Author Topic: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Failed, Graveyard)  (Read 17785 times)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2012, 10:11:52 AM »
It's an opportunity called "When Dreams Come True," and it calls for a rainbow gem and $4500, which is pocket change by this point of the dynasty. Especially when you can wish for fortune from the genie. ;)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2012, 11:01:16 AM »
Raven: Time flies when you're having fun, and before you know it, it's time for the kids to grow up. Jenny followed the time-honored tradition of throwing herself a birthday party before school so she doesn't have to go.

Raven: She's a little self-conscious of her jawline, so she's cut her hair shorter to hide it.

Raven: And then she immediately begins cooking. Her time at the toy oven paid off, and her brand new MultiTab pays off even more.
Jennifer: Quiet, tablet. I'm trying to chop veggies here.
Raven: ...Whatever happened to that friendly trait you supposedly have?
Jennifer: Never interrupt a natural cook while she's in her element. I'll be friendly later.

Raven: Puzzle wanted the experience of attending elementary school at least once before he became a teen, so he waited to have his birthday.

Raven: Unfortunately, since he only attended one day of school, he was forced to take a random trait for his birthday. No sense of humor for this imaginary friend.
Puzzle: Is it my fault that your attempts at humor are little more than juvenile word games?
Raven: Oh, this will be fun, won't it?

Raven: Gary took Jenny out to teach her to drive later that night, though they didn't quite finish before both father and daughter were too stressed out to continue.
Gary: You'd be stressed, too, if you had to sit through that! Did you even see that light pole, or were you just hoping the car would phase through it?
Jennifer: Maybe if you weren't constantly yelling at me, I'd be able to pay more attention to such minor things!
Raven: Right. Off to the hot tub, both of you.

Raven: Meanwhile, Mandy is still in the midst of her mid-life crisis. This... this... I don't even know what this is.
Mandy: It's the latest fashion from France, obviously! One would think you don't care about appearances from your ignorance!
Raven: I'm a disembodied spirit from the netherworld. I don't care about appearances.
Mandy: More's the pity.

Fiona: Finally!
Raven: Finished the last of your challenges, I see. Congratulations, sweetheart!
Fiona: Thanks! It didn't seem to take so long to finish last time.
Raven: That's because last time you took a long vacation to do most of it. Plus, you already had an established garden to work with.
Fiona: I suppose so. Now, if only these cheese plants would produce more. I don't have an eternity to finish this opportunity, after all.

Raven: Prom night is here, and both Puzzle and Jenny are going solo. I'd hoped that prom would come a couple days later, so Liam could join them, but it wasn't to be.

Raven: Have fun, kids. Don't do anything rash!

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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2012, 11:34:26 AM »
Hope they have a good time at prom! Jenny is a pretty Sim.

Offline Joria

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2012, 01:46:16 PM »
Really enjoying the story so far.  That's a lot of spares to deal with though.  Really nice looking crew you've got too.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2012, 12:09:59 PM »
Thanks, Sadie and Joria! It is a lot of spares to deal with, but I'm currently using two of them as painting slaves er sims and two as sculptors. Mandy mostly just sits in the hot tub, though she takes over gardening when there's too much for just Fiona to handle. I'm planning to put off generation 3 as long as I can to make space to (hopefully) have both him/her and the spouse born in the house.

Raven: So, how was prom?
Jennifer: Well, I got Prom Queen, and Puzzle got Prom King, and...
Raven: And?
Jennifer: :whispers: I think I've got a crush on him!
Raven: Mind being a bit more specific there, hon?
Jennifer: Puzzle. I think I've got a crush on Puzzle.
Raven: Oh. Oh, dear – I mean, if that's what you want, hon.

Raven: The next day, Liam had his teen birthday. Make a wish!

Liam: I wish Mum wouldn't laugh at all of my birthday parties.
Raven: She can't help that she's inappropriate, you know. Here, let's get your clothes sorted.

Liam: Um, what about the hair? I don't want the same haircut as Imaginary-boy.
Raven: Do I sense a bit of rivalry, Liam?
Liam: I don't know what you're talking about.
Raven: Mmhmm. Here, does this suit your artistic sensibilities.
Liam: It'll do.
Raven: Teenagers...

