Author Topic: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 12  (Read 14720 times)

Offline marwolfer

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 8
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2012, 07:56:19 PM »

Generation Two: Coco Angel

Hey, hey, hey! It's me, Coco! Time for me to take over and tell you MY story! Mom's still around, so don't worry, but from here on out I'll be telling you what happens! The first thing I did when I officially became a young adult was to get a whole brand new, adult wardrobe! It was FABULOUS, of course! LOOK!

Of course, I'm not quite a full-fledged adult yet. I'm getting all the independence of being one, though! I went down to the courthouse for my graduation and came out as valedictorian! AND I was voted most artistic by my class! It was such an honor... even if the graduation robes were hideous...

There is a TON of responsibility on my shoulders now! Mom never was much of a worker; she supported us through painting and sculpting. Now it's my job to bring home the bacon. So I got a jump start on my ultimate dream and joined the stylist profession. Hopefully, I have what it takes to make it big!

Fast Facts

Name: Coco Angel
Age: YA
Traits: Genius, Virtuoso, Snob, Charismatic, Artistic
Likes: Cheese Tofu Steak, Purple, and R&B
Lifetime Wish: Fashion Phenomenon
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Gen 2 Intro
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2012, 01:41:55 PM »

Week One: Adventures in Adulthood

Even though I was super excited about my new job, I was glad that I had one more day at home with Mom. She was busy, as usual, in the backyard at her sculpting station. Ice was her new favorite medium... I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable leaving her alone with that chainsaw, but I guess she's old enough to maker her own decisions! I focused on preparing for work. After renovating Mom's work room from an inventing station to a nice sketch room for myself, I got to work making a few fashion sketches. They weren't that great (I've only just started!), but I know that they'll get better! I also worked a bit on my charisma. After all, I've got to schmooze those customers!

The next day, I headed off to work. I was so excited! The people were so nice and I even already had a couple of jobs! My very first customer arrived that morning, and I was so nervous that I thought I would have to be sick... but once I got started, it all came naturally. The customer was so pleased with the results that she gave me a huge tip! It was a great feeling knowing that I could make other people feel more beautiful!

Unfortunately, that exact same day, Mom got a visit from my worst nightmare... She was happily sculpting away in the backyard when a dark, cloaked figure came to take her away from this world. She seemed to go willingly, but I was beyond upset that I couldn't be there in her final moments. I know that she didn't mind, but for me I would always miss my Mom. She was a loner, she was independent, and she was amazing. RIP Michelle Angel.

The house was so quiet and lonely without Mom's steady presence. But I had to soldier on. Just because her life ended, didn't mean that mine could. I couldn't completely hide my feelings, though. My boss, Sidney Langley, could tell something was up. After I unloaded my feelings on his shoulders, Sidney gave me the best idea. He told me that I should wear a little bit of my mom in my uniform. I didn't even know that I could custom my work uniform. I thought this was an excellent idea and jumped on the idea. Sidney was brilliant! The yellow vest would always remind me of Mom's favorite color.

I didn't have a lot of time to mourn; after all, work was calling! And these people REALLY needed my help! Ugh, what were they thinking going out in public dressed like they were?!?! I almost threw up just thinking about it. Luckily, I talked them into some more stylish duds. The people of Riverview were really starting to love my style!

Back home, I was doing anything I could to ease my mourning. I dove into painting, but that didn't help. I got a call from my agent saying that I needed to work on my body a bit more, now that my star was on the rise. I obliged her and headed off to the gym. I thought maybe the mindless exercise would help me get over Mom's death. It didn't, but it gave me a great idea. Mom was always talking about the food at the Bistro (it was her favorite restaurant). After my work out, I headed on over to the restaurant to see if it was as good as she claimed. It was great! I finally got the perfect idea on how to commemorate Mom's life: I bought the Bistro right then and there and renamed it to Michelle Angel's Bistro.

I still missed Mom a lot, but the pain wasn't quite as bad. Just as I was feeling better, I had the styling job from Hades! It started off great. When the customer arrived, we hit it off great. She seemed to find me amusing and charming. When I led her over the styling station, she seemed to be on the same page as me; we discussed her new athletic wear in depth before I began the makeover. After I was done, she looked in the mirror and started to sob! She hated the look! I had done exactly what she asked, but apparently that just wasn't good enough! I guess I won't be getting her repeat business.

