Author Topic: Legacy of a Titan- Updated 09/29/2012, Ch. 9  (Read 7019 times)

Offline eisande

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Chapter Eight, Strange Things Keep Happening
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2012, 11:49:51 PM »
I hope you all enjoy this next update! Speaking of, I need to get the timing figure out but somehow I always forget to jot down the days...

The song for this chapter is "People are Strange" by The Doors.


Things just kept getting weirder around Bridgeport, a fact that disturbed Oranos greatly. How was he to keep his wife and daughter- especially his daughter- safe? Imagine his surprise when he attended a party hosted by his dear friend, who had retired, Romeo Rake, and noticed the host spouting a new pair of wings!

Rhea went off to her first day of high school. She had an idea of what to expect and most of her acquaintances from elementary school would be there but she was still nervous. "Was high school good for you?" she asked her father. He blinked at her. "I was home-schooled. You, uh, should really talk to your mother about what it was like," he said. They were going to have the talk sooner rather than later. She was getting very curious.
A funny thing happened the next time Oranos was playing chess with his daughter. She won! It took him longer than he would ever admit to figure out how she had beaten him.

Marina talked to Rhea about high school and answered all her questions when she was teaching her to drive.

Marina had won another award for her latest role. No wonder she was a five-star celebrity!

With such an expressive face, Rhea could maybe follow in her mother's footsteps.

She was still the first stop on the bus driver's route for high school, which gave her a few moments of peace and quiet before the madness began.

As for things between Marina and Oranos... well... they had struck an uneasy truce. Things changed after the next full moon though. Marina saw an acquaintance of hers standing outside. He looked weird so she went out to see if he was okay. He wasn't and neither was the person who crawled through the ground as she watched!

They were moving towards her... If Oranos hadn't heard her scream, there was no telling what would happen.

He had no thought for his own safety, just for hers. And he was as handsome as ever under the light of the moon. With him there, she felt braver. He would keep her safe, even from the Grim Reaper. (Apparently the undead can die from old age.)

She even dared to boo the zombie before retreating to safety indoors for the rest of the evening.

It got her thinking about what had happened between them. Oranos tried to rekindle the flames that had burned so brightly at first but he had a worse temper than she did. Having come so close to death (even closer than when she was teaching Rhea to drive) had made her realize how messed up her priorities had become and how selfish she'd been. The two finally were able to reconcile.

They found common ground again when Rhea informed them prom was coming soon...
- Eisande

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Re: Legacy of a Titan- Updated 09/20/2012, Ch. 8
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2012, 08:50:16 AM »
Aww I'm so glad they reconciled! Rhea is a very pretty teen by the way, she's clearly inherited her parents' good genes. The pictures in the nighttime were all very dark, I don't know if it was just my screen but I couldn't see what was going on. :( I wonder what's causing all these strange things!

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Offline eisande

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Chapter Nine, Introducing Prince
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2012, 12:17:11 AM »
Aww I'm so glad they reconciled! Rhea is a very pretty teen by the way, she's clearly inherited her parents' good genes. The pictures in the nighttime were all very dark, I don't know if it was just my screen but I couldn't see what was going on. :( I wonder what's causing all these strange things!

Yes, I really was concerned their autonomous interactions would drive them apart and keep them that way! And thank you, I think she's growing up very lovely. You're right about the pictures, unfortunately. I am trying to get better. It takes planning to make things happen at the right time, LOL. And that shall be revealed. :)

*waves to readers* Again, thank you all for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

The song for this chapter is "In This Diary" by The Ataris.


Life went on much as usual for the Titans. There was a scary incident when Oranos was trying to repair the dishwasher and got badly shocked.

The next day a large package delivered to Oranos. He looked quite grim about it at first but after the initial shock of seeing a skeleton in a maid's uniform (and the greater shock of seeing that skeleton move!)  Marina and Rhea grudgingly accepted the maid (the name "Bonehilda" was a joke at first but it stuck) as a part of their daily routine.

For the most part she made life easier for them all. Oranos was content for the moment to let her take over household repairs though Rhea was turning out to be a fair hand at it. She was inspired by her dad's constant efforts to stay in shape and took the initiative to jog pretty much everywhere she could.

