But then the junkyard spawners would still be on that lot. Wouldn't that be a problem?
Yes it can be - but if you put a rabbit hole building like the smaller equestiran centre, then there is no problem. If you plonk a park on that old grady's junkstop lot, you will still get objects for salvage popping up like mushrooms.
I always move the salon up to Pinnocle Point with the Consignment store anyway. I can then bulldoze the the old consignment store lot and install a 40 x 40 lot there too. Alternative, the 40 x 30 lot right beside Grady's Junkstop can be buldozed and a 40 x 40 lot will fit there as well.
@Pam: I'm pretty certain there's a 40x40 lot next to Agnes's house
I think that's a 40 x 30 lot as I have often placed forum houses there.