Now that the twins were older we realized that the real parenting had truly begun. Darleen still hadn't resumed her singing career so she was the first one to teach the children something. Our little April didn't take very long at all to learn how to potty. She was so excited when I came to cheer for her. I can't wait until they learn to talk back so I can know what they're thinking behind their eyes.

I don't want anyone to think that we put April first though. Donnie was trained by me himself to use the potty just like his sister. My wife (I love saying that) tells me that potty training had to come first if we wanted to teach them independence.

Even though they had just become toddlers, the twins received gifts from an uncle that neither Darleen nor I remembered. They're these odd looking dolls. They seem harmless enough so we don't stop the twins from singing to them which is the most precious thing I think I've ever seen. Of course all this happened on the day of their birthday. I even managed to paint my way to mastering the skill before we sat down to teach the twins to talk.

They were so cute as we tried to teach them new words. Every now and then they would make the same face. Darleen thinks it's funny when it happens and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Seems to me they may have gotten my wife's stubborn streak.

It was during this family activity that the pain hit Darleen. The twins weren't fully taught but both of us were in no mindset to finish the job. Darleen was trying to not scream and alarm the kids. I, on the other hand, couldn't help but scream and panic when I saw the pain in those beautiful blue eyes. The children just watched me as I did this and laughed.

Darleen and I had thought long and hard about what to name our children and due to our combined love of art we had chosen names of famous artists from the past once again for our new arrival. We couldn't have been prepared for what actually happened though.

After Leonardo, the pains kept coming much like when she had had the twins.

But after Raphael, they continued for a bit more.

Michelangelo was the last to be born as well as a complete and utter surprise.
Three boys made five. Darleen had the babies that she had wanted when we got married. I guess I just never thought we'd get them all right away. Omar called to tell me congratulations and that he and Marianne were moving. I couldn't believe they would leave after their grandchildren were born. Darleen got only a little more information out of her mother when they said it was a new development by GothCorp named Pleasantview.

Eventually we got all the children situated into their own swings. We were going to go buy more cribs tomorrow to accomodate them all. That night as I held my wife close, I dreamed of the life I was going to give my five little angels. So far I had changed the future but would the future stay changed...