Le Petit ApartmentName: Le Petit Apartment
Lot Size: 30 x 28 (52, Mirabello Road, Sunset Valley. Original Lot for Let Petit Shark Pool)
Bedrooms: 1 bedroom
Bathrooms: 1 bathroom
Cost when placed on
52 Mirabello Road, Sunset Valley: 9027$
Cost when placed on
52 Mirabello Road, Sunset Valley unfurnished: 5680$
Requires Expansion: Base Game, Late Night, Generation and Showtime, Outdoor Stuff
Welcome to Le Petit Apartment, a revamped of the old Le Petit Shark Pool.
I'm Elvin Nova, your house guide for today. We are now at the lobby where two elevators will lead you to the first and second floor. There is also two common rooms on the ground floor connected to the lobby.
First is the beautiful nursery, where you children can play with other children.
Next is the classy lounge, where you and your date can chill and have dinner while listening to the classical music. You can also hone your mixology skill here if you're interested. We have classes every day.
The elevators are wondrous inventions that move you between floors, and also provide enough privacy for some frisky business.
Like other elevators, Le Petit's elevators also provide massage services to you.
Your room is spacious and beautifully decorated, comes with a kitchen and also a bathroom.
Now, you must wondering where is the pool, right?
The pool is located behind the apartment and is a common hangout for the tenants. You can also roast some marshmallow if you want to after a swim.
I hope you enjoyed the tour.