To combat this new misery, I jumped into sketching. After that disastrous makeover, I decided that my skill wasn't up to par and sketching was the best way to become a better stylist. By the next morning, I was feeling so much more confident that I walked right up a well-known celebrity in town and impressed the pants off of him! I really am charismatic, I guess! That day kep getting better because I had a repeat customer. Tremayne Hairston loved my last styling job, so he decided to let me redo the rest of his wardrobe. I ended the day with a stirring conversation with my boss, Sidney. Surprise! He had become a vampire! Luckily, we were friends, so he didn't try to feed on me.

The rest of the week was a blur. I made my way out into the field to expand my styling. It seemed that all the men in town were being turned into vampires! I hope this isn't a trend. I decided to invest my money around town: I became a partner at both the bookstore and the grocery store. It seemed like a great investment. The week ended in a sort of haze. I was still upset about Mom, but at least my life seemed to be leveling out. I hope that next week brings better things.

Even though Mom is gone, the two little gnomes she made are still up to no good! Salty felt the need to inspect Mom's ice table sculpture. Or maybe he was table dancing again? It seems to be quite a slippery surface! Squiggy, on the other hand, decided to go explore the treehouse. She seemed to be too afraid to climb the ladder though and just stayed at the base.

Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Gen 2 Intro
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2012, 01:43:57 PM »

In Memorium - Michelle Angel

Michelle Angel was the first generation of our little family. She didn't have many friends in life, but she was a well-known artist around Riverview. Her paintings and sculptures were highly sought after and her inventions even brought in a bit of cash. Her legacy is her beautiful daughter, Coco Angel, and an underground gallery of her best paintings, sculptures, and inventions. She will be missed.

Last Days

Michelle's Gallery


Painting Skill: Supermaxed
Sculpting Skill: Maxed with Chiselmaster, Prolific Sculptor, and Master Sculptor
Inventing Skill: Maxed

Gallery Holdings


3 Masterpieces
1 Brilliant
6 Other
10 Total


5 Total


Mr Pengi - Topiary, Masterpiece
Awesome Display - Stone, Brilliant
LMFAO - Metal, Brilliant
Under the Sea - Wood, Brilliant
Vicky the Vixen - Clay, Masterpiece
5 Total

RIP Michelle Angel

Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 9
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2012, 05:21:50 PM »
Aw. I love the memorial and the Last Days update. I also like the idea of Coco wearing the yellow in her uniform.


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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 9
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2012, 08:57:41 PM »
R.I.P Michelle :'( You will be missed. The memorial was lovely.

Offline Krrank

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 9
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2012, 01:09:21 PM »
Goodbye Michelle, she was a happy sim. It's nice seeing all the things she left behind. It's really smart of Coco to invest her inheritance. I like that.

Offline marwolfer

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 9
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2012, 03:04:26 PM »
Aw. I love the memorial and the Last Days update. I also like the idea of Coco wearing the yellow in her uniform.

Thanks. It's not like overtly yellow, but I thought it would be a nice touch.

R.I.P Michelle :'( You will be missed. The memorial was lovely.

Indeed. I was quite attached to Michelle!

Goodbye Michelle, she was a happy sim. It's nice seeing all the things she left behind. It's really smart of Coco to invest her inheritance. I like that.

I wasn't really sure exactly what specifications she should have in her inventing section, so I just put a selection of what she'd made so far. I have the time machine, too, but it was a bit too big for the room I built.  ;)
Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 9
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2012, 03:05:13 PM »

Week Two: How Time Flies

I decided this week to take a bit of the money Mom had saved up and do a little remodel of the house. After all, fashion isn't just what we wear on our backs! It's how we live our life! My old bedroom became the study, the bathroom got expanded, I moved to the master bedroom, and the living area got a new twist. What do you think of the new digs?

It's a lot of purple, I know! But that's my favorite! I also needed a wardrobe update. Fashion never stops. And neither can I! A completely up to date wardrobe is essential to my job. I can't be expected to make everyone stylish if I can't be stylish myself!

I had a little visit from Mom this week. Well, sort of. It was more of her disembodied spirit. I was a little bit freaked out at first, but then I realized that she just wanted to check on me and make sure I was doing okay.... and apparently chat with people online. That part is a little weird. I was just glad to see that she was happy in the other world.