Raven: You look unhappy, sweetheart. Something wrong?
Fiona: This stupid table's rigged, I just know it!
Raven: What are you even doing here? You're not immortal yet, so there's still work to do.
Fiona: Well, the garden's all tended and I've learned all I can there. The cheese plants are still not producing enough to finish that stupid opportunity.
Raven: They are outstandingly rare, after all.
Fiona: And to top it all off, I was this close to a promotion at work when it was time to leave.
Raven: That one, we can do something about.

Fiona: Heya, Emily! Glad you could come over and visit! Now that we're best friends, d'ya suppose you could promote me to Creature-Robot Cross Breeder?
Emily: Well, since you put it that way, of course!
Fiona: YES! Lifetime wish: complete! Just one more promotion to the top of the career.
Raven: Congratulations, sweetheart!

Jared: Hello? Birthday over here. You never do anything for these adult birthdays, do you?
Raven: Eheh, sorry about that. Please tell me you're not having a crisis?

Jared: What do you think of my new outfit?
Raven: ...What's with you and your wife and your bizarre taste in clothing?
Mandy: I think it looks dashing, and it matches marvelously with my fruit-dress.
Raven: Are you sure you're not insane?


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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2012, 04:24:43 PM »
Congrats with all the birthdays! Jared's outfit is interesting lol. ;D

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2012, 08:45:38 PM »
Raven: Codex is getting pretty old, but his life is really good. Plenty of food, play, and attention for this old boy.

Raven: Jenny hasn't really shown much interest in Puzzle since the prom, but he managed to convince her to watch the stars with him one evening.

Jennifer: :whispers:
Puzzle: :chuckles:
Raven: What are you two talking about?
Jennifer and Puzzle: Nothing.

Raven: Puzzle isn't the only one vying for Jenny's attention. Liam tends to ignore the glares aimed his way from Puzzle, as long as Jennifer accepts his affection.

Jennifer: :sigh:
Raven: What's wrong, hon?
Jennifer: I can't decide. How am I supposed to do this?
Raven: You'll think of something, I'm sure. You've got some time before you have to choose one of them, but try not to hurt anyone too badly.
Jennifer: Easier said than done, tablet.

Raven: Meanwhile, Jared has finally finished all of the challenges associated with sculpting.
Jared: And it's a masterpiece!
Raven: Congratulations!

Fiona: Yes! Who's a Mad Scientist? I am, that's who!
Raven: Awesome, sweetheart! Lessee, what have you still got to finish?
Fiona: Mmm, two opportunities, solidify my best friends, and elder museum pieces.
Raven: Two opportunities!? You're only two days from your birthday! What have you been doing?
Fiona: Trying to grow great cheese, remember? I never managed to get any job-related opportunities, and that cheese one tied up my time for weeks.

Raven: What are you crazy kids up to tonight?
Liam: Dinner and a movie.
Raven: :whispers: Made any decisions yet, hon?
Jennifer: :whispers: Maybe?

Raven: How about now?
Jennifer: Err, well...
Raven: Don't tell me, you still want them both?
Jennifer: Kinda, yeah.
Raven: :sigh:
Puzzle: :thinks: This isn't looking up for me...

Puzzle: So, Jared...
Jared: Hmm?
Puzzle: Whaddaya think about Jenny and Liam?
Jared: Well, I think Fi had been hoping for them to get together someday. Of course, that was before you came around.
Puzzle: I didn't ask what Fiona thought, I asked what you thought.
Jared: Honestly?
Puzzle: Yeah.
Jared: I want the best for my son. If Jennifer makes him happy, good for them. But, you know that you and Jenny are older, and he may still meet someone in school after you two leave.
Puzzle: Yeah... maybe so.

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Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2012, 04:09:51 PM »
Raven: Fiona attended a party thrown by her former boss, Emily Elson, only to witness the arrival of the world's least favorite party crasher.

