Author Topic: Relationships disappear when exNPC visits tomb in Egypt/Al Simhara  (Read 2207 times)

Offline Jeni2810

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He's a born-in-game sim, she was a townie, moved in (using testingcheatsenabled).

Twice now, when visiting Al Simhara her home relationships, have just upped and disappeared. The first time I thought it was to do with a dodgy save, so went back to a previous one. Even losing some really good experiences, like them getting engaged and married while on vacation.

So, they're back home and her relationships are all intact. They get engaged and married at home (Wedding Party at a Park, and no one turned up, and then some house remodelling to make room for future children).

Time to send them on honeymoon/vacation. He has an unfinished adventure and is nearly up to level 3, so back to Al Simhara we go. I'm pretty sure I checked her relationships as soon as they arrived, they were ok.

He has just bought Tear of Horus, so scouting the valuable dig sites, whilst on a date together they end up near The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, so tired and wanting to grab any available treasure, so go to bed in the tomb, in the servants quarters.

That's when I noticed her energy was still going down, as if she wasn't sleeping, the time hadn't gone to x3 either, she had no bed icon and the mouse didn't allow me to queue an action for her apart from on herself. I got her to change clothes to get her out of the bed and this was when I saw all her relatonships other than the locals she had talked to that day and her husband were gone. She was almost dying so I reset her.

First time, nothing like that happened, I just noticed her friendships disappearing.
The common factor does seem to be visiting a tomb, although that could be coincidence. I'll re check from a previous save.

I have tried searching but can't find anyone with a similar problem, I'm thinking she might be bugged somehow as my sims have travelled extensively without this happening. I don't want to , but will if I have to, get rid of her! Shame as they really are in love.

Any ideas?? Similar experiences??

Jeni  :)