My days off went by in a blur. I bought out the bookstore, so I could have a nice chunk of money in my nestegg. Then I went to the gym to keep my figure in good shape. Plus, it pleases my agent to know that I will always look good. I also picked up a skill point or two in cooking; I can't always just eat out. I don't have time!

I worked hard that week, styling customers over and over and over. It seemed like it was all just a big blur of fabric, makeup, and overweight guys. Somehow, I managed to satisfy them all. I was exhausted from it all!

I managed to squeeze in a bit of extra prep in between styling jobs. I worked on my charisma and sketching. It really helped out, and I earned a promotion! I am quickly on my way to the top of the fashion world! Who knows: someday my outfits could be seen in Bridgeport or Lucky Palms... or even France! Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I rewarded myself with a new outfit in honor of my promotion. I even received an award from city hall for making Riverview a more fashionable place!

At the end of the week, I got invited to a party. It wasn't a big soiree or anything, but one of my best customers was throwing the shindig so I made an appearance. There was a live musician and even some stimulating conversation. I left feeling pretty good.

There was a bit of fun with the Gnomes this week. Salty felt like mooning the ghost of the stray cat when she fell asleep on his table. Squiggy found a new love: the tv. I only recently bought it, and nearly every day I find her watching a new show. She was so happy that she did a little dance!

Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 10
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2012, 05:12:41 PM »

Week Three: The Charmed Life?

Well, world, I'm afraid that this week was not so exciting. I'm pretty focused on my job, so that's ALL I do anymore. I did get a nice surprise when my girlfriend, Trish, called and asked if she could come over. I agreed and fixed us a little brunch; it was nothing special, but I think she was happy to just to get to see me. I asked her to pose for a portrait so I could always remember her face. It seems like I never get to see her anymore!

After Trish left, I worked hard on finishing up my Charisma skill... and TADA! I mastered it! I was so excited I felt like I was walking on clouds for the rest of the day. Maybe Trish is just my lucky charm. I finished up my off days by visiting the businesses I own/am a partner of and collecting the money I made. It really was the best investment ever! I spotted Nellie Palma playing her guitar outside the Bistro and decided to paint a picture of the event once I got home.

The very next day, it was back to work. It seems like all of my makeovers are going well. I haven't had an upset client in a good long while and my schedule is always filled to the brim with new and repeat clients. Success feels so great. I don't even have to go to the salon anymore to report in. I am able to just go out and do my jobs with no strings attached. It's great!

I needed to blow off steam midweek, so I decided to learn how to make cookies. My first batch was a total success! Well, I didn't burn them at least. I also got my charisma master certificate in the mail. I couldn't wait to hang it on my wall! I had to go into town to record a commercial for some sort of new fragrance. My agent said that it was a good idea, and there hasn't been any negative press. While I was in town, there was a movie playing that I wanted to see, so I swung by and caught it. I may be tired in the morning, but it was a great flick!

Then it was back to the grindstone! More makeovers, more haircuts, more styling. It's really starting to get a bit monotonous, to be quite honest. I had a chance to console Sara Pace and cement our friendship for good when her boyfriend broke up with her. I hate seeing a friend cry, and Sara is so sweet! I captured an image of her to paint later. I also decided to do a portrait of Dallas, one of the many local vampires. All in all, it was a very boring week. But I have a feeling that next week will be more exciting! After all... my birthday is coming up!

Another installment of the Adventures of Salty & Squiggy! I don't have a funny picture of Squiggy this week: she's still glued to the television. However, Salty seems to have been reading a bit too much Harry Potter because he apparently mistook the wall of the house for the secret entrance to Platform 9 and 3/4. Silly gnome!

Origin ID: marwolfer
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Offline Audren

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 11
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2012, 06:12:40 PM »
I just read through this story, and I really like it! Salty cracks me up with his antics! I don't have gnomes, so I haven't experienced them myself. I'm looking forward to reading more about your various artists!  ;D

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 11
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2012, 06:42:25 PM »
I like the fashion career, it's never the same twice. You seem to be doing great. All your clients are on fire. You really do have a lot of vampires in your neighbourhood...mmm.

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 11
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2012, 08:10:19 PM »
Coco seems to be doing very well at her job! It is quite funny what the ghosts do around your home.