Fiona: I only hope he didn't take any undue notice of my presence, seeing how I'm not immortal yet, and technically, I think I'm not even supposed to be alive. How did Grandmother manage to hide my existence, anyway?
Raven: Long story, sweetheart. You'll no doubt hear it when it's time, but that time isn't now.

Raven: The next day was the big day. Fiona's elder birthday.
Fiona: You sound so enthused over there. C'mon, this is supposed to be a party!
Raven: I can't believe you're throwing a party so soon after that near-miss. You know how Grim loves a party, after all.
Fiona: Party pooper. This is the last birthday I'll ever get to have, and I haven't had a party since moving here. It's my birthday, and I'll have a party if I want to.
Raven: Alrighty, then. Make a wish, sweetheart.

Fiona: I wish...

Fiona: I wish my old clothes still fit me.

Gary: I think you're beautiful.
Fiona: Thank you, love.

Raven: The next day was a triple birthday featuring Gary, Jenny, and Puzzle. First up was Gary.
Gary: Are you sure I have to do this?
Raven: Absolutely.
Gary: Oh, alright.

Raven: You still look great, old man.
Gary: :grumbles: I'll show you “old man.”

Raven: Next up was Jennifer.
Jennifer: I wish I knew what to do about Puzzle and Liam...

Raven: Here, let's get your clothes ready. You look just like your mother, you know?

Raven: Finally, Puzzle's turn at the cake. Nevermind Jenny's dress and hair, there. I shot this picture before she retreated to the mirror and dresser.
Jennifer: Hey! No fair showing everyone the weird wedding dress I aged up with!
Puzzle: Um, having a birthday here.
Raven: Sure thing, dear. Why don't you go ahead and blow out those candles?

Raven: Just a quick trip to the mirror and dresser, and we're ready to go!

Puzzle: Hey, Raven. Keep this between us, but :whispers: …
Raven: :raises a virtual eyebrow: Oh, is that so? Well...

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 9)
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2012, 01:40:17 PM »
Great updates!  :)  Happy birthday Jennifer and Puzzle! Happy birthday Fiona! She's quite close to Ambrosia, I think.

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 10)
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2012, 12:12:23 PM »
You might think so, Roxanne, but that Outstandingly Rare opp took forever, and I never once saw a career opp. Fiona kept me on the edge of my seat with those opps...

Raven: The next day was graduation, and though it was a close race, Puzzle beat out Jenny for the valedictorian spot.
Jennifer: :grumbles: Why did I have to imagine such a smart friend?
Puzzle: At least you got Most Popular!
Jennifer: Coming from Mr. Most Likely to be a Rock Star? How comforting.

Puzzle: So, uh, Jenny? Now that we're all grown up, what would you say about maybe :indistinct whispers: …
Jennifer: Hmm, I might be convinced...

Raven: Jennifer! Where are – oh! Oh, dear. I'll just – I'll just be over here...

Raven: Liam! All ready to go to your prom?
Liam: :glumly: Yeah, I guess.
Raven: What'sa matter, hon?
Liam: I'm not blind, y'know. Imaginary-boy's getting all cozy with Jenny, and I'm too young to do anything about it.
Raven: You could always meet someone at prom, you know? If you go in expecting to hate it, you will.
Liam: You're right. I'll make the best of it.

Raven: And make the best of it, he did. This is Carol Rojas, a relatively new resident of Starlight Shores. She made quite the impression on Liam last night. But then, who wouldn't want to make nice with this year's Prom King?

Raven: Liam and Carol went on a lovely date to Mick's Master Karaoke the day after prom and had a lovely time together.

Raven: He even went so far as to steal a kiss from the lovely Miss Rojas.

Raven: And then...
Liam: ...and I've known her my whole life and pretty much loved her forever, but...
Raven: Liam, no!

Carol: You what?! How can you say something like that after you just kissed me? Liam Ghee, you are just horrible!
Liam: Whoa! What'd I say?
Raven: You'd better make with the apologies, hon. And never talk about another woman with your new lady.

Liam: Please, Carol! I didn't mean to –

Carol: No, Liam. I should've known better. You two were always closer than just friends. Which, incidentally, is all we'll be, too. Goodbye, Liam.
Raven: That... could've gone worse, actually.
Liam: How? Now I don't get either girl.

