 AM »
This is an amazing start and I can't wait to see what happens next!  ;D
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Offline nicstriumph

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The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter One (Chance)
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 09:49:34 AM »
This looks great Trip! Looking forward to following this story! Best of luck with writing it! :)

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter One (Chance)
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2012, 02:39:58 PM »
Very cool! I like the how you did the black and white flash back.

Offline mackendall2

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter One (Chance)
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 03:03:22 PM »
Great start!  I'm excited for the next chapter!


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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter One (Chance)
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2012, 05:19:01 PM »
That's a lot of comments! Thank you guys, I'm truly honored. :)

Chapter 2 (Drive)

I invited myself over with that phone call, and Kari complied with me. She lived in a converted mansion, living on the third floor.

She immediately took to her room, and then to a little corner of her room where her desk and laptop were. Kari typed furiously, and was almost in a trance of words and stories.

“She does this a lot.” It was Kari's mother. “Sometimes she just locks herself in there for days and never talks to me.”

“Is there a way to get her out it?”

“Not a chance. I'll make some coffee and we can chat.”

Sure enough, she had some cups of coffee waiting for the both of us. She introduced herself as Kaede, and was almost the opposite of her daughter. Kaede wasn't extremely talkative, but she was happy to have a conversation with me.

“Have you lived here for a while?” she asked me.

“All my life.”

“It's strange that Kari didn't know you. She's been here her whole life too.”

“Is she okay?” Kaede's initial response was silence, but she gave me an answer after nervously sipping on her drink. “She's just had lots of bad luck.”

“What was that?”

Holding back a tear, Kaede didn't answer for a long while. One more nervous sip later, she muttered “She told me never to talk about it. I think she needs a friend. It's only been the two of us for a long time now, but I have my own friends to keep me sane.”

An idea popped into my head. “I could drive her around. It isn't much, but I'll provide some company for her.”

Sure enough, I found myself driving to the Kerry abode the next morning. Kaede insisted to give me some money for my work, which I found myself needing to accept in my state of joblessness. At the wheel, I was ready to drive Kari to any destination in Bridgeport.

Which ended up being the library.

Day after day, she wanted to go to the library from 10:00 until closing. I love books, always did, but Kari's love was an obsession. No matter what part of the library she was in, she found a seat and a good book to finish in eight hours.

As much as she loved it, I tired of her habits.

One day, I was called to her house again, and I had to give her a new option. “Get yourself into something nice.”


“We're getting out.”

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Two (Drive)
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 08:46:46 PM »
I wonder what's up with Kari? Great chapter! Very compelling story.


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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Two (Drive)
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2012, 12:21:04 AM »
Thanks. :)

Chapter Three (Wrath)

I decided that Kari needed to loosen up, and spend a night at The Grind. She even got into something nice, although she still kept those goofy stockings and boots.

But she did nothing but sit down and watch the rest of the club enjoy themselves.

"We came here to have fun. Why don't you get up?"

"This is my fun."

I didn't have to prod her anymore; someone else was willing to do that work for me. I didn't know him, but he introduced himself to Kari as Derek, and he wanted someone to dance with.

Perhaps he was the one who could break Kari out of her shell.

But he had some pretty lofty ambitions for that night, and he decided that romancing Kari would be easy. Derek sat down with her and tried to put her arm around her, which was met with plenty of disapproval from Kari.

Derek wouldn't give up, and tried again with a kiss, which she again backed away from. I then learned how Kari reacted to romance.

"Why did you think you could do that?"

"Why would you reject me?"

She blew up. She attacked him. He attacked back, and won the fight.

The whole thing got the two of us kicked us out of the club.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her, "He could have snapped you in half."

She then said more words than I ever heard her say before. "I don't want his romance. My heart is in a different place, and I won't let you drag to places like this just so your average jerk can hit on me."

Those two sentences kept me up for the rest of the night. Who was Kari Kerry? A weird friend of mine, sure, but I never saw her as a being capable of romance until those words. She rejected an unknown man because she had feelings for someone else. But no signs pointed towards there being anyone else in her life but her mother and myself. The pool of those who could be on her heart were limited.

The more I thought, and the more sleep eluded me, I hoped our hearts were in the same place.

Offline nicstriumph

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The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Three (Wrath)
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2012, 02:55:02 AM »
This story is really good, love the mystery about it! :)

Love. Life. Beautifully.

Offline alex51299

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Three (Wrath)
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2012, 09:17:06 PM »
This just gets better and better!  ;D
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Offline ApplesApplesApples

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Three (Wrath)
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 02:20:54 PM »
I've enjoyed this story a lot so far! It's very well-written and intriguing. I'm hooked.

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Three (Wrath)
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 05:00:10 PM »
I wonder who Kari is in love with? Very great story!


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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Three (Wrath)
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2012, 10:16:59 PM »
I'd like to apologize for a lack of updates. No, the story's not dead and rotting. My laptop's back from therapy, but I have to reinstall TS3 and five EPs and a slew of Store content. Fun stuff.

And I have to write chapter four too. The beginning is proving to not flow well at all without some serious work from me.

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Re: The Girl in the Trenchcoat: Chapter Three (Wrath)
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2012, 10:20:53 AM »
Urgh, that's such a chore. I hope it all goes well for you and your laptop. ;)