Offline marwolfer

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 11
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2012, 05:16:19 PM »
I just read through this story, and I really like it! Salty cracks me up with his antics! I don't have gnomes, so I haven't experienced them myself. I'm looking forward to reading more about your various artists!  ;D

Aw, thank you! This is the first time I've really had gnomes too. If you pay attention to who is who, you can see some patterns develop (Squiggy's tv addiction, Salty's love of dancing on the table...). It's really interesting! I'll let you know: the next generation is an author/painter.  ;)

I like the fashion career, it's never the same twice. You seem to be doing great. All your clients are on fire. You really do have a lot of vampires in your neighbourhood...mmm.

Seriously, I don't even know why there are so many vampires! It's weird. Maybe it's a Riverview thing?

Coco seems to be doing very well at her job! It is quite funny what the ghosts do around your home.

I love the ghosts. And there are going to be plenty more as the generations progress. I can't wait to see if the ghosts start to interact with one another!

Everyone, I'm trying to get the Diesel stuff pack out of my system. Also, real life is sort of taking over a bit (I'm at a point in my RL pregnancy that means I have TONS of doctor appointments as well as starting to accumulate all the baby stuff that I need), so there might be a bit of a delay in updates. I'll try to get one up this week. The next update is Coco's Adult Birthday!
Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 11
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2012, 11:13:31 PM »

Week Four: Life Marches On

To start the week off, I got a visit from Mom. I wasn't quite so freaked out this time. In fact, I slept pretty soundly with her next to me. It's nice to know that she still cares enough to transcend the boundaries between life and death to come check on me and my life! The next day, I could feel the artistic spirit moving through me, so I decided to finally do the portrait of Sara Pace that I'd been planning. I think I captured her sad expression quite well.

I kept working hard at my job. Studying fashion trends was really beginning to pay off, and my sketches were starting to fetch a pretty penny! I am amazed that anyone wants to buy my doodles, but hey, I'm not adverse to making money! The sketches must have really been getting my name around town because my styling jobs just keep going so great! I'm sure I will be at the top of my field in no time.

I got a call from my agent. She was told me that I was looking a bit flabby, so I should hit the gym. She also suggested that I throw a party for my birthday and invite all the celebrities I knew around town. I couldn't see the harm in it, so after hitting the gym I arranged a get together at the art gallery. It was a decent success; most everyone had a good time since there weren't any paparazzi to ruin the night.

After all the excitement of the party, I needed a nice quiet moment to myself. I found a secluded bench near the bookstore. My seclusion didn't last long as a bunch of fans found me and wanted to congratulate me on my birthday. Sometimes it is a bit daunting to be famous, but that's a price I have to pay, I guess. After aging up to adult, I decided that I needed a more mature (but no less fashionable!) new wardrobe. My old clothes were a bit too "party animal" for me now.

The next few days were just generally boring (sketching, painting, reading). However, while I was watching television, I realized that I was getting to the age that I needed to have bring a child into my life... after all, the Angel family name can't just die with me! Mom would be rolling over in her grave. Of course, my ticking biological clock may have had something to do with the fact that the only thing to watch on tv was adorable cartoons.

Instead of running down to the fertility clinic, I dug out the old dusty lamp and summoned the genie. There was one wish left, and I wanted to treat myself to a little something. So when the genie appeared, I asked her to make me rich! After the sparkles, smoke, and magic, she disappeared into the lamp. I ran to the computer to check my bank account and HOLY COW! There was suddenly over 100,000 simoleons there that hadn't been there before! I was so excited I decided to buy myself a brand new car! Mom's car was reliable, but old and unstylish. I love my new car! It's cute and goes so fast! Happy birthday to me! HAHA!

It was another interesting week in the Adventures of Salty and Squiggy. I got a bit behind in cleaning up the newspapers. Salty, apparently, was mortally offended by this and decided to try and fight the grime... by boxing with an old newspaper. He's so weird. Of course, Squiggy wasn't any more normal. She finally drug herself away from the tv to pay homage to Mom; she began worshipping the animal topiaries that Mom had sculpted during her life. Will the gnomes antics never end?

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Re: The Curse of the Artist - Chapter 12
« Reply #44 on: July 25, 2012, 09:48:15 AM »
Happy birthay Coco! Are she also going to adopt?
The gnomes are funny lol.