Puzzle: So, yeah. Jen. Y'see, I know you like Liam better than me –
Jennifer: Puzzle, no!
Puzzle: Hush. Let me finish. I could tell when we went on that date, you had a better time with him than me. You imagined me as a friend, not a boyfriend, and it's probably best if we stay that way.

Jennifer: Then why – yesterday, why'd you suggest...?
Puzzle: Can't help myself, love. I seem to have commitment issues. You'll always have a place in my heart, though.
Jennifer: :sighs: Love you too, Puzzle. Even when you're infuriating.


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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 10)
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2012, 09:16:58 AM »
Romance can be complicated lol! But Liam and Jennifer belong together.
Can't wait to see what happen next. Great update!

Offline Phantome-A

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 10)
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2012, 06:22:41 PM »
Liam will make cute nooboos ;)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 11)
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2012, 11:34:05 PM »
Thanks for the comments, loveSims and Phantome! When it became obvious that Jen wasn't going to choose one or the other, I rolled randomly for which guy would get the honor of fathering generation 3. ;) I was certainly rooting for Liam, since it was pretty much the entire reason he was born. But dear Jenny never rolled any wishes beyond first kiss in her teen years and only the one woohoo wish with Puzzle after they aged up.

Raven: Days passed, and Jenny got her job at the bistro. Jared got a food replicator for the kitchen, and Fiona spent some time upgrading the memory on it so she wouldn't have to fish up so many death fish.
Fiona: And I got my fifth opportunity finished and picked up the last one. Just waiting for Jenny to be ready for a vacation to Al Simhara to get the photo I need.
Raven: Why are you waiting on Jennifer? You're allowed to travel now, you know.
Fiona: Oh, I know. I just suspect that there will be something else going on while there, and I'd hate to be too jet lagged to witness it.

Raven: Meanwhile, at Buckshot Lake...
Liam: You're sure I won't be in trouble for being away from home after curfew?
Jennifer: You worry too much! And besides, as an adult, I'm technically your chaperone here. Now, is it midnight yet?
Liam: Almost.
Jennifer: Now! Blow out those candles!

Liam: So, Jen. There a reason you brought me all the way out here to blow out some candles on a cake?
Jennifer: There might be. It could be because I didn't want Pu – anyone to get jealous.
Liam: Jealous? Of what?
Jennifer: This.

Liam: So, what you're saying is that Imaginary-boy would have reason to be jealous of what's going on here?
Jennifer: Well, he might if we hadn't agreed to just be friends...

Liam: You know, I've always had a little crush on you, Jen.
Jennifer: Not so little, Liam dear. And not exactly hidden, either. Liam, you make me happier than any other man I've known. I just want you to know that.
Liam: I do know that. I'm just glad you finally realized it.

Jennifer: Silly man. Come here!
Liam: Mmmph!

Jennifer: Well, I guess there's just one more thing to do before we head to Egypt with Mom and Dad. Liam Ghee, will you marry me?
Liam: Isn't that supposed to be my line?
Jennifer: Not in this family! :winks:
Liam: :sighs: Well, if that's the way it is, I suppose I'll say yes.

Raven: Not so fast. Still one more thing before you lovebirds fly off into the sunset. Get yourself to a dresser, man!

Raven: Fiona and Gary accompanied Jenny and Liam to Al Simhara for a short vacation. While the kids explored a bit, Gary and Fiona took some photos for the house and for Fiona's last opportunity. When sunset came, both couples made their way to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. First came Jennifer's ring (and goofy wedding face).

Raven: Then Liam's.

Raven: And you may now kiss your bride. Everyone please welcome Mr. Liam Medley and Mrs. Jennifer Medley!

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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 11)
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2012, 11:41:23 PM »
Woo! Congrats to Liam and Jennifer finally getting together, they look adorable.
Great update as always!


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Re: Medley Immortal Dynasty, Take Two (Chapter 11)
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2012, 04:08:08 PM »
Congrats on the wedding! They are a beautiful couple.
Can't wait for the nooboo. :)

