I had made the absolute perfect Sim couple, living the most perfect life, totally in love, no kids, successful jobs, etc etc. They were out on a date at the Bistro place, when all of a sudden, the sky got dark. That stupid meteor killed them, and TWELVE OTHER CITIZENS who were dining outside with them. Worst part? I couldn't even play their ghosts.
See, back in Sims 2, when everyone in your family died, the game would basically tell you "Oops, everyone's dead. Start a new game, or don't save." and it wouldn't let you play any further. Not Sims 3. Sims 3 forces you to sit in your computer chair, mouth agape, stuck sitting and watching the aftermath of your poor beautiful sims' demise. D: I hate meteors.
I think the worst meteor story I've ever heard on a forum before though was how a meteor struck the local school, killing every single child/teen inside. Which, you know, is almost all of the ones in town.
The wedding story above sounds sad