Oranos felt his mortality a little more each day. His partner had already gone all grey. His other good friend Rafael Striker had tragically perished in a fire. He threw himself into work to dull the grief. Besides, he wanted to do as much as he could while he could. He knew the beacon that drew the supernatural to Bridgeport. It was hard to listen to others talk about it without feeling guilty. Those same conversations could contain useful tidbits of information.

After a couple drinks, he wasn't always as vigilant as he was supposed to be. International Super Spies were pretty capable individuals but they couldn't defy the laws of physics.

Fortunately for Oranos and Marina no one asked Rhea to prom. Her mother did her best to comfort her. "I'm sure they're just intimidated by your good looks and brains," she said. The younger woman chuckled weakly.

"You're just saying that because you're my mother." It was Marina's turn to laugh. She planted a kiss on her daughter's forehead and sent her off to school. They hardly got to see each other any more, what with Marina always on the set, researching her next role, scoping out the work of the competing studio, or schmoozing it up with the locals and Rhea's after school activities. She was a very active part of the Debate and Sports Club. She was growing up so fast! Much to Marina's chagrin, she wasn't able to help Rhea get ready for prom and since her debate club meeting went a little late, Rhea didn't even have time change her clothes.

She had a great night. All right, so she was rejected for a dance by her crush and got into a fight with the person she later caught hitting on him. (In fact, she fell into the backdrop and nearly broke it!) But she was vote Prom Queen and really loved the way her photo turned out. The decorations were amazing.

Oranos couldn't help being relieved that she didn't come home with a boyfriend though Marina was more than ready to start living vicariously through her daughter. She had proven to be quite mature for her age. It was time he told her the truth. So the next day after school as they were watching the news before bed, he decided to tell her.

"You're a bright girl. I'm sure you've noticed that things aren't exactly normal in our town." Rhea nodded. She'd seen her classmates do some pretty strange things and kept having these weird dreams... "I think it's time you knew why-"

"You know? Why don't you stop it?"

"That's a bit beyond my abilities. The best I can do is contain it and help everyone deal with it." He took a deep breath. "They're here because of me. Because of us." Rhea blinked at him.

"What are you saying? That you're not human?"

"Not exact-"

"That your- our- presence is somehow attracting things that aren't supposed to exist outside of stories?"

"Ye-" She didn't give him a chance to explain more. Rhea leaped up from the couch. The expression on her face mirrored Marina's when they had their fights.

"This is a really bad joke, Dad! It isn't funny! For a moment I almost believed you!"


He wanted to assure her that he was and explain it. Didn't she remember the monsters under her bed? The eerie howls produced by no human vocal cords during the full moon? The not-quite-living shambling around the house? Their maid? Maybe she didn't want to put the pieces together. Before he could gently help her do just that and explain more fully, she raced from the room. Apparently she wasn't willing to hear more at the moment. He didn't blame her. The full truth was going to be a lot to handle.

Fortunately the family got a welcome distraction in the form of a new addition- this adorable little scamp!

His name is Prince, a small mutt who was adopted from the Claviers. He is a Playful Genius. Rhea didn't get to meet him until just after curfew. She was out late doing a school project. One of the people she managed to survey was Don Lothario, a new arrival from Riverview.

Work and school and the puppy were enough to keep Oranos and Rhea occupied. But sometimes over dinner their eyes would meet before they would look away. One day, Rhea promised herself, they would pick up that conversation where it'd left off. Until then she would try to put it from her mind.

The prom had been bad enough but worse was the notification at the awards ceremony. That meant she'd be graduating soon. Sure enough, the cross eyes made their return...

Happy Birthday Rhea! Welcome to adulthood.

And wow did she grow up nicely, if I do say so myself.

(The next update will contain shots of the expanded house, new traits, more Prince, and other info about how Oranos and Marina are doing.)
- Eisande

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Re: Legacy of a Titan- Updated 09/29/2012, Ch. 9
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2012, 11:12:25 AM »
Rhea is very pretty. That maid is creepy!

Offline donatello

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Re: Legacy of a Titan- Updated 09/29/2012, Ch. 9
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2012, 01:18:37 PM »
Awesome story! Had seen it on the new posts but was intrigued now to read. Can't exactly follow EVERY story... I like this guy, he's a genuine pillar for the family and the story. And I like your writing style (hard to define, impossible not to love) I'll be following the Titans' progress closely from now on. Love the "theme song" thing. Well done eisande!
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