Author Topic: Teen sim sneaking everywhere  (Read 52702 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: My Sim won't stop sneaking!
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2012, 01:36:18 PM »
I wish I could help but the same thing happened to me once and she did it until she was elder. I hope someone else has an idea.

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Offline cathyknits

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Re: My Sim won't stop sneaking!
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2012, 01:37:08 PM »
Have her play tag or catch with another sim - that might get her stuck running, but at least it's fast instead of slow. :)

Also, possibly, sign her up as a PI, have her sneak somewhere, and see if she goes back to walking normally after sneaking appropriately? Except that might mess up her career.
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Offline samoht04

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2012, 02:02:12 PM »
I've merged Snuffles Thread with this one by DeLouche as it is on the same issue.
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2012, 03:57:32 PM »
this has happened to my 2nd generation to be immortal as well. I will send him to boarding school and see if that does something positive.

Interesting thing ... his imaginary friend (who was made real and also grounded) did not start sneaking, just my to be immortal.


Offline Wai

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2012, 08:17:26 PM »
I haven't had this problem, but, I wonder if getting the sim to jog everywhere for a while might reset this problem.  Even if it doesn't, jogging is going to be faster when collecting etc.
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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2012, 04:03:01 AM »
My Sim worked fine in China but when she got home she was still sneaking. I've tried her playing with her daughter but she sneaks even then!
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2012, 09:17:58 AM »
Sending the sim to boarding school and then removing him from it stopped the sneaking.

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Offline xXanotherStarXx

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Sim stuck 'sneak' walking
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2012, 09:00:17 PM »
After my teen snuck out while being grounded, the sim has been stuck walking as if they were sneaking out. Is there a way to fix it? :) Thanks :)

Offline YolandaBlu

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Re: Sim stuck 'sneak' walking
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2012, 09:17:11 PM »
I have had that happen a couple of times.  You can stop it if you can get a parent to let them off the hook.  However, sometimes that option does not come up.  Another way is to go to edit town and take them out of family and back again.  You have to take a parent or another adult.  So far that has worked every time.  Sometimes I just waited until they were a young adult so no parents were necessary.  Of course if you are doing an "game." that might be against the rules.

Offline xXanotherStarXx

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Re: Sim stuck 'sneak' walking
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2012, 09:31:13 PM »
I have had that happen a couple of times.  You can stop it if you can get a parent to let them off the hook.  However, sometimes that option does not come up.  Another way is to go to edit town and take them out of family and back again.  You have to take a parent or another adult.  So far that has worked every time.  Sometimes I just waited until they were a young adult so no parents were necessary.  Of course if you are doing an "game." that might be against the rules.

Thank You :) I removed them from the family and added them again, and now it's working perfectly :) Thank you :) :) :)

Offline simalone

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2013, 12:29:33 AM »
This could be the only place I am posting this, so please share well! I won't get mad or anything if no one cites me!  ;)

If you wish to break your current sims from sneak, spend 800 simalones to send them to boarding school until they leave. Then call them home. This should do the least amount of damage to your household funds and to your lifetime happiness points.

If you want to avoid perma-sneak but not miss out on going to school, simply send your parent to where they are when you are ready for them to return home. The parent will be mad at them, but they would have left the house without becoming slow. Tried this with my sim to send them to school, but make sure your sim is done being out of the house or does not have an afterschool activity they will miss! I don't know if this works if the sim is already out of the building, but it works if your sim is still in the school building. Hope this helps!

Offline ashlyntarrantxox

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solution for stopping your sim from sneeking
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2013, 08:42:40 AM »
If your sim is still a teen and sneaking around the house then you can enroll him/her to Bording school then take them out after the first day .
But if your sim has grown up and still sneaking around you could either move him/her to a different house (which i found didn't work ) or follow these steps .

1: press ctrl+SHIFT+c at the same time on your key bored.(which will make a box on top of the screen appear.)
2:in the box type in  testingcheatsenabled true  (No capitals ,1 space between enabled and true ) then press enter .
3:find the sim that you want to stop sneaking and click  shift on your keyboard while clicking on the sim .
4:An option should appear saying "Edit sim in creator sim" Which will make you go back to creator sim (don't worrie all the memory is still there !)
then change your sim from young adult /Elder ect  to a teen  then click the tick .
5:now your sim is a teen she/he you can enroll your sim to bording school ,after the first day take him/her out and repeat steps 4 and 5 but instead of changing your sim into a teen change it back it to an adult

Hope this helpt :)

Offline Angélique

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2013, 03:25:31 PM »
There is actually a really simple solution to this, because it happened to me and after researching a little bit, I found it. You can either move the sims out of the house and then move them back in, or send them to boarding school momentarily and then bring them back. It works.

This is the easiest and quickest way to correct abnormal sneaking. I have tried it and it worked fine. :)

Offline Symux

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2013, 10:43:09 PM »
Two Fixes for this problem.

1) Have the sneaking sim make friends with a neighbor.
  - Save your game under a new name, as anything can happen.
  - Change the active house to the friend, and invite the sneaky sim over.
  - Ctrl + Shift + C  and then type moveobjects on
  - Enter the buy/build mode, and pick up the sneak as if it were an ordinary object.  Delete it.
  - Ctrl + Shift + C and then type moveobjects off
  - Go into 'Town Edit' mode
  - Change the active house back to the one with the sneaking sim.  It no longer sneaks.
  ----This will only work if you delete him/her from another household, otherwise you remove them from the game.---
  ----When you reload the sneak's household, they will return to the game without any glitches.---

2) I did not test this second way, but several in this forum swear by it.  I assume it works.
  - Send the affected sim to boarding school.
  - Phone and bring them home.  They will come back without any errors.

Offline maryquitecontrary

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Re: Teen sim sneaking everywhere
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2013, 10:30:47 AM »
I had a similar problem where my sim wouldn't stop doing this weird jaunty walk everywhere after she woohooed in public, but all I had to do was resetSim and it fixed her problem :